Title: IFTC Presents 7th Global Film Festival Noida 2014
1IFTC Presents 7th Global Film Festival Noida 2014
2 The most popular film festival body- IFTC-
International Film And Television Club of this
country is the presenter of 7th Global Film
Festival Noida 2014 this year also. IFTC has
been working on number of festivals like Global
Festival of Journalism, International Festival of
Cellphone Cinema, AAFT Festival of Short Digital
Films, ASMS Festival of Short Films,
International Sufi Film Festival, WECARE Film
Festival of Films on Disability and many
more. IFTC has been emerged as the biggest body
to organize largest number of film festivals in
the country. 7th Global Film Festival Noida 2014
will be presented by the same organization. The
association has members from all over the World
from different strata of life.