Title: The most luminous star known
1 Eta Carinae
The most luminous star (known)
Augusto Damineli IAG-USP
2 Why is ? Carinae important?
- The light of distants galaxies (young) is
dominated by massive stars. - Massive stars are very rare in the local Universe
and unresolved in distant galaxies. - Eta Car is close (2.3 kpc) and easy to observe by
any technique
- Interacting galaxies also form lots of massive
stars (blue) - Massive stars are important sources of N, He and
other heavy elements - Star models (evolutionary tracks) in the upper HR
diagram are poorly known
- ? Carinae survived a giant outburst
10 49.5 ergs gt unknown physical mechanism! - Was seen at naked eye in daylight (Sirius)
- Well documented history along 150 years
3 Luminous Blue Variables
90 of star mass is lost in the LBV phase
S Doradus Oscillation
O type stars
Nitrogen gtgt Solar
Oxigen ltlt Solar
4The 1843 giant eruption
- tidal interaction in a binary system (Innes 1903)
- slow supernova (Thackeray 1956, Zwicky 1965,
Rodgers Searle 1967) - pulsar embedded in a supernova remnant (Ostriker
Gunn 1971, Borgwald Friendlander 1993) - compact object accreting mass from a companion
(Bath 1979, Warren-Smith et al. 1979, Tutukov
Yungel'son 1980 Viotti et al. 1989, Gallagher
1989, van Genderen, de Groot The - pre-main sequence star (Gratton 1963)
- massive main sequence star (Burbidge 1962, Tamman
Sandage 1968, Burbidge Stein 1970, Talbot
1971, Davidson 1971, Hoyle, Solomon Wolf 1973,
Humphreys Davidson 1979, Davidson, Walborn
Gull 1982, Doom, De Greve Loore 1986) - atmospheric instability in massive post-main
sequence star (Andriesse, Packet de Loore 1981) - dynamical instability in a extended atmosphere
(Stothers Chin 1983, Maeder 1983) - long period CWB (Damineli, Conti Lopes 1997
6The 5.53 year cycle Damineli 1996
7 Conflict with the dominant idea S Doradus
cycles should be unpredictable!
This was a prediction
8The binary model
67 M? (primary)
lt113 M?
69M? (secondary)
lt89 M?
9 Prediction variable hard X-rays
10 The predicted event for 1997/8 came on schedule!
X-rays ROSAT
11 The periodicity is true P5.53?0.01 years
- Same speed and mass
- Same energy cycle after cycle
Shell ejection X Binary model
12 Colliding wind binary model reproduce observed
X-ray flux, temperature, NH
13 3 milhões K
60 milhões K
14 raios-X
15Is binarity related to the 1843 giant eruption?
16 Next event June 2003
- Visible/NIR LNA, ESO, CASLEO, South Africa,
Australia - Radio Itapetinga, Australia, SEST(ESO)
- X-rays RXTE, Chandra, XMM
- UV Hubble