Title: Drivekool, a hub to book your driving school Online
1Book Driving School Online
2 3Mandatory Signs For Driving
- Mandatory signs are road sign which are used to
set the obligations of all traffic which use a
specific area of road. Unlike Prohibitory or
restrictive mandatory signs tell traffic what it
must do, rather than must not do. Most mandatory
road signs are circular, may use white symbols on
a blue background with white border or black
symbols on a white background with a red border,
although the latter is also associated with
prohibitory signs
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8In 2012, the Tourism department of Kerala
announced plans to upgrade road signs in the
state to include maps of nearby hospitals. The
Noida Authority announced plans to replace older
signboards with new fluorescent signage
9A dividing line is a road marking formed by a
white/yellow line or two parallel white/yellow
lines (broken or continous) designed to seperate
the parts of a road to be used by vehicles
travelling in opposite directions.
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11Yellow lines broken or solid separate lanes of
traffic moving in different directions. White
lines broken or solid separate lanes of traffic
moving in the same direction. Broken lines any
color means you can pass ,Solid lines any color
means you can not pass
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