Title: The Proposed Projects
1The Proposed Projects
2The estimates on the following pages are based on
current prices and town labor. The 4 million
bond anticipates there will be future cost
increases as well as the need to seek some
contract labor at higher prices.
3Martin Farms Road
- Type Drainage
- Length 180 feet of 8-inch pipe.
- Estimates
- SDR pipe 550
- Equipment Rental 1,200
- Paving 1,000
- Saw Cut 500
- Loam Seed 500
- Labor 5 days 2,100
- Total Cost 5,850
4Somers Road
- Project Type Reconstruction
- Length Width 1.77 miles
- Scope of Work Obtain all permits, permissions
and approvals required. Replace five culverts
(300). Clean drainage channels and install
basins where applicable. Perform full-depth
reclamation with calcium, grade, and compact.
Then pave 2½-inch base and 1½-inch top. Repaint
traffic markings and stabilize shoulders. - Estimates
- Drainage 9,000
- Reclamation 48,000
- Paving Base 158,000
- Paving Top 94,800
- Berm 2,000
- Labor 6,700
- Other 1,500
- Total Project 320,000
5Hickory Lane
- Type Drainage
- Length 350 feet of 15-inch pipe.
- Estimates
- SDR Pipe 3,150
- Stone 350
- Tree Removals 800
- Equipment Rental 3,000
- Paving 8,000
- Loam Seed 500
- Labor (10 Days) 4,200
- Total cost 20,000
6Main Street Near Memorial Park Entrance
- Type Drainage
- Length 225 feet
- Estimates
- Box Culvert (19K lbs ea) 88,000
- Equipment Rental 10,000
- Excavator Crane, 10,000
- Paving 8,000
- Saw Cut 700
- Loam Seed 500
- Labor (15 Days) 6,300
- Total cost 123,500
7East Longmeadow Road
- Length 0.7 miles
- Estimates
- Reclamation 19,800
- Paving base 65,000
- Paving top 39,000
- Labor 2,100
- Other 1,500
- Total Project 127,400
8Fernwood Drive
- Type Drainage
- Length 220 feet each of 12-inch pipe.
- Estimates
- SDR pipe 5,000
- Equipment Rental (Backhoe) 3,600
- Loam Seed 1,500
- Labor (15 Days) 6,300
- Contract costs to dredge wetlands 40,000?
- Total cost 56,400
9Main Street Somers Rd. To White Birch Apartments
- Project Type Reconstruction
- Length 0.7 miles Scope of Work Obtain all
permits, permissions and approvals required.
Replace all catch basins and cross culverts.
Install sub-drainage along northwest side where
needed to collect water runoff from ledge areas.
Perform full-depth reclamation with calcium,
grade, and compact. Then pave 2½-inch base,
install new curbs and pave 1½ top. Install new
guardrail along Gerrish Park. Repaint traffic
markings and stabilize shoulders. - Estimates Drainage 26,000
- Reclamation 26,310
- Paving base 86,600
- Paving top 52,000
- Berms 18,500
- Labor 12,600
- Guardrail 7,200
- Other 2,000
- Total Project 231,200
10Valley View, Forest Hills and Chestnut Hill Roads
- Project Type Paving
- Length 0.94 miles
- Scope of Work Clean existing roadway, adjust all
basins and manholes, shim and level areas needed
with bituminous concrete and then resurface
complete with 1½ of bituminous concrete. Repair
shoulders and driveways as needed. - Estimates
- Paving (Estimated 1,250 Ton) 57,275
- RS1 tack 3,000
- crack filler 1,400
- basin supplies 2,000
- Berm replacement 2,500
- labor (15 Days) 6,300
- Total cost 72,500
11Ames Road
- Project Type Reconstruction
- Length 1.52 miles
- Scope of Work Replace cross culverts as needed,
perform full-depth reclamation with calcium,
grade, and compact. Then pave 2-inch modified
base and 1-inch top. Seal road with asphalt and
stone. Repaint traffic markings as needed and
stabilize shoulders. - Estimates
- Drainage 6,000
- Reclamation 42,80
- Gravel 8,000
- Paving Base 112,700
- Paving Top 56,400
- Asphalt Stone 31,000
- Labor 6,700
- Other 1,500
- Total Project 265,100
12Bayberry Drive Colony Road
- Project Type Paving
- Length 0.54 miles
- Scope of Work Clean existing roadway, adjust all
basins and manholes, shim and level areas needed
with bituminous concrete and then resurface
complete with 1½ bituminous concrete. Repair any
berms, shoulders and driveways as needed. - Estimates
- Paving (estimated 1,200 ton) 56,000
- RS1 tack 3,000
- Crack Filler 1,500
- Basin Supplies 2,000
- Berm Replacement 2,500
- Labor (15 Days) 6,300
- Total Cost 71,300
13Stony Hill Road
- Project Type Reconstruction
- Length 0.9 miles
- Scope of Work Adjust any catch basins needed and
replace a single culvert. Perform full-depth
reclamation with calcium, grade, and compact.
Then pave 2½-inch base and 1½ top. Repaint
traffic markings and stabilize shoulders. - Estimates
- Drainage 3,000
- Reclamation 25,600
- Paving base 84,300
- Paving top 50,600
- Labor 2,100
- Other 1,800
- Total Project 167,400
14Allen Place, Allen Court, Wehr Road
- Project Type Paving
- Length 0.44 miles
- Scope of Work Clean existing roadway, adjust all
basins, re-surface with 1½ inches of bituminous
concrete and then repair any shoulders and
driveways as needed. - Estimates
- Paving (Estimated 570 Ton) 26,544
- labor (4 days) 1,655
- Total cost 28,200
15Pinewood Road
- Project Type Paving
- Length 0.22 miles
- Scope of Work Clean existing roadway, re-surface
with 1½ inches of bituminous concrete and then
repair any shoulders and driveways as needed. - Estimates
- Paving (Estimated 260 Ton) 12,225
- Labor (2 days) 830
- Total cost 13,055
16Parking Lot, Town Hall, Highway And Fire Station
- Area 8,600 Square Yards
- Estimates
- Drainage 1,000
- Reclamation 17,200
- Paving base 56,600
- Paving top 33,970
- Berms 3,000
- Labor 2,100
- Other 1,500
- Total Project 115,370
17Baldwin Track
- Length 2.95 miles
- Estimates
- Paving (Estimated 3,600 Ton) 168,955
- 480 Feet Of 12-inch SDR Pipe 3,400
- Basin Supplies 2,000
- Labor (15 Days) 6,300
- Loam, Seed Mix 1,500
- Total Cost - 182,155
18Wilbraham Road (3-Year Plan)
- Type Reconstruction
- Length 2.15 miles
- Estimates
- Reclamation 81,100
- Paving 270,000
- Paving top 160,200
- Berms 57,000
- Other 2,000
- Total Project w/o drainage 570,300
- Drainage Estimate 375,000
- Estimated Project Cost 945,300
19Mountain Road
- Length 0.4 miles
- Estimates Drainage 800
- Ledge Removal 40,000
- Reclamation 10,500
- Paving base 27,650
- Paving top 13,850
- Asphalt stone 7,600
- Labor 6,700
- Other 1,500
- Total Project - 108,600
20Glendale Road (N. Monson to Ridge)
- Length Width 0.4 miles
- Estimates
- Drainage 18,000
- Gravel and fill 20,000
- Reclamation 10,500
- Paving base 27,650
- Paving top 13,850
- Asphalt stone 7,600
- Guardrail 4,000
- Labor 10,900
- Other 5,000
- Total Project 117,500
- 4 Million10-Year Bond
- Subject To A Proposition 2 ½ Debt Exclusion
22Taxpayer Impact
- 10-Year Bond _at_ 5.00 Interest 420,000 Per
Year. - Average Cost Per Household Approximately
23Long-Term Bonding Impact
- Current Bond Payments 250,000 / Year
- Expires FY-2008
- FY-2007 Start Work With BANs (Bond Anticipation
Notes, Interest Only) - FY 2008 At Expiration Of Old Bond, Float New
Bond. - New Bond 420,000 / Year
- Net Bonding Payment Increase 170,000 / Year
24Taxpayer Impact If Repairs Not Done
- Unacceptable Public Safety Risks And Possible
Liability - On-Going Series Of Emergency Repairs At Much
Higher Costs - Higher Future Materials and Labor Costs
25On-Going Work
- While the restoration is under way, the highway
department will continue on-going work on state
funded (Chapter 90) projects and repairs funded
in the towns operational budget.
26Concurrent Projects Include
- Completion of Bennett Road Construction
- Resurfacing of Valley View, Forest Hill and
Chestnut Hill Roads - Resurfacing of Glendale Road
- Resurfacing of Glendale Estates
- Resurfacing of Evergreen Terr, Fox Run
Genevieve Drive - Supplemental Funding for Infrastructure
Improvements that may require unanticipated
scopes of work. - Equipment acquisition
- Projects listed in the Infrastructure Improvement
Plan, should funding be depleted. - Other There may be unanticipated projects, such
as damaged roads and drainage systems due to
storm events
27Due to the uncertainty of future costs, state
aid, and unexpected project complications, some
projects may be deferred or re-prioritized or
some bonded projects may be combined with Chapter
90 projects.
28Please Support Hampdens Infrastructure
Improvement Plan