Title: Design of Biological Nutrient Removal Processes
1Design of Biological Nutrient Removal Processes
2Nominal Hydraulic Retention Time
Effluent COD Concentration
Ste Sus for filtered sample
(4.4a) Ste Sus fcv Xve fus
Sti fcv Xve for unfiltered sample (4.4b)
3Process Design Equations
Total volatile suspended solids (mg VSS) M(Xv)
M(Xa) M(Xe) M(Xi)
Refer to Metcalf Eddy pp. 387-388 for
derivation of M(Xa).
4Carbonaceous Oxygen Demand(mg O/day)
M(Oc) M(Osynthesis) M(Oendogenous
5(No Transcript)
6Daily Sludge Production M(²Xt)
M(²Xt) Mass of sludge wasted per day
Waste activated sludge M(Xt)/Rs
mg TSS/day mg TSS produced/mg COD load/day
7(No Transcript)
8Nutrient Requirement
N content with respect to VSS (fn) 0.09
0.12 avg. 0.1 P content with respect to VSS
(fp) 0.01 0.03 avg. 0.025 QÂ Ns fn
9Nutrient Requirement
N requirement/unit COD, Ns/Sti
fn N content of the volatile solids 0.1 mg
N/mg VSS
P requirement/unit COD, Ps/Sti
?? P content of the active mass (mg P/mg VASS)
0.03 fp P content of the inert and endogenous
mass (mg P/mg VSS) 0.015
10(No Transcript)
11ENBIR - Processes Included
- 1. Carbonaceous removal
- 2. Nitrogenous removal (nitrification)
- 3. Bardenpho process for N removal
- 4. MLE process for N removal
- 5. UCT (VIP) process for N and P removal
- 6. 5 stage Phoredox process for N and P removal
- 7. 3 stage Phoredox (A2/O) process for N and P
removal - 8. A/O process for P removal
- 9. Modified oxidation ditch for N and P removal
12ENBIR - System Requirements
- IBM/PC/XT/AT or 100 compatible computer
- 512 kB RAM
- MS-DOS 3.3 or higher
- 1-Mb hard disk space
- Graphics monitor supported EGA, VGA, CGA,
Hercules, IBM 8514
13ENBIR - Files Included
- INSTALL.BAT Batch install file
- E.BAT Run EN.EXE program along with Hi-Screen
file loading and unloading - EN.EXE ENBIR execution file
- ENBIR.LBR User interface library file
- CAR.DFT Carbonaceous removal input file
- NIT.DFT Nitrogenous removal input file
- DEN.DFT Denitrification and phosphorus removal
input file - PER.DFT Performance evaluation input file
14ENBIR - Files Included (continued)
- S.DFT Settled wastewater input files
- R.DFT Raw wastewater input files
- .EX1 Example design input files
- ENBIR.OUT Design result output file
- ENBIR.WRK Design data file
- ANOXIC.PRN a-recycle ratio calculation file
- BEG.COM END.COM Load/unload files
- DISPLAY.COM User-interface driver file
15ENBIR Installation the Program
- Please backup the diskette before installation.
- To install the program
- 1. Type a (or b) ltEntergt
- 2. Type install ltEntergt
- Follow the instructions given in the screen
16ENBIR Running the Program
- To run the program in the hard disk
- 1. Type cd \enbir ltEntergt
- 2. Type e ltEntergt
17ENBIR - Summary of Keys
- F1 Displays a help screen
- F2 - F8 Shows a flow chart of available
biological nutrient removal processes - Enter Selects an item or a design value
- Arrow keys Move highlighted menu selection or
data input fields
18ENBIR More Keys
- ESC Allows the recovery of the original input
data stored in the data file during data input - Crtl Break Allows the user to exit from the
program run
19Design Example - Carbonaceous Removal
Influent wastewater characteristics (Table 4.3)
- Parameter
Symbol Raw Settled - Influent COD conc., mg COD/L Sti 600 360
- Influent TKN conc., mg N/L Nti 48 41
- Influent P conc., mg P/L Pti 10 8.5
- TKN/COD ratio - 0.080 0.114
- P/COD ratio - 0.017 0.024
- Unbiodeg. sol. COD fraction fus 0.05 0.08
- MLVSS/MLSS ratio fi 0.75 0.83
- Temp. - Summer, C Tmax 22 22
- Winter, C Tmin 14 14
- pH of wastewater - 7.5 7.5
- Influent flow, Mil. L/day Q 13.33 13.33
20Kinetic constants and their temperature
dependency for the steady state carbonaceous
degradation activated sludge model (Table 4.1)
- Temperature Standard
- Constant
Symbol dependency ? value - equation (20C)
- Yield coef., mg VSS/mg COD Yh
Const. 1.000 0.45 - Endog. decay rate, 1/day bh bhTbh20?
1.029 0.24 - Endog. residue, mgVSS/mgVSS f Const. -
0.20 - COD/VSS ratio, mgCOD/mgVSS fcv Const.
- 1.48
Design sludge age, Rs 3 days
21Carbonaceous RemovalDesign Procedure
- Calculate
- 1. Supi (Eq. 2.4) or fup, Susi (Eq. 2.3) or fus,
- 2. M(Sti) and/or M(Sbi)
- 3. M(Xv) (Eq. 4.13), M(Oc) (Eq. 4.15) and M(Xt)
(Eq. 4.14) - 4. Vp (Eq. 4.16)
- 5. Rhn (Eq. 4.3)
- 6. Ste (Eq. 4.4a or b)
22Calculations - 1
1. fup 0.13 fus 0.05
- 2. Biodegradable COD in the effluent, Sbe
- where
- Yh heterotrophs yield coe. (mgVSS/mgCOD) bhT
endogenous respiration rate (1/day) bkT
biodeg. COD yield rate in effluent (1/day) Rs
sludge age (day).
If Rs gt 10.0, Sbe 0.0
23Calculations - 2
Biodegradable COD in the effluent, Sbe
bh14 0.24 1.029 0.202
- M(Sti) (Sti - Sbe) Q
00 - 7719 kg/day
- M(Sbi) (1-0.05-0.13) 7719
6330 kg/day
24Calculations - 3
7999 kg VSS M(Xt) M(Xv)/0.75
10665 kg TSS
25(No Transcript)
26Calculations - 4
27Calculations - 5
- 4. Vp M(Xt)/Xt M(Xv)/Xv
10665 kg VSS/1500 mg VSS/L
7.11 ML - 5. Rhn 7.11 ML/13.33ML/day 0.53 days
- 6. Ste fus Sti 0.05 600
30 mg/L for filtered
28(No Transcript)
29Performance Evaluation
- Vp M(Xt)/Xt M(Xv)/fi/Xt
- Reasonings (assumptions)
- 1. Assume that the heterotrops yield coefficient
is relatively constant over wide ranges of sludge
age. - 2. Assume that the endogenous decay constant
varies significantly over wide ranges of sludge
30Performance Evaluation - continued
- Vp M(Xt)/Xt M(Xv)/fi/Xt
- By inserting Eq. 4.13 to Eq. 4.16 and
rearranging, bhT can be estimated as follows - M(Xv) Xt fi Vp
- M(Sti) (Sti-Ste) Q
31Nitrification Design
32Effluent Ammonia Concentration, Na
Dividing by Vp ²t
Solving the above eqs. for Na yields
33Minimum Sludge Age for Nitrification
Applicable for all Nai gt 5 mg N/L
34Specific Growth Rate
EPA Method
South African Method
for pH lt 7.2
for 7.2 pH lt 8.5
The EPA method gives a higher µnmT value,
resulting in a shorter sludge age and a greater
unaerated mass fraction than the South African
35Design Considerations
- 1. Fate of the influent TKN
- Nai ammonia (free) and ammonium iron (saline)
concentration - Noi biodegradable organic nitrogen
concentration - Nui soluble unbiodegradable organic nitrogen
concentration - For design, the following information is
needed. - 1. Effluent TKN concentration
- 2. Effluent nitrate concentration
36Design Considerations
- 2. Effluent TKN
- Nt Na No Nu for
filtered Nt (5.28a) - Ntv Na No Nu fn Xvf for unfiltered
Nt (5.28b) - fn fraction of TKN in VSS 0.1 mg TKN-N/mg
VSS - Xvf eff. volatile solids conc. (mg VSS/L)
37Design Considerations
2. Effluent TKN - cont.
fxt unaerated mass fraction
b. Biodegradable organic nitrogen conc.,
38Design Considerations
2. Effluent TKN - cont.
c. Sol. unbiodegradable organic nitrogen conc.,
39Design Considerations
- 3. Nitrification capacity (mass of nitrate
produced per unit volume of flow, mg NO3-N/L of
flow) - This equation assumes that no nitrate is
present in the influent. - Nitrification capacity per mg COD applied
40(No Transcript)
41Raw and settled water characteristics for
nitrification(Table 5.2)
Nitrification Design Example
- Parameter Symbol Raw Settled
- Influent TKN conc., mg N/L Nti 48 41
- Influent TKN/COD ratio - 0.080 0.114
- Ammonia fraction of TKN fna 0.75 0.83
- Unbiod. sol. organic N fraction fnu 0.03
0.04 - N fraction of volatile solids in inf. fn
0.10 0.10 - pH of wastewater - 7.5 7.5
- Total alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3 alk 200
200 - Maximum specific growth rate, 1/d µnm20
0.36 0.36 - Influent flow, ML/day Q 13.33 13.33
Design sludge age 10 days
42Design Example - Nitrification
- 1. Nti 41.0 mg N/L
- Nai 0.83 41.0 34.03 mg N/L
- Nui 0.04 41.0 1.64 mg N/L
- Npi 0.10 (0.04 360)/1.48 0.97 mg N/L
- Noi 41.0 - 34.03 - 1.64 - 0.97 4.36 mg N/L
- 2. N required for sludge production
- 7.59 mg N/L
- 3. Rsm Min. sludge age for nitrification
- If Rs lt Rsm No nitrification.
- Thus, effl. nitrate conc. (Nne) 0.0 mg N/L.
- 4. Noe Effl. biodegrad. organic N conc.
- M(Sbi) 13.33 ML/day360 mg/L(1-0.08-0.04)
- 4223 kg COD/day
- 0.62 mg N/L
- 5. If Rs gt Rsm
- Nte Effl. TKN conc.
- Nne Effl. nitrate conc.
- Nue Nui 1.64 mg N/L
- Nte Nae Noe Nue
- 1.46 0.62 1.64 3.72 mg N/L
- Nne Nti - Ns - Nte
- 41.0 - 7.59 - 3.72 29.69 mg N/L
- 6. M(On) Oxygen demand for nitrification
47- 7. Alkalinity check
- Alke Alki - 7.14 Nne
- 200 - 7.14 29.69 lt 0.0 0.0
- The effluent is likely to have a pH lt 6.0.
48Biological Nitrogen RemovalDesign Example
49Bardenpho Process Design
- 1. Select wastewater characteristics Sti, Nti,
fbs, fup, fus, µnm20, Tmax, Tmin. - 2. Select Rs and Sf.
- 3. Calculate fxm for Tmin from Eq. 5.24.
- 4. With fxm and Rs, calculate Sf for Tmax from
Eq. 5.24. - 5. Estimate Nte for Tmax and Tmin from 5.36b.
- 6. With fup and fus, calculate Ns for Tmax and
Tmin for selected Rs from Eq. 4.23.
50Bardenpho Process Design
- 7. Calculate Nc from Eq. 5.29.
- 8. Calculate Dpp for Tmax and Tmin with fxdm
given by Eq. 6.23. - 9. Select s, Oa, and Ox.
- 10. Calculate fx1min from Eq. 6.21 for Tmax and
Tmin. - 11. Calculate fx3min from Eq. 6.29 for Tmax and
Tmin. - 12. Select the a-recycle ratio and calculate Nne
for Tmin. - 13. If Nne lt 0, set Nne0.
51Bardenpho Process Design
- 14. With Nne calculate fx1, fx3, and fxdt Eqs.
6.26 to 6.28. - 15. Check that fx1 fxmin and fx3 fx3min. If
not, discard selected a-recycle ratio as invalid. - 16. Repeat steps 12 to 15 for different a-recycle
ratios. - 17. Repeat steps 12 to 16 for Tmax.
52Determination of a0
- 1. Find a0 value for minimum fxdt or Nne at Tmin.
- 2. If there is no minimum fxdt or Nne at Tmin,
find a0 value for minimum fxdt or Nne at Tmax. - 3. Once minimum fxdt or Nne is determined at a
temperature, fix fx1 for the other temperature,
and then determine a0 and fx3. - 4. If there is no significant improvement in Nne
with the increased a-recycle ratio, select a
practical a-recycle ratio.
53If complete denitrification is impossible
- For all valid a-recycle, nitrate will be present
in the effluent and fxdt will be equal to fxdm. - For N removal only, the Bardenpho process will be
appropriate only if TKN/COD ratio is lt 0.10 mg
N/mg COD or Nne is lt 5 to 7 mg N/L. - If TKN/COD ratio is gt 0.10 mg N/mg COD, the MLE
process will yield a better nitrogen removal
54Design Example - Denitrification
Influent wastewater characteristics
- Parameter
Symbol Raw Settled - Influent COD conc., mg COD/L Sti 600 360
- Influent TKN conc., mg N/L Nti 48 41
- Influent P conc., mg P/L Pti 10 8.5
- TKN/COD ratio - 0.080 0.114
- P/COD ratio - 0.017 0.024
- Unbiodeg. sol. COD fraction fus 0.05 0.08
- MLVSS/MLSS ratio fi 0.75 0.83
- Temp. - Summer, C Tmax 22 22
- Winter, C Tmin 14 14
- pH of wastewater - 7.5 7.5
- Influent flow, Mil. L/day Q 13.33 13.33
55Raw and settled wastewater characteristics
important for denitrification
- Value
- Constant Symbol
Raw Settled -
- Max. specific growth rate of nitrifiers
µnm20 0.36 0.36 - Denitrification rates at 20C K1 0.720 0.720
- (mg NO3-N/mg VASS/day) K2 0.101 0.101
- K3 0.072 0.072
- Readily biodegradable fraction fbs 0.24 0.33
Design sludge age, Rs 25 days
56Design Example - Continued
1. Wastewater characteristics Sti 600
mg COD/L Nti 48 mg N/L fbs 0.24
fup 0.13 fus 0.05 µnm20 0.36 1/day
µnm14 0.18 µnm22 0.45 bn20 0.04
1/day bn14 0.034 bn22 0.042 Tmax
22C Tmin 14C 2. Rs 25 days Sf at
14C 1.25
57Design Example - Continued
3. Max. design unaerated sludge mass fraction,
fxm for Tmin
4. Sf for Tmax 2.87 from Eq. above
58Design Example - Continued
5. Effluent TKN concentration, Nte
59Design Example - Continued
6. Nitrogen req. for sludge production, Ns
7. Nitrification capacity, Nc
60Design Example - continued
8. Denitrification potential, Dpp (Eqs. 6.20
9. RAS ratio s 1 DO in mixed liquor a
Oa 2.0 mg/L DO in underflow recycle s Os
1.0 mg/L
61Design Example - Continued
10. Min. primary anoxic sludge mass fraction,
fx1min (Eq 6.21)
11. Min. secondary anoxic sludge mass fraction,
fx3min (Eq 6.29)
62Design Example - Continued
12. Optimum a-recycle ratio a. Find a0 value
for minimum fxdt or Nne at Tmin. b. If there is
no minimum fxdt or Nne at Tmin, find a0
value for minimum fxdt or Nne at Tmax. c. Once
minimum fxdt or Nne is determined at a
temperature, fix fx1 for the other temperature,
and then determine a0 and fx3. d. If there is
no significant improvement in Nne with the
increased a-recycle ratio, select a practical
a-recycle ratio.
63Design Example - Continued
64Design Example - Continued
T 22C raw sewage
a0 5.2 fx1 0.16 fx3 0.19 fxdt 0.35
65Design Example - Continued
T 14C raw sewage
fx1 0.16 a0 3.6 fx3 0.23 fxdt 0.39
66Design Example - Continued
Total process volume, Vp
67Design Example - Continued
Oxygen demand (kg O/day)
1. Carbonaceous oxygen demand, M(Oc)
68Design Example - Continued
Oxygen demand (kg O/day)
2. Nitrification oxygen demand, M(On)
3. Denitrification oxygen demand, M(Od)
4. Total oxygen demand, M(Ot)
M(Ot) 5,108 1,928 - 1,206 5,830 kg O/day
17 oxygen saved by denitrification
69The MLE Process Design
Design process similar to the Bardenpho
process. The best denitrification potential
is obtained when the anoxic reactor is just
loaded with nitrate to its denitrification
potential. This will give the optimum mixed
liquor a-recycle ratio and the min. Nne.
Nitrate conc. in the anoxic reactor overflow
0 Nitrate conc. in the aerobic reactor overflow
70The MLE Process Design
Optimum a-recycle ratio, a0
Rearrange the above eq. with respect to a. Then,
71The MLE Process Design
Determine a0
Uneconomical. Thus, use a0 5.0.
72The MLE Process Design
If Nne lt 5 to 6 mg N/L are required, the
Bardenpho process is better because this process
can achieve low Nne with low a-recycle ratio. If
complete denitrification is not necessary, the
MLE process will be an acceptable process.
73Biological Phosphorus Removal (BPR) Design
74Design Example
- Guidelines for Process Selection
- 1. If TKN/COD 0.08 mg N/mg COD, the Phoredox
process. Complete nitrate removal is possible. - 2. If 0.08 lt TKN lt 0.11, the modified UCT
process. Complete nitrate removal is not
possible but nitrate can be excluded from the
anaerobic reactor.
75Design Example Continued
- 3. If 0.11 TKN lt 0.14, the UCT process. The
modified UCT process no longer can exclude
nitrate from the anaerobic reactor. A careful
a-recycle control required. - 4. If TKN/COD 0.14, it is unlikely that
biological excess P removal will be achieved with
normal municipal wastewaters.
76A/O Process Design
- 1. Select wastewater characteristics Sti, Nti,
Pti, fbs, fup, fus, µnm20, Tmax, Tmin. - 2. Select Rs and Sf then, calculate M(Sti),
M(Xv), M(Xt), M(Oc), Vp, and Rhn. - 3. Calculate Sf for Tmax from Eq. 5.24.
- 4. Calculate min. sludge age (Rsm) for
nitrification from Eq. 5.14. - 5. If Rs lt Rsm, then go to Step 7.
- 6. Follow nitrification calculation steps.
- 7. Select Oi.
- 8. Calculate ²Sbsa from Eq. 7.2b.
- 9. Calculate Sbsa from Eq. 7.1b.
77A/O Process Design - continued
- 10. Calculate Pf from Eq. 7.5
- 11. Calculate ? from Eq. 7.7.
- 12. Calculate Ps from Eq. 7.6.
- 13. Calculate Pte from Eq. 7.9 (Pte Pti - Ps)
(mg P/L). - 14. Is Pte sufficiently low? If not, decrease Rs
or increase fxa however, improvement will only
be achieved if Nne 0 if Nne gt 0, changes will
increase Pte. - 15. Repeat calculations for Tmax.
78Design Example
- 1. Wastewater characteristics
- Sti 600 mg COD/L Nti 48 mg N/L fbs
0.24 fup 0.13 fus 0.05 µnm20 0.36
1/day ?µnm 1.123 bn20 0.04 1/day ?bn
1.029 Xt 1500 mg TSS/L MLVSS/MLSS
0.75 Pti 10.0 mg P/L P content (fp)
0.015 mg P/mg VSS Tmax 22C Tmin 14C - 2. Rs 3 days Sf at 14C 1.25
- M(Sti), M(Xv ), M(Xt), M(Oc), Vp, and Rhn
calculated during the carbonaceous removal design
will be used.
79Design Example - continued
80Design Example - continued
- 5. Since Rs lt Rsm (3 lt 8.6), go to Step 7.
- 7. Influent oxygen concentration (Oi) 0.0 mg/L
- 8. ²Sbs 1(8.60.0 3.01.0) 3.00.0 3.0
- 9.
- 57.54 mg COD/L
- 10. Pf (57.54 - 25) 0.1 3.25
- 11. ? 0.35-0.29 exp(-0.2423.25)
- 0.218 mgP/mgVSS
81Design Example - continued
- 12.
- 31.67 mg P/L
- 13. Pte Pt - Ps 10.0 - 31.67 lt 0 mg P/L
- 14. Is Pte sufficiently low? Yes.
- 15. Repeat calculations for Tmax.
82A2/O Process Design
- 1. Select wastewater characteristics Sti, Nti,
Pti, fbs, fup, fus, µnm20, Tmax, Tmin. - 2. Select Rs and Sf then, calculate M(Sti),
M(Xv), M(Xt), M(Oc), Vp, and Rhn. - 3. Calculate fxm for Tmin from Eq. 5.24.
- 4. With fxm and Rs, calculate Sf for Tmax from
Eq.5.24. - 5. With fup and fus, calculate Ns for Tmax and
Tmin for selected Rs from Eq. 4.23. - 6. Estimate Nte for Tmax and Tmin.
- 7. Calculate Nc from Eq. 5.29.
83A2/O Process Design - continued
- 8. Select fxa.
- 9. Calculate Dpp from Eq. 6.25 for Tmax and Tmin
with fxdm given by Eq. 6.23. - 10. Select s, Oa, and Os.
- 11. Determine the optimum a-recycle ratio.
- 12. Calculate Nne for Tmin. If Nne lt 0, set
Nne0. - 13. Calculate oxygen demand.
- 14. Select Oi.
- 15. Calculate ²Sbsa from Eq. 7.2b.
- 16. Calculate Sbsa from Eq. 7.1b.
84A2/O Prodess Design - continued
- 17. Calculate Pf from Eq. 7.5.
- 18. Calculate ??from Eq. 7.7.
- 19. Calculate Ps from Eq. 7.6.
- 20. Calculate Pte from Eq. 7.9 (Pte Pti - Ps,
mg P/L). - 21. Is Pte sufficiently low? If not, decrease Rs
or increase fxa however, improvement will only
be achieved if Nne 0 if Nne gt 0, changes will
increase Pte. - 22. Repeat calculations for Tmax.
85Design Example
- 1. Wastewater characteristics
- Sti 600 mg COD/L Nti 48 mg N/L fbs
0.24 fup 0.13 fus 0.05 µnm20 0.36
1/day Pti 10.0 mg P/L K1, K2 K3 0.72,
0.101, 0.072 mg NO3-N/mg/d ?K1, ?K2 ?K3
1.20, 1.08, 1.029 P content (fp) 0.015 mg
P/mg VSS Xt 2500 mg TSS/L MLVSS/MLSS
0.75 Tmax 22C Tmin 14C - 2. Rs 15 days Sf at 14C 1.25 Sbe
0.0 when Rsgt10 days - M(Sti) (Sti-Sbe)Q 60013,330/1000 7998
kg/day - M(Sbi) M(Sti)(1-0.05-0.13) 6558 kg/day
86Design Example - continued
28174 kg VSS M(Xt)
M(Xv)/0.75 37565 kg TSS
4818 kg O/day
87Design Example - continued
- Vp M(Xt)/Xt M(Xv)/Xv
37565 kg VSS/2500 mg VSS/L
15.03 ML - Rhn 15.03 ML/13.33ML/day 1.13 days
3. Max. design unaerated sludge mass fraction,
fxm for Tmin (Eq. 5.24b)
88Design Example - continued
Nitrogen required for sludge production
(Ns) 14.1 mg N/L Inf. TKN conc.
available for nitrification Nti' Nti -
Ns 48 - 14.1 33.9 mg N/L
89Design Example - continued
6. Effluent TKN concentration, Nte
- Influent ammonia concentration Nai 0.75
48 36 mg N/L - Inf. unbiodegradable soluble organic nitrogen
Nui 0.03 48 1.44 mg N/L - Inf. N conc. assoicated with unbiode. parti. COD
Inf. biode. organic nitrogen conc. Noi
48 - 36 - 1.44 - 5.27 5.29 mg N/L
90Design Example - continued
- Noe Effl. biodegrad. organic N conc.
- M(Sbi) 13.33 ML/day600 mg/L(1-0.13-0.05)
- 6558 kg COD/day
Nue Nui 1.44 mg N/L
91Design Example - continued
Effluent ammonia concentration (Nae)
Nte Nae Noe Nue 1.99 0.46 1.44
3.89 mg N/L
92Design Example - continued
- 7. Nitrification capacity, (Nc)
Nc Nti - Nte - Ns 48.0 - 3.89 - 14.1 30.01
mg N/L - 8. Anaerobic sludge mass fraction (fxa) 0.1
- Guidelines for fxa selection
- 1. Sti lt 400 mg COD/L, fxa 0.20 - 0.25
2. 400 Sti 700, fxa 0.15 - 0.20
3. Sti gt 700 mg COD/L, fxa 0.10 -
0.15 - 9. Denitrification potential, Dpp (Eqs. 6.20
(fxdm fxm - fxa Eq. 7.8)
93Design Example - continued
- 10. RAS ratio s 1
- DO in mixed liquor a Oa 2.0 mg/L
- DO in underflow recycle s Os 1.0 mg/L
- 11. Determine optimum a-recycle ratio
optimum a-recycle ratio, a0 2.03
94Design Example - continued
12. Determine effluent nitrate concentration
13. Oxygen demand for nitrification, M(On)
M(On) 4.57 Nc Q 4.57 30.01
13.33 1828 kg O/day
Oxygen saved by denitrification, M(Od)
M(Od) 2.86 (Nc - Nne) Q
2.86 (30.01 - 7.45) 13.33 860 kg
Total oxygen demand, M(Ot)
M(Ot) 4818 1828 - 860 5786 kg O/day
95Design Example - continued
- 14. Influent oxygen concentration (Oi) 0.0
mg/L - 15. ²Sbs 1(8.67.45 3.01.0) 3.00.0
67.07 - 16.
- 17. When Sbsa lt 25 mg COD/L, then Pf 0.05
- 18. ? 0.35-0.29 exp(-0.2420.05)
0.06 mgP/mgVSS
96Design Example - continued
- 19.
- 4.78 mg P/L
- 20. Pte Pt - Ps 10.0 - 4.58 5.22 mg P/L
- 21. Is Pte sufficiently low? No.
- 22. Repeat calculations by increasing fxa or
decreasing sludge age.
97Phoredox Process Design
- 1. Select wastewater characteristics Sti, Nti,
Pti, fbs, fup, fus, µnm20, Tmax, Tmin. - 2. Select Rs and Sf then, calculate M(Sti),
M(Xv), M(Xt), M(Oc), Vp, and Rhn. - 3. Calculate fxm for Tmin from Eq. 5.24.
- 4. With fxm and Rs, calculate Sf for Tmax from
Eq. 5.24. - 5. With fup and fus, calculate Ns for Tmax and
Tmin for selected Rs from Eq. 4.23. - 6. Estimate Nte for Tmax and Tmin.
- 7. Calculate Nc from Eq. 5.29.
98Phoredox Process Design
- 8. Select fxa.
- 9. Calculate Dpp from Eq. 6.25 for Tmax and Tmin
with fxdm given by Eq. 6.23. - 10. Select s, Oa, and Os.
- 11. Calculate fx1min from Eq. 6.21 for Tmax and
Tmin. - 12. Calculate fx3min from Eq. 6.29 for Tmax and
Tmin. - 13. Select the a-recycle ratio and calculate Nne
for Tmin. - 14. If Nne lt 0, set Nne0.
- 15. With Nne calculate fx1, fx3, and fxdt from
Eqs. 6.26 to 6.28.
99Phoredox Process Design
- 16. Check that fx1 fxmin and fx3 fx3min. If
not, discard selected a-recycle ratio as invalid. - 17. Repeat steps 13 to 16 for different a-recycle
ratios. - 18. Repeat steps 13 to 17 for Tmax.
- 19. Fix fx1 and fx3 by procedure given in Chapter
6, Section 6.2. This fixes Nne and hence Nns. - 20. Select Oi.
- 21. Calculate ²Sbsa from Eq. 7.2b.
- 22. Calculate Sbsa from Eq. 7.1b.
- 23. Calculate Pf from Eq. 7.5.
100Phoredox Process Design
- 24. Calculate ??from Eq. 7.7.
- 25. Calculate Ps from Eq. 7.6.
- 26. Calculate Pte from Eq. 7.9 (Pte Pti - Ps,
mg P/L). - 27. Is Pte sufficiently low? If not, decrease Rs
or increase fxa at expense of fxdm however,
improvement will only be achieved if fxdt lt fxdm,
i.e., Nne lt 0 if fxdt fxdm, i.e., Nne gt 0,
changes will increase Pte. - 28. Repeat calculations for Tmax.
- 29. Can required Pte be achieved with the
Phoredox process? If not, select a UCT process.
101Design Example
- 1. Wastewater characteristics
- Sti 600 mg COD/L Nti 48 mg N/L fbs
0.24 fup 0.13 fus 0.05 µnm20 0.36
1/day Pti 10.0 mg P/L K1, K2 K3 0.72,
0.101, 0.072 mg NO3-N/mg/d ?K1, ?K2 ?K3
1.20, 1.08, 1.029 Xt 4000 mg
TSS/L MLVSS/MLSS 0.75 P content (fp) 0.015
mg P/mg VSS Mass fraction of the reaeration
reactor (fmr) 0.05 Tmax 22C Tmin 14C - 2. Rs 25 days Sf at 14C 1.25
102Design Example - Continued
3. Max. design unaerated sludge mass fraction,
fxm for Tmin (Eq. 5.24b)
4. Sf for Tmax 2.87 from Eq. above
103Design Example - Continued
5. Effluent TKN concentration, Nte
(from Eqs. 5.35a, 5.31, and 5.32, respectively)
6. Nitrogen req. for sludge production, Ns (Eq.
104Design Example - Continued
7. Nitrification capacity, Nc (Eq. 5.29)
- 8. Anaerobic sludge mass fraction (fxa) 0.1
- Guidelines for fxa selection
- 1. Sti lt 400 mg COD/L, fxa 0.20 - 0.25
- 2. 400 Sti 700, fxa 0.15 - 0.20
- 3. Sti gt 700 mg COD/L, fxa 0.10 - 0.15
105Design Example - Continued
9. Denitrification potential, Dpp (Eqs. 6.20
(fxdm fxm - fxa Eq. 7.8)
10. RAS ratio s 1 DO in mixed liquor a
Oa 2.0 mg/L DO in underflow recycle s
Os 1.0 mg/L
106Design Example - Continued
11. Min. primary anoxic sludge mass fraction,
fx1min (Eq 6.21)
12. Min. secondary anoxic sludge mass fraction,
fx3min (Eq 6.29)
107Determination of a0 (same as the
Bardenpho process)
- 1. Find a0 value for minimum fxdt or Nne at Tmin.
- 2. If there is no minimum fxdt or Nne at Tmin,
find a0 value for minimum fxdt or Nne at Tmax. - 3. Once minimum fxdt or Nne is determined at a
temperature, fix fx1 for the other temperature,
and then determine a0 and fx3. - 4. If there is no significant improvement in Nne
with the increased a-recycle ratio, select a
practical a-recycle ratio.
108Design Example - Continued
109Design Example - Continued
T 22C raw sewage
a0 4.2 fx1 1.4 fx3 0.21 fxdt 0.35 Nne
110Design Example - Continued
T 14C raw sewage
fx1 1.4 a0 3.0 fx3 0.24 fxdt 0.38 Nne
111Design Example - Continued
- 20. Influent oxygen concentration (Oi) 0.0
mg/L - 21. ²Sbs 1 (8.60.43 3.01.0) 3.00.0
6.44 - 22.
- 55.8 mg COD/L
- 23. Pf (55.8 - 25) 0.1 3.08
- 24. ? 0.35-0.29 exp(-0.2423.08)
0.212 mg P/mgVSS
112Design Example - Continued
- 25.
- 9.10 mg P/L
- 26. Pte Pt - Ps 10.0 - 9.10 0.90 mg P/L
- 27. Is Pte sufficiently low? Yes.
- 28. Repeat calculations for Tmax.
- Process volume For the same wastewater and
conditions, the total volume of a Phoredox
process will be the same as that of the Bardenpho
113Design Example - Continued
- In the Phoredox process, complete denitrification
should be achieved to obtain the estimated P
removals. However, this cannot be guaranteed
because there is no safety factor on the
denitrification. To introduce a safety factor,
two options are open - 1. Increase the primary anoxic sludge mass
fraction (fx1) at the expense of a reduction in
fxa, which results in a reduction in P removal
(at 20C, a reduction from 0.1 to 0.07 reduces
the P removal from 8.8 to 7.7 mg P/L) - 2. Increase the sludge age, resulting in a larger
unaerated sludge mass fraction (fxm) but a larger
process volume and the reduced P removal (an
increase in Rs from 25 to 30 days reduces the P
removal from 8.8 to 7.6 mg P/L).
114The UCT Process
- In the UCT process design, the N and P removal
aspects can be dealt with separately and the P
removal in the processes can be calculated
without first having to determine the effluent
nitrate concentration. - First, design the UCT process then, check is
made as to whether this configuration can be
converted to a modified process. It is
recommended that where it is possible to convert
the UCT process to a modified one, consider the
option of incorporating the Phoredox/modified
UCT/UCT combination.
115UCT Process Design
- 1. Select wastewater characteristics Sti, Nti,
Pti, fbs, fup, fus, µnm20, Tmax, Tmin. - 2. Select r (usually 1.0) and Nnr and Or (say 1
mg/L each). - 3. Calulate Sbsa from Eqs. 7.1a and 7.2a.
- 4. Select fxa (between 0.1 and 0.25).
- 5. Calculate Pf from Eq. 7.5 and ? from Eq. 7.7.
- 6. Select Rs.
- 7. Calculate Ps from Eq. 7.6 for Tmax and Tmin.
- 8. Calculate Pte from Eq. 7.9 for Tmax and Tmin.
116UCT Process Design
- 9. Is Pte adequate? If not, repeat steps 4 to 8
for different fxa and/or Rs. - 10. Select Sf.
- 11. Calculate fxm for Tmin from Eq. 5.24.
- 12. With fxm and Rs, calculate Sf for Tmax from
Eq. 5.25. - 13. Estimate Nte for Tmax and Tmin from Eq. 4.23.
- 14. With fup and fus, calculate Ns for Tmax and
Tmin. - 15. Calculate Nc from Eq. 5.29.
- 16. Calculate Dpp from Eq. 6.25 for Tmax and Tmin
with fxdm given by Eq. 7.8.
117UCT Process Design
- 17. Select s, Oa, Os.
- 18. Calculate a0 from Eq. 6.30 and Nne from Eq.
6.31. - 19. Are Pte and Nne adequate? If Pte is too
high, increase fxa or reduce Rs - these changes
will increase Nne if Pte is too low, decrease
fxa or increase Rs - these changes will decrease
Nne. - 20. Repeat from steps 4 to 17 until required or
optimal Pte and Nne is obtained.
118Design Example
- 1. Wastewater characteristics
- Sti 600 mg COD/L Nti 48 mg N/L fbs
0.24 fup 0.13 fus 0.05 µnm20 0.36
1/day Pti 10.0 mg P/L K1, K2 K3 0.72,
0.101, 0.072 mg NO3-N/mg/d ?K1, ?K2, ?K3
1.20, 1.08, 1.029 P content (fp) 0.015 mg
P/mg VSS Mass fraction of the reaeration
reactor (fmr) 0.05 Tmax 22C Tmin 14C - 2. r 1, Nnr 1.0 mg/L, Or 1.0 mg/L
119Design Example - Continued
- 3. ²Sbs 1 (8.61.0 3.01.0) 3.00.0
11.6 -
- 53.2 mg COD/L
- 4. fxa 0.1
- 5. Pf (53.2 - 25) 0.1 2.82
- ??????? 0.35-0.29 exp(-0.2422.82) 0.203
mgP/mgVSS - 6. Rs 25 days
120Design Example - Continued
- 7. Ps 600
- 8.77 mg P/L
- 8. Pte Pti - Ps 10.0 - 8.77 1.23 mg P/L
- 9. If Pte adequate? Yes.
- 10. Sf 1.25 at Tmin.
- 11.
121Design Example - Continued
13. Effluent TKN concentration, Nte
(from Eqs. 5.35a, 5.31, and 5.32, respectively)
14. Nitrogen req. for sludge production, Ns (Eq.
122Design Example - Continued
15. Nitrification capacity, Nc (Eq. 5.29)
16. Denitrification potential, Dpp (Eqs. 6.20
(fxdm fxm - fxa Eq. 7.8)
17. s 1.0 Oa 2.0 mg O/L Os 1.0 mgO/L
123Design Example - Continued
Uneconomical. Thus, use a0 5.0.
19. Are Pte and Nne adequate? Yes.
124Comparison of Phoredoxand UCT Processes
- For 25-day sludge age and fan of 0.1 for raw
wastewater - The Phoredox and UCT processes achieved the same
excess P removal, but the Phoredox process was
better than the UCT process for the N removal. - The Phoredox process is less flexible in that an
unexpected increase in TKN/COD ratio above 0.08
will result in a deterioration in excess P
125Comparison of Phoredoxand UCT Processes -
- For 25-day sludge age and fan of 0.1 for settled
wastewater (TKN/COD 0.114) - The Phoredox and UCT processes produced similar
effluent nitrate concentrations, but the Phoredox
process was poorer than the UCT process for the P
removal. - The difference arises from the fact that in the
Phoredox process, the exclusion of nitrate from
the anaerobic reactor becomes impossible while in
the UCT process, this is possible up to TKN/COD
ratios of about 0.13 (depending on the fbs
126Redesign of the UCT Process
- The actual P removal attained in the process for
the settled wastewater is insufficient to reduce
the effluent P concentration below 1 mg P/L. To
improve the P removal, Rs needs to be reduced and
fxa increased.
127Redesign of the UCT Process, continued
- The difference arises from the fact that in the
Phoredox process, the exclusion of nitrate from
the anaerobic reactor becomes impossible while in
the UCT process, this is possible up to TKN/COD
ratios of about 0.13 (depending on the fbs
128The Modified UCT Process
- The equivalent nitrate load is calculated from
the effluent nitrate concentration for the UCT
process before subdivision and is given by s(Nne
Os/2.86). - The factor by which Dpd1 is greater than s(Nne
Os/2.86) is called the safety factor (Sfd). It
is recommended that this factor be greater than
1.2. - In general, the modification is acceptable for
TKN/COD lt 0.12 with a readily biodegradable COD
fraction (fbs) around 0.25.
129The Modified UCT Process - Continued
- The conversion to the modified UCT process is
done by subdividing the anoxic sludge mass
fraction in two subfractions the first is
usually allocated a sludge mass fraction of fxd1
of 0.10 and the second, fxd2, having the
remaining sludge mass fraction (fxd2 fxdm -
fxd1). - For successful operation of the modified UCT
process, the denitrification potential of fxd2
(Dpd1) must be greater than its equivalent
nitrate load imposed by the s-recycle at Tmin.
130The UCT Process - Process Volume
- The MLSS is not uniform throughout the process
thus, the reactor volume fractions are not equal
to the sludge mass fractions. There are two
methods - 1. Calculate the reactor volume fractions from
the mass fractions for a fixed total process
volume. - 2. Calculate the reactor volumes from the sludge
mass fractions for a fixed aerobic reactor sludge
concentration. This method will yield a larger
process volume than Method 1.
131The UCT Process - Process Volume
- The first method
- 1. The anaerobic volume fraction, fva
- fva fxa (1r)/(rfxa)
(7.10) - 0.1 (11)/(10.1)
0.182 - The anoxic and aerobic volume fractions, fvd/fxd
- fvd/fxd fvb/fxb 1-fxa/(rfxa)
r/(rfxa) (7.11) - 1-0.1/(10.1) 0.91
- where first subscripts v and x refer to volume
and mass fractions, respectively and second
subscripts a, d, and b refer to anaerobic,
anoxic, and aerobic reactors, respectively.
132The UCT Process - Process Volume
- 2. For a selected mean process MLSS conc., Xt
(7.13) - Xt Xtbr/(rfxa) 40001/(10.1)
3636 mg TSS/L - The total process volume, Vp
- Vp M(Xt)/Xt 56090/3636 15425 m
- The anaerobic sludge conc., Xta
- Xta Xt fxa/fva 3636 0.1/0.18 2000 mg
TSS/L - The anoxic sludge conc., Xtb
- Xtd Xtb Xt/1-fxa/(rfxa)
- 3636/1-0.1/(10.1)
4000 mg/L
133The UCT Process - Process Volume
- 3. The anaerobic reactor volume, Va
- Va fvaVp 0.18215425 2807 m3
- The primary anoxic reactor volume, Vd1
- Vd1 fxd1r/(rfxa) Vp 0.11/(10.1)15425
1402 m3 - The secondary anoxic reactor volume, Vd2
- Vd2 fxd2r/(rfxa) Vp 0.281/(10.1)15425
3926 m3 - The aerobic reactor volume, Vb
- Vb fxbr/(rfxa) Vp 0.521/ (10.1)15425
7292 m3