Title: Online Bipartite Matching with Augmentations
1Online Bipartite Matching with Augmentations
- Presentation by Henry Lin
- Joint work with Kamalika Chaudhuri, Costis
Daskalakis, and Robert Kleinberg
- The online bipartite matching problem
- Background and previous work
- Our latest results
- Conclusion and open questions
3Recall Basic Bipartite Matching
- Model Bipartite graph between n clients and n
servers - Goal Find a matching between clients and servers
4Recall Basic Bipartite Matching
- Model Bipartite graph between n clients and n
servers - Goal Find a matching between clients and servers
5The Online Matching Problem
- Model Clients arrive online, and reveal edges to
servers - Goal Maintain matching, while minimizing
client-server switches
6The Online Matching Problem
- Model Clients arrive online, and reveal edges to
servers - Goal Maintain matching, while minimizing
client-server switches
7The Online Matching Problem
- Model Clients arrive online, and reveal edges to
servers - Goal Maintain matching, while minimizing
client-server switches
8The Online Matching Problem
- Model Clients arrive online, and reveal edges to
servers - Goal Maintain matching, while minimizing
client-server switches
9The Online Matching Problem
- Model Clients arrive online, and reveal edges to
servers - Goal Maintain matching, while minimizing
client-server switches
10The Online Matching Problem
- Model Clients arrive online, and reveal edges to
servers - Goal Maintain matching, while minimizing
client-server switches
11Simplifying Assumptions
- For the purposes of this talk, we assume
- Each server can serve at most one client
- There is a matching at each time step
- There are exactly n clients and n servers
12A Few Sample Applications
- Web service provision
- Clients are website owners
- Servers are machines for hosting websites
- Job scheduling
- Clients are persistent job requests
- Servers are machines for servicing job requests
- Caching
- Clients are data objects
- Servers are locations in a hash table
13Previous Work
- When each client has degree at most 2 Grove,
Kao, Krishnan, and Vitter 1995 - The greedy algorithm has switching cost O(n log
n) - For any algorithm, the switching cost is O(n log
n) - For general graphs
- No upper bounds on better than O(n2)
- No lower bounds better than O(n log n)
14Relaxing the Worst Case Model
- Good bounds in the worst case seems hard, but
what about on average? - Assume an arbitrary bipartite graph G, but what
if the clients arrive randomly? - What if G is a random graph where each client has
O(log n) random edges?
15Our Work
- When clients arrive uniformly at random, the
greedy algorithm has cost O(n log n) w.h.p. - When each client has O(log n) random edges, the
total switching cost is O(n) w.h.p. - When the bipartite graph is a tree, there is an
algorithm with switching cost O(n log n)
16An easier version of first theorem
- Let G be any bipartite graph between n clients
and n servers (with a perfect matching) - Theorem If the clients of G arrive uniformly at
random, the greedy algorithm has expected cost
O(n log n). - Result is tight as there is a graph, where any
algorithm must have cost ?(n log n)
17Main lemma for easier theorem
- Lemma If i clients have yet to arrive, the
expected cost of the next arriving client is
O(n/i) - The lemma proves the theorem because the expected
total cost is
18Proving the Lemma
- Note if remaining i clients all arrive, we can
connect them with total switching cost n - In this example i2
- To match remaining clients, we only need to
switch the 3 existing clients
19Proving the Lemma
- Note if remaining i clients all arrive, we can
connect them with total switching cost n - In this example i2
- To match remaining clients, we only need to
switch the 3 existing clients
20Proving the Lemma
- There are also i augmenting paths of total length
O(n), which can connect the i remaining clients - Furthermore, the total length of the i shortest
augmenting paths from the i remaining clients is
21Proving the Lemma
- If total length of the i shortest augmenting
paths from the i remaining clients is O(n) - The expected length of these i augmenting paths
is O(n/i) - Thus, the expected cost of the greedy algorithm
is O(n/i), when i clients remain
22Recap The lemma and theorem
- Lemma If i clients have yet to arrive, the
expected cost of the next arriving client is
O(n/i) - Theorem When clients arrive uniformly at random,
the greedy algorithm has expected cost O(n log n)
23Related Work
- Online matching without re-assignment
- Karp, Vazirani, Vazirani Goel, Mehta Saberi,
et al. - Online load balancing
- Azar, Broder, Karlin Phillips, Westbrook etc.
- Cuckoo hashing
- Pagh, Rodler etc.
24Open Questions
- Can one derive an algorithm with O(n log n)
switching cost? - Can one prove a lower bound better than ?(n log
n)? - Can our work be used to derive faster bipartite
matching algorithms?