Title: F' Wrgtter
1Neural control Layers, Loops, Learning and
Old Man of Storr (Isle of Skye)
F. Wörgötter Bernstein Center for Comp.
Neurosci. Göttingen
2Biological locomotion control
Biomechanics Neural control
- Central Pattern Generator (CPG)
- Reflexes (local motor response to a local
sensation) -
- Higher control centers (brain for e.g.,
posture, direction)
Brain-lesioned Cockroach Incline 45 degrees
3Adaptive Control during Walking Three Loops
Step control Terrain control
Central Control (Brain)
Ground- contact
Spinal Cord (Oscillations )
Motorneurons Sensors (Reflex generation)
Muscles Skeleton (Biomechanics)
Muscle length
4RunBots Network of the lowest loop
Motor neurons Sensors (Reflex generation)
Muscles Skeleton (Biomechanics)
Muscle length
5Leg Control of RunBot Reflexive Control
6Long-Loop Reflex of one of the upper loops
Terrain control
Central Control (Brain)
Before or during a fall Leaning forward of
rump and arms
7Body (UBC) Control of RunBot
Leaning Reflex triggered by a fall. (accelerometer
signal AS)
8Long-Loop Reflexe der obersten Schleife
Terrain control
Central Control (Brain)
Forward leaning UBC
Backward leaning UBC
10Leg Control as Target of the Learning
11Learning in RunBot
Learning synapses
Fixed reflex synapses
12RunBot Learning to climb a slope
BBC, July 07 New York Times July 07 AAAS Sci
Update July 07
Manoonpong et al PLoS CB, July 07
13Passive Walking Properties
Lower floor
Upper floor
Too late
Early enough
Such a controller assures behavioral stability
(weak homeostasis) as well as stability during
the learning (fall-back behavior). But
Reflexes are always too late!
16Cerebellar-Like Reflex-Avoidance Learning
During learning the primary reflex re-action has
effectively been eliminated and replaced by an
earlier anticipatory action.
17Predictive Learning
18IR-Signal (ramp) predicts AS-Signal (fall)
19Systems Theoretical Analysis
Leaning reflex
The Basic Control Structure Schematic diagram of
a pure reflex loop
20This is an open-loop system
The T represents the temporal delay between
vision and bump.
21Antomically this loop still exists but ideally it
should never be active again !
This is the system after learning
22The inner pathway has now become a
pure feed-forward path
What has happened in engineering terms?
24The Learner has learned to predict the inverse
transfer function of the outer loop and can
compensate the disturbance therefore at the
summation node!
Phase Shift
25Some closed-loop Subtleties Agents as (linear)
Systems with Transfer Functions
(Porr Wörgötter, Kybernetes, 2006)
26On Transfer Functions
Necessary condition Every entity who's effects
are fully predictable could be part of your body!
Unpredictable disturbances always belong to (come
from) the world
Some random examples Predictable pain can be to
some degree ignored, unpredictable pain not. Well
fitting prostheses can be ignored (bodily
integrated). A race-car pilot becomes one with
his machine.
27On Transfer Functions
Everything which is fully predictable could be
part of your body (Necessary condition)
Sufficient Conditions 1) To be part of your body
the entity, from which a predictable event
arises, should be proximal and causally linked to
your currently existing body.
Some examples The suns motion is fully
predictable but the sun certainly cannot be
integrated into your body. A robots hand is
linked to a robots arm. Two computers are linked
by a wireless connection.
28On Transfer Functions
Everything which is fully predictable could be
part of your body (Necessary condition)
Sufficient Conditions 2) To be part of your body
any (newly integrated) entity should be part of
your body for a longer time (Bodies are
continuous over some time).
29How might this be reflected at the nervous
system? Predictability
Nerve cells are almost always phasic. They
respond little to constant stimulation. Instead
they are change sensitive.
Predictable stimuli can be ignored Adaptation,
A hypothesis Predictable entities can be
temporarily integrated into the body of an agent.
This enlarges the agents cause-effect horizon.
(A route to cognition?)
30Manipulation of an entity that can be made
What looks like a simple re-colouring really is
a difficult computer vision based process of
using the RBM principle to make the spoon part
of the robot
31The idea that humans (and monkeys) indeed perform
temporary bodily integration is supported by
experimental results that over time cortical
receptive fields are extended representing the
tip of a stick, which a monkey had to use to
obtain food for an prolonged period of time.
Obayashi, S., Tanaka, M. and Iriki, A. (2000).
Subjective image of invisible hand coded by
monkey intraparietal neurons. NeuroReport 11,
32What has happened from a systems theoretical
33Some Confusions Situated versus Embodied
Conjecture 1 Cognitive Agents have to be
(fully) situated in their world !
Conjecture 2 Cognitive Agents have to be
embodied! Embodiment
34Some Confusions Situated versus Embodied
Conjecture 1 Cognitive Agents have to be
(fully) situated in their world !
Conjecture 2 Cognitive Agents have to be
embodied! Embodiment
Lack of Situatedness (Open Loop)
35Some Confusions Situated versus Embodied
Conjecture 1 Cognitive Agents have to be
(fully) situated in their world !
Conjecture 2 Cognitive Agents have to be
embodied! Embodiment
Situatedness (Closed Loop)
36 Case 1 NOT Situated NOT Embodied Case 2
Embodied AND Situated Case 3 Embodied NOT
Situated Case 4 Situated NOT Embodied Case 1
Pure symbol manipulation systems, Cartesian
attitude (GofAI-Systems) Case 2 Most common for
biological systems and robots but also A-life
creatures like internet agents or computer
viruses as long as they obey the necessary and
sufficient conditions described above within
their world. Case 3 Open-loop systems, which do
not feed their output(s) back through the
environment onto themselves. Case 4 Strange,
Violates Proximity and Continuity. E.g. Swarms,
are a non- (or very weakly) embodied system,
which will however indeed influence their
environment and also receive feedback from it
(situated!). Note, cognitive complexity can arise
from such (social) systems, for example the
building of termite mounds, etc.
37Layers, Loops Learning
38Funded by the European Project PACO-PLUS
Silke Dreissigacker (chaos control) Tao
Geng (RunBot design and
reflex control) Christoph Kolodziejski
(3-factor learning) Poramate Manoonpong
(RunBot and hexapod design learning) Bernd Porr
(learning theory) Marc
Timme (MPI) (chaos control) Norbert
Krüger (SDU) (computer vision)
Loch Katherine
39Some Light Reading ? (see lthttp//www.bccn-goettin
gen.de/Groups/GroupCN for further information)
- Conceptual
- Wörgötter, F., Agostini, A., Krüger, N.,
Shylo, N. and Porr,B. (2008). Cognitive Agents
A Procedural Perspective relying on
Predictability. Robotics and Autonomous Systems
(in revision). (The philosophical stuff) - Porr, B., Egerton, A. and Wörgötter, F. (2006)
Towards closed loop information Predictive
information. Constructivist Foundat. 1(2), 83-90. - Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F. (2005) Inside
Embodiment What means Embodiment for Radical
Constructivists? Kybernetes, 34, 105-117. - Computer Vision
- Pugeault, N., Wörgötter, F. and Krüger, N.
(2008). Multi-modal Primitives Local, Condensed,
and Semantically Rich Visual Descriptors and the
Formalisation of Contextual Information. IEEE
PAMI (in revision). (Visual Primitives for Object
Representations) - Robotics
- Manoonpong, P., Pasemann, F. and Wörgötter, F.
(2008). Sensor-driven neural control for
omnidirectional locomotion and versatile reactive
behaviors of walking machines. Robotics and
Autonomous Systems, in press. (6-Legged Walker
AMOS-WD06) - Manoonpong, P., Geng, T., Porr, B., Kulvicius,
T and Wörgötter, F. (2007). Adaptive, fast
walking in a biped robot under neuronal control
and learning , PLoS Comp. Biol., e134
doi10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030134. (RunBot and the
Bernstein Problem) - Geng, T., Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F. (2006). Fast
biped walking with a reflexive neuronal
controller and real-time online learning. Int.
Journal of Robotics Res. 3, 243-261 . - Learning
- Kolodziejski, C., Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F.
(2008). On the equivalence between hebbian and
reinforcement learning. Neural Comp. (submitted). - Kolodziejski, C., Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F.
(2008). Mathematical properties of neuronal
TD-rules and differential Hebbian learning A
comparison. Biol. Cyb. (in press). (Open Loop,
Mathematical and Numerical Properties, Useful!) - Porr, B. and Wörgötter, F. (2007). Learning with
Relevance Using a third factor to stabilize
Hebbian learning. Neural Comp. 19(10), 2694-2719,
doi10.1162/neco.2007.19.10.2694). - Kulvicius, T., Bernd, P. and Wörgötter, F. (2007)
Chaining learning architectures in a simple
closed-loop behavioural context. Biol. Cybern.,
(in press) e-pub DOI 10.1007/s00422-007-0176-y.
- Porr, B., and Wörgötter, F. (2006). Strongly
improved stability and faster convergence of
temporal sequence learning by utilising input
correlations only. Neural Comp. 18(6), 1380-1412
40(No Transcript)
41A more complex modular, adaptive neural control
network embedded in its world
The thoraco-coxal (TC-) joint enables forward ()
and backward (-) movements The coxa-trochanteral
(CTr-) joint enables elevation () and depression
(-) of the leg The femurtibia (FTi-) joint
enables extension () and flexion (-) of the tibia
42Deterministic chaos exists in wide
parameter ranges of this circuit
As usual, these domains embed an infinite
manifold of unstable periodic orbits (UPOs)
43A large behavioral repertoire achieved with
simple neuronal control
44UPOs can be stabilized by an adaptive neuronal
(learning) method
45Switching Control On and Off with different
target periods n leads to the quick finding of a
new UPU
46This circuit can, thus, be used as sensor-driven
CPG with adjustable period.