Title: ATS Allure Yamuna Expressway
1ATS Allure
Best Deal 8447730206
2 Overview
ATS Allure is a unique housing project in Noida
by renowned real estate developing company ATS
Realty. It is developed in the heart of Noida
which is located at Yamuna Expressway. Its offer
luxurious flats in the green and open space. ATS
Allure Noida is well connect to Noida expressway
and Yamuna Expressway with all major location of
Noida and Delhi. It is a great residential
project for standards living in Noida. It is
fully loaded with various amenities likes Park,
Garden, Club House, Play Ground and best
3Location Map
4Thank You
- Registered OfficeWe Care Invest
- 26/18 West Patel Nagar
- New Delhi - 110008 India
- For Best Deal ContactCall Us 91- 8447730206
- Email wecarehomes2013_at_gmail.com
- http//www.atsyamunaexpressway.net.in