Title: GameiMax's Animal Safari Game Released at Google Play
1GameiMaxs Animal Safari Game Released at Google
Game Designed Developed By Arth I-Soft
2About Game
- Are you ready for the Animal Safari? Then let's
visit this Animal Safari and have fun spotting
Lions, Zebras, Giraffes, and Elephants on your
Android phone! You're little away from moments to
build and customize your own Safari adventure. - Yes you have joined with us, now it's time to
venture outdoor adventures. Explore this
adventure with your family and complete all those
11 different activities.
- Different 11 fun-filled activities
- Different Animals - a Animal Safari!
- Meet a Dog, Cat, Horse, Giraffe, Tiger, and
Rabbit - Beautiful HD illustrations on every page of
wildlife - Enjoy numerous engaging and fun animations on
each page - zoo comes to life! - Awesome animal sound effects for each animal
4Animal Safari Adventure Game
5Animal Safari Adventure Game
6Download on your iPhone / iPad / iPod
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