Title: Advertising for Smarties
1Advertisingfor Smarties
- Chad Rummel
- Oakton High School
- www.oaktonoutlook.com
2Three Pillars
- Advertise your Advertising
- Customer-based Sales
- Professional Follow-up
3Pillar OneAdvertise your Advertising
4Survey Readers
Your goal is to answer Why should I advertise,
before it is asked. 5-minute survey of
readers (students, parents, faculty,
etc.) K.I.S.S.
5Spending Habits
Name (optional) _______________________________ Gr
ade (required) 9 10 11
12 This information will be used to help the
Oakton Outlook convince advertisers to offer
specials to Oakton students, including discounts
and coupons. All information will be kept
confidential Estimate, to the best of your
ability, how much you spend a month
on Restaurants/Fast Food _______________ Entert
ainment (movies, concerts, etc
_______________ Clothing _______________ Sportin
g Goods/Supplies _______________ Beauty products
(tanning/make-up/salons) _______________ How many
times a month do you shop at the
following (list favorite stores below
each) ______ Fair Oaks Mall ______ Tysons
Corner ______ Other business in Oakton/Vienna
area Do you have a part-time job? If so Where
_________________________________ Monthly
income _________________________ Do your have a
debit/credit card of your own? __ Yes __ No Do
your parents let you use their debit/credit card?
__ Yes __ No
6Spending Habits
Name (optional) _______________________________ Gr
ade (required) 9 10 11
12 This information will be used to help the
Oakton Outlook convince advertisers to offer
specials to Oakton students, including discounts
and coupons. All information will be kept
confidential Estimate, to the best of your
ability, how much you spend a month
on Restaurants/Fast Food _______________ Entert
ainment (movies, concerts, etc
_______________ Clothing _______________ Sportin
g Goods/Supplies _______________ Beauty products
(tanning/make-up/salons) _______________ How many
times a month do you shop at the
following (list favorite stores below
each) ______ Fair Oaks Mall ______ Tysons
Corner ______ Other business in Oakton/Vienna
area Do you have a part-time job? If so Where
_________________________________ Monthly
income _________________________ Do your have a
debit/credit card of your own? __ Yes __ No Do
your parents let you use their debit/credit card?
__ Yes __ No
7Recognize Potential Clients
Name the top three restaurants you eat at the
most Where do you get your hair cut? Who is your
family doctor? Who is your family dentist? Have
you ever paid a tutor or test prep? __ Yes __
No If yes, which one? ___________________________
_ Would you consider a tutor or test prep
service? __ Yes __ No Have you ever used a
driving school? __ Yes __ No If yes, which one?
____________________________ Would you consider
driving school? __ Yes __ No Do you use coupons?
__ Yes __ No (example food discounts, 10
clothing, etc.) If you answered No above, what
would help change your mind? Does one of your
parents own/manage a business? __ Yes __ No If
so, which one? _______________________________ Do
you read the Outlook? __ Yes __ No What section
do you read the most? What would you like to see
more of in the Outlook? Additional comments
below and on the back
8Build Rate Card
Your goal is to answer How do I advertise?
before it is asked. Include market survey
information. Make it email/fax accessible.
9Client Database
Start with current advertisers AND their
competitors Add data collected in market
survey Record ALL information you can Your
database is an ever-growing working document
10Set Advertising Goals
How much do you NEED to make? Then increase it!
Raise the bar! Break it down per issue and per
person Reward your staff for surpassing goals
11Pillar TwoProfessional Sales
12Mass Mailing
Send letter, rate card, copy of a spring issue to
EVERY person in your DB three weeks before your
first issue One week later, follow up IN
PERSON Offer special discounts if they
advertise in the first issue (hook!)
10 for advertising in 3 issues 20 for
advertising in 5 issues 25 discount for first
and last issue
10 for advertising in 3 issues 20 for
advertising in 5 issues 25 discount for first
and last issue
15Spec Ads
Design the ads BEFORE you visit with the
client. Localize the ads with Go Cougars,
Welcome Back Cougars. Steal info from clients
(business cards, fliers, etc) to spec ads.
16Student-driven ads
Include pix of students in the ads Be ready to
tell the advertiser what should be in their
ad (specials, coupons, etc.) If the ad is
boring, it will bore your students and you will
not get a renewal
17Student-driven ads
Include pix of students in the ads Be ready to
tell the advertiser what should be in their
ad (specials, coupons, etc.) If the ad is
boring, it will bore your students and you will
not get a renewal
18Pillar ThreeFollow-Up
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Billing Procedure
- Tearsheets
- NUMBERED invoices
- Contract Renewals
Mail copies of the paper to those that DIDNT
advertise. Send spec ads and a you missed out
letter to all in your DB
Nyssa Wratschko ads_at_oaktonoutlook.com www.oakto