Title: Loette is a safe and effective contraceptive
2Loette The Pill
3Loette The Pill
- Loette is a commonly used contraceptive or birth
control pill. Loette is consumed orally and is
known as the Pill. This medication popularly
used as a birth control measure, contains two
hormones namely levonorgestrel and
ethinyloestradiol. - These hormones are active against preventing one
from being pregnant if loette is taken according
to the dose recommended. Loette is also used to
treat mild acne in women.
4Loette Working
- Loette prevents pregnancy by inhibiting the
release of egg by preventing it from maturing.
Also, Loette makes it difficult for the sperm to
reach the egg by changing the cervical mucus
consistency. And, finally the medication changes
the uterus lining by reducing the chances of
implantation or pregnancy.
5Loette Dosage format
- Loette can be taken as per one of the two formats
given below - 28-pill format One tablet at the same time,
everyday for 28 days regularly. - 21-pill format One tablet at the same time for
21 days, then leave a gap of one week as tablet
free before starting with the next round of
6loette Precautions
- Loette must be taken only after discussing ones
medical history with a specialist or under some
medical supervision. Women, who are already
pregnant, must not take loette. Women, who have
experienced menopause also, should not take
loette. Also, restrict from loette usage if you
are allergic to any of Loettes ingredients.
7Loette Side-effects
- Loette has very minor side-effects but the
benefits of loette are so high that they outweigh
the side-effects. Common side-effects, although
very rare, include headache, nausea, increase in
blood pressure, acne, etc. One can always take
medical help if too concerned about these minor
and short-termed side effects.
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