Temperature and Performance of Organisms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Temperature and Performance of Organisms


Reduce heat loss by insulation (fur, feathers, fat) ... inhibit extracellular water freezing, but seal cell membranes to avoid water loss. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Temperature and Performance of Organisms

Temperature and Performance of Organisms
Temperature Effects on Metabolic Reactions
Temperature Effects on Metabolic Reactions
The increase in organism performance with
temperature is accounted for in part by metabolic
effectiveness. For each 10 deg C rise in temp,
the rate of biological enzymatic processes often
roughly doubles. This is because high temp
increases the speed of molecular movement and
speeds up chemical reactions.
Temperature Effects on Metabolic Reactions
The decrease in organism performance at higher
temperatures is because excessively high temps
destroy the shapes of the enzymes, and compromise
their fit with the substrate and enzyme function.
Temperature and enzyme activity
Rates of reaction often vary with adaptation of
the organisms to the local environment Rainbow
trout produce two forms of this enzyme. One
performs best at 2 deg C, the other at 17 deg
C. These two temps correspond with average winter
and summer temps.
Degree-day concept
The effects of chemical reactions often
influences organism growth rates and rates of
development. For many organisms, there is a
linear relationship between temperature and rate
of growth or development. Degree-days number
of day-degrees above a temperature threshold.
Degree-day concept
The effects of chemical reactions often
influences organism growth rates and rates of
development. For many organisms, there is a
linear relationship between temperature and rate
of growth or development. Degree-days number
of day-degrees above a temperature threshold.
Dev threshold 9.9 deg C Temp days to
dev day-degrees 15 24.22 24.22 x 5.1
123.5 25 8.18 8.18 x 15.1 123.5
Despain 2006
  • Beginning about 1998 willows that had been
    surpressed by elk browsing for more than 50 years
    on Yellowstone National Parks northern winter
    range began to grow tall in some places.

  • Two unusual things happened
  • to produce tall willows.
  • Phenomenal growth
  • Effectively defended against large
  • herbivores
  • Why?? Could it be induced by warmer temperatures?

  • Temperature has a definite affect on carbohydrate
  • Day length control means that growth occurs
    during early half of warm season leaving
    carbohydrates produced during last half available
    for storage, defensive chemical production and
    other processes.
  • Longer periods of favorable conditions in the
    spring provide longer stems
  • Longer periods of favorable conditions in the
    fall provide more defensive chemicals

(No Transcript)
Conclusion Willow physiology indicates that the
increase in days with minimum temperature greater
than 0ºC could explain the recent change in
willow growth habit. But what about wolves and
50 reduction in elk herds?
Summary These are examples of organisms having
maximum performance at a fairly narrow range of
env conditions. Given how the environment
varies over space and time, it is clear how no
one organism can monopolize all environments and
why there is such a diversity of life.
Regulating Body Temperature
Vectors of Heat Exchange between Organisms and
  • HS Hm Hcd Hcv Hr Hc
  • HS Total heat stored in an organism
  • Hm gained via metabolism
  • Hcd gained / lost via conduction
  • Hcv gained / lost via convection
  • Hr gained / lost via electromag. radiation
  • Hc lost via evaporation

Body Temperature Regulation
  • Poikilotherms
  • Body temp varies directly with env. temps.
  • Ectotherms
  • Rely mainly on external energy sources.
  • Endotherms
  • Rely heavily on metabolic energy.
  • Homeotherms endotherms that use metabolic
    energy to maintain a constant body temperature

Temperature Regulation By Plants
  • Desert Plants Must reduce heat storage.
  • (HS) Hcd Hcv Hr
  • To avoid heating, plants have (3) options
  • Decrease heating via conduction (Hcd).
  • (place foliage above ground)
  • Increase convective cooling (Hcv).
  • (leaves with high surface to volume)
  • Reduce radiative heating (Hr).
  • (Increase reflectivity via hairs)

Temperature Regulation By Arctic and Alpine Plants
  • Increase radiative heating (Hr).
  • Dark pigments to absorb radiation, orient to
    maximize solar radiation uptake
  • Decrease Convective Cooling (Hcv).
  • Cushion growth from to be in lower windspeed and
    increase conduction from ground

Temperature Regulation by Ectothermic Animals
  • Liolaemus Lizards
  • Thrive in cold environments.
  • Burrows, Dark pigmentation, Sun Basking
  • Grasshoppers
  • Some species can adjust for radiative heating by
    varying intensity of pigmentation during

Temperature regulation by Liolaemus multiformis
  • - lives in the cold environment in the Andes
    mountains at over 4800m.
  • - night temperatures can be 5 deg C.
  • - at night the lizard stays in burrows to reduce
    cooling but its temp still falls (to 2.5 deg C).
  • - morning behavior
  • perching on plant material to reduce conduction.
  • basking in sun to increase radiation, including
    orienting its back to the sun, and using dark
    skin pigmentation.
  • crouching low to reduce convective heat loss.
  • - as air temp rises to 1.5 deg C, body temp rises
    to 33 deg C.

Temperature Regulation by Endothermic Animals
  • Also use metabolic heat to regulate temperature
  • Reduce heat loss by insulation (fur, feathers,
  • Increase heat loss via evaporative cooling
    (panting, sweating).
  • Thermoneutral zone - the range of environmental
    temperatures over which the metabolic rate of a
    homeotherm does not change.

Thermoneutral Zone
Temperature/thermal neutral zone of mammals
Life at Low Temperatures
  • Chilling injury
  • damaged by exposure to temperatures that are low
    but above freezing
  • mechanisms is not well known, but may be
    associated with breakdown of membrane
    permeability and the leakage of specific ions.

Life at Low Temperatures
  • Freezing injury
  • Water can supercool to temperatures to -40 deg C
    and body fluids in organisms seldom freeze until
    well below 0 deg C.
  • But at temperatures below 40, trees are not able
    to persist, this explains the northern limit of
  • Between 0 and -40 damage comes from water outside
    of cells freezes, drawing water from the
    supercooled cells and causes cell death to
    osmotic forces similar to drought or salinity.

Strategies to Cope with Cold
  • Avoid freezing. Production of alcohols and
    proteins that allow supercooling.
  • Tolerate freezing. Production of alcohols that
    do not inhibit extracellular water freezing, but
    seal cell membranes to avoid water loss.
  • Acclimatization, where exposure to cold is
    gradual and allows the strategies to develop.
  • Topor. This is a state of low metabolic rage and
    lowered body temperature.
  • Hibernation. Extended state of reduced metabolism
    and inactivity .

Strategies to Cope with Heat
  • Evaporation leads to cooling.
  • Some plants in hot environments maximize
    transpiration to facilitate cooling.
  • Where water is short, this becomes impossible.
  • Here plants may use spines, hairs, or waxes to
    reflect incoming radiation.
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