Title: Status of scanning in Bern
1Status of scanning in Bern
- HW status
- SW status
- pi/mu separation ( PSI 2004 )
- vertex search (CERN 2004)
2Hardware status
- 2 Microscopes working
- MC1310 problem (image flicker)
- Robot plate taking problem and solutions
- Server http//lheppc46.unibe.ch
3Software status Contributions to SySal
PlateChanger Object Manual robot control at
three levels of detalization/safety Automated
robot control from VertigoScan
4Software status Contributions to SySal
PlateChanger Object Manual robot control at
three levels of detalization/safety Automated
robot control from VertigoScanner3
5(No Transcript)
6Software status Contributions to SySal
FlexMap3 is under development Tasks automated
FM scan new style FM with ID coding
7Software status Contributions to SySal
BernScanServer Tool to debug the complex
Microscope Robot Controlled by TCP in a simple
way, executes methods of VertigoScan which are
executed by normal ScanServer Task to do
measure relative plate positioning precision
8Software status Contributions to SySal
VertigoScan3 Added slot for PlateChanger Added
method template for automated FM scan No backward
compatibility -gt New Version 4? To be discussed..
9Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004
2 Bricks 200 MeV pions and 120 Mev muons 100
Mu Pi 910 cm2 9 cm2 2100 mu 2500
cosmics 2700 pi 1900 cosmics
10Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004 cosmics
11Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004 cosmics
12Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004 cosmics
13Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004 muons
14Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004 muons
15Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004 muons
16Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004 pions
17Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004 pions
18Scanning progress Pi/mu PSI TB 2004 Muons
de/dx Pions
19Scanning progress Vertex search CERN TB Nov 2004
CS dublet 105 x 85mm scanned 2603 tracks
found 860 are within beam angular distribution
(60mrad) Brick 20x20mm 32 emulsions are scanned
and aligned with old style FMs.
20Scanning progress Vertex search CERN TB Nov 2004
21Scanning progress Vertex search CERN TB Nov 2004
Within beam acceptance
Passing through
22Scanning progress Vertex search CERN TB Nov
2004 Alignement DCS-BRICK Problem to set
Z-distance Good alignment on beam tracks, But no
reliable coinsidence for large angle
particles. Work is in progress.