Title: Learn How Shutter Renu Restores Vinyl Shutters
1How Shutter Renu Restores Vinyl Shutters
- OneSource Organics, Inc.
- P.O. Box 128 Jamison, PA 18929
- info_at_shutterrenu.com 267-614-5284
2Q. What is Shutter Renu?
- Ans. A low VOC (volatile organic compounds),
clear, environmentally friendly vinyl, metal and
faded paint surface restorer and protectant.
3Q. Is it water based?
- Ans. Yes, Shutter Renu is water based and since
it is a water-based product, it cleans up easily.
4Q. Does it contain pigments, dyes or stains?
- Ans. No. It is clear and because it is clear
there is no need to tape or protect different,
un-faded colored surfaces. We do recommend taping
windows if you are using an airless sprayer.
5Q. Why is it better to apply Shutter Renu to my
existing shutters than to replace them?
- Ans. Your initial and long-term costs will be
several times lower than replacing. Replacement
shutters will fade just as your current shutters
have unless you protect them with Shutter Renu.
In addition, new shutters cannot not prevent
growth of mold, mildew and algae, Shutter Renu
6Q. Why not paint vinyl shutters?
- Ans. Paint will give your shutters a painted look
and you may lose the wood grain appearance of
your shutters. Also, painting requires a
significant amount of prep work and clean up and
paint will fade like your shutters. Shutter Renu
is not pigmented and dries clear so any splatter
will not be noticeable. The only prep work after
cleaning the shutters is to simply open the
Shutter Renu container.
7Steps for Shutter Restoration
- 3 Easy Steps to Restore Faded Vinyl Shutter
- Clean faded shutters with Renu Cleaner
Concentrate. - Allow shutters to completely dry.
- Apply Vinyl Renu with a quality brush or airless
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