Title: Ducklings
2Ive only been hearing about it for the past week.
This is exciting. I am sure you will learn a lot
about ducklings. Looks like its time for school!
The day you get ducklings?
Mom, Do you know what day it is?!
How did you know?
Im so excited!
3You may have noticed that I brought a projector.
Does anyone know why?
Correct. Would you like to see inside?
If we look at the egg through the light, we can
see whats inside.
4It wont be long before the ducklings grow up to
be ducks. Well class, as you know, today we are
starting our duckling unit.
Tomorrow the eggs will be coming.
Oh, a couple of weeks.
I expect to see all of you here bright and early,
ready to take care of the new addition to our
How long before the eggs will hatch?
5You can see the outline of the duckling that is
developing inside. Here you can see a big sack.
This is called the yolk. The yolk nourishes the
duckling as it grows inside the egg.
6No, not yet.
Good morning!
Time for class!
Good morning Mrs. Jones! Did the eggs hatch yet?
7One of the eggs is hatching!!
8I cant wait to get back to the room to see the
This hallway seems to be getting longer with
every step I take!
9As you can see, hatching from an egg takes a lot
of time. I am going to ask you to return to your
seats. I will let you know as soon as something
exciting happens.
10It may look a bit unfluffy right now but, in
time, it will clean itself off and fluff up its
feathers. It will look like the pictures youve
seen in books.
Each table will get a turn to look at the
duckling. We dont want to scare our feathery
friend by coming up all at once.
Im glad I got to come up first.
It looks different than I imagined.
11Oh dear. This duckling must think Im its
mother. It keeps following me!