Analytical Modeling for Inland Waterway Traffic Management and Infrastructure: Experience from the Upper Mississippi River Navigation System

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Analytical Modeling for Inland Waterway Traffic Management and Infrastructure: Experience from the Upper Mississippi River Navigation System


Analytical Modeling for Inland Waterway Traffic Management and Infrastructure: Experience from the Upper Mississippi River Navigation System L. Douglas Smith – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Analytical Modeling for Inland Waterway Traffic Management and Infrastructure: Experience from the Upper Mississippi River Navigation System

Analytical Modeling for Inland Waterway Traffic
Management and Infrastructure Experience from
the Upper Mississippi River Navigation System
  • L. Douglas Smith
  • Donald C. Sweeney II
  • James F. Campbell
  • Robert M. Nauss
  • College of Business Administration
  • University of Missouri St. Louis
  • One University Blvd.
  • St. Louis MO 63121

Upper Mississippi River (UMR) Navigation System
  • Extends 663 miles from St. Louis to Minneapolis.
  • Includes 29 lock and dam facilities to raise
    vessels 300 feet.

Commercial barge traffic
  • Carried 73.3 million tons in 2004.
  • Agricultural products travel downstream most to
    New Orleans for export.
  • Other bulk commodities (petroleum, chemicals,
    etc.) travel back and forth in dedicated tows.
  • Barges measure 35 ft x 195 ft and hold 1500 tons.
  • UMR tows include up to 15 barges totaling nearly
    1200 ft long.

Barges have great capacity but travel slowly (9
mph downstream, 5 upstream)
  • A 15-barge tow carries more than two unit trains.

Locks on the UMR vary in capacity
  • Old locks are 600-ft long, but some locks have
    been expanded to 1200-ft.
  • Locking a small tow in a 600-ft long lock takes
    about 30 minutes.
  • Locking a 1200-ft long tow in a 600-ft long lock
    takes about 2 hours because it has to be broken
    and winched through!

Schematic of a lock service system

  • The UMR is a series of interdependent service
    facilities (locks) with multiple queues that
    serve vessels and tows with highly seasonal
    traffic patterns and varying itineraries.
  • Five 600-foot locks in series between two
    1200-foot locks north of St. Louis create traffic
    bottlenecks with seasonal delays.

Alternative remedies proposed to deal with the
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) proposes to
    expand the five locks to 1200 feet (approx. 2.8
    billion over five years).
  • National Research Council (NRC) proposed
    exploring less costly alternatives
  • Smaller infrastructure investments (more modest
    expenditure) to increase efficiency of existing
  • Alternative scheduling procedures (minimal

  • Realistic models are needed to test the effects
    of scheduling rules and infrastructural
    improvements under different traffic scenarios.

Waiting times vary among the five locks
  • Different mixes of traffic, river conditions, and
    vessel maneuverability.
  • Upstream movements differ from downstream
  • Itineraries, lockage times and pool transit times
    vary with tow configuration.
  • Occasional impairments to operations.

Considerations in locally sequencing vessel
  • Immediate Efficiency
  • Equity to Users
  • Flexibility to derive future efficiency as
    succeeding events occur

Deterministic analysis of processing sequences to
minimize total expecting waiting time of vessels
when clearing current queues at a lock
  • Lockage times depend on changes in lock
    configuration (turnback or exchange) in addition
    to type of tow.
  • Nauss (2007 EJOR) used integer programming to
    create the optimal locking sequence for clearing
    all the queues at a lock.
  • If waiting times were weighted equally for each
    towboat in the queue, solutions involved
    selecting vessels according to fastest locking
    time and may alternate upstream and downstream
  • Here, we add constraints for equity
  • Delay vessel in IP solution no more than a
    designated interval relative to its FIFO position
    (6 hours or 8 hours)
  • The new constraints are nonlinear and necessarily
    change the solution from FLT sequence

IP Problem parameters
IP objective function and constraints
IP constraints (cont.)
IP constraints (cont.)
IP constraints (cont.)
IP formulation (cont.)
Additional nonlinear constraints for equity
Random problem sets for peak traffic
  • 20 random sets of single and double tows with 0.9
    probability of a double tow 20 random sets of
    single and double tows with 0.7 probability of a
    double tow
  • Problems solved with varying equity constraints
  • Waitlim set very large (99999 minutes) to relax
    the constraint and revert to FLT
  • Waitlim set to 6 hours (360 minutes)
  • Waitlim set to 8 hours (480 minutes)

IP results for 9010 ratio of double tows
single tows
IP results for 7030 ratio of double tows
single tows
Summary of inferences from deterministic analysis
  • Without waitlim constraints to promote equity,
    optimal solution is FLT (if consider set-up and
    locking times that both depend on whether the
    lock is turned back)
  • As expected, greater diversity in vessel mix
    gives greater opportunity for improvement
  • Adding waitlim constraints has minor effect on
    total time in queue for all vessels
  • Must recognize that benefits will be less in
    slack periods

The system is nondeterministic and the objective
is complicated
  • The queueing problem and optimal sequence can
    change with each arrival.
  • Actual activity times deviate from expected times
    used in the deterministic model.
  • Self-adapting behavior in periods of congestion
    can distort data and alleviate some problems
    without changing formal operating procedures.
  • First-come, first served is seen as a guiding
    principle that promotes equity (absent a priority
    charging scheme).

Scheduling rules need to be tested under
stochastic conditions
  • For local scheduling, fastest locking time (FLT)
    is seen as promoting efficiency, FIFO is seen as
    promoting equity.
  • The barge industry demands simple rules that are
    easy to understand and implement without
    revealing proprietary information (including
    cargoes and destinations).
  • We developed a series of local scheduling rules
    with variants on FLT to consider efficiency and
    equity and tested their impact on the stochastic

Simulation model requirements
  • Must accommodate multiple classes of vessel
    traffic with different arrival patterns,
    itineraries and service characteristics.
  • Queueing and processing structure that captures
    physical realities of upstream and downstream
    traffic movements to and from the locks.
  • Detailed measures of system performance that show
    the mix of vessel traffic movements, facility
    utilization, waiting times and queue sizes in the
    vicinity at each lock at different times.
  • Tests of statistical significance of observed
    effects on system performance.

Discrete event simulation model infrastructure
  • SAS (Statistical Analysis System) front-end for
    historical analysis and generating equations for
    time and event-varying model parameters.
  • ARENA 10.0 discrete-event simulator to represent
    system behavior and generate experimental results
    under different rules and traffic scenarios.
  • SAS back-end for reporting and analysis of
    simulated system performance.

ARENA simulation model
  • Discrete-event simulation model with Markovian
    structure for generation of vessel itineraries
    and activity times and for exercising alternative
    traffic control policies.
  • Seasonal random arrivals generated with monthly
    effects, day-of-week effects, and time-of-day
    effects that differ according to vessel-tow

Generating random arrivals
  • Nonstationary exponential distributions are used
    in conjunction with probabilistic intensification
    and thinning processes to impose differential
    arrival rates for various classes of vessel
    according to
  • Month of year
  • Day of Week
  • Time of day

Imposing other systematic variation
  • Itineraries and activity times differ according
    to vessel-tow configuration, sequence of lockage
    operations, traffic levels and river conditions.
  • Lock operations data were partitioned for
    different locks and vessel-tow combinations and
    100 regression and logistic models were created
    for dynamic setting of system parameters.

Lognormal distributions for conditional activity

Raw lockage times
Residuals of partitioned log regression
log(lockhrs for double lockage at 24U) 0.599 -
0.096feb 0.080jun -0.080jul 0.040sep
0.053oct - 0.117turnback
Simulated versus actual year 2000 arrivals by day
of week (percent each tow type) in 100
Day of Week Double Single with Barges Jack-knife Knock-out Single w/o Barges Recn
Sun 63.1 62.9 8.5 7.8 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.6 4.1 4.8 21.1 21.4
Mon 65.3 65.8 11.0 10.7 1.6 1.5 1.9 1.5 7.4 7.4 12.9 13.2
Tue 66.9 66.9 11.9 12.8 2.0 1.7 2.8 2.2 7.5 7.6 8.9 8.8
Wed 64.8 65.0 13.1 14.1 2.0 1.6 2.3 2.0 7.9 7.7 9.9 9.5
Thu 62.6 63.3 14.9 15.1 1.6 1.6 2.4 2.2 7.4 7.1 11.1 10.7
Fri 63.8 62.7 11.5 12.7 1.6 1.4 2.2 2.2 6.1 6.4 14.7 14.5
Sat 59.7 60.3 9.4 8.6 1.6 1.3 2.1 1.9 5.6 6.0 21.5 21.8
(Top number is percent from simulation bottom
number is year 2000 actual percent.)
Simulated versus actual year 2000 arrivals by
time of day (percent each tow type) in 100
Hour of Day Double Single with Barges Jack-knife Knock- out Single w/o Barges Recn
00 74.8 75.7 14.1 13.2 2.2 1.9 1.7 2.2 6.6 6.4 0.6 0.6
11 49.2 50.0 12.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 2.4 2.0 6.4 6.3 29.0 29.7
16 57.2 57.2 9.1 10.7 1.7 1.4 1.8 1.8 6.0 6.8 24.1 22.1
20 71.0 71.6 12.1 12.4 1.3 1.6 2.3 2.0 7.5 7.6 5.7 4.8
(Top number is percent from simulation bottom
number is year 2000 actual percent.)
Average monthly utilization for Lock 22
Comparisons of average monthly queue sizes
upstream and downstream
Alternative rules for sequencing lockages
  • FIFO (First In, First Out) - the traditional
    benchmark in the simulation literature.
  • FIFORECPRIO - a variation on FIFO where priority
    is given to recreational vessels (this policy
    closely matches the prevailing Corps guidelines).
  • FLTX Fastest Locking time with priority
    escalation for vessels experiencing long delays.

  • We used the results from 100 replications (years)
    of simulated activity to assess the impact of the
    alternative scheduling rules.
  • Experiments were also performed at different
    traffic levels

Mean wait and lock transit times (minutes) with
Year 2000 traffic levels
Mean wait and transit times in minutes are for
the study area over 100 simulated years of
operation with current traffic levels
Time savings are greater at increased traffic
  • We evaluated the sequencing alternatives with
    ranges in traffic level from -10 to 30 of year
    2000 levels, while keeping the mix of vessel
    arrivals, seasonality and lockage types as
    observed in year 2000.
  • There was an increasing advantage of FLT as
    demand increases, particularly for the single
    tows, but an emerging need to deal with extreme
    waits for double tows.

Effects on average times at locks (over 100
simulated years) differ greatly for double-tow
(D) vs. single-tow (S) lockages
Average Times in Queue and at Lock (mins.)
Traffic Levels Nominal Policy (FIFORECPRIO) Nominal Policy (FIFORECPRIO) Singles Priority (SINGPRIO) Singles Priority (SINGPRIO) Fastest Locking Time (FLT) Fastest Locking Time (FLT)
Traffic Levels Time in Queue Total Lock Transit Time Time in Queue Total Lock Transit Time Time in Queue Total Lock Transit Time
Year 2000 D 163 S 164 D 277 S 195 D 174 S 101 D 289 S 131 D 171 S 97 D 284 S 125
Year 2000 Plus 10 D 288 S 278 D 402 S 308 D 311 S 130 D 425 S 159 D 287 S 119 D 399 S 149
Year 2000 Plus 20 D 880 S 797 D 992 S 827 D 1003 S 177 D1115 S 205 D 794 S 152 D 900 S 181
Overall performance with 360 min. and 480 min.
priority shifting criteria are quite similar
  • Medians and 95th Percentiles of Waiting Times
  • with YR 2000 Commercial Traffic Plus 20
  • (without common random number streams for arrival

We had to use common number streams for arrival
generators to get results completely consistent
with the IP, further suggesting differences in
performance of FLTX-360 and FLTX-480 would be
hard to detect in practice.
  • Medians and 95th Percentiles of Waiting Times
  • with YR 2000 Commercial Traffic Plus 20
  • (but without common random number streams for
    arrival generators)

Adding local queue balancing constraints for
flexibility hurt system-wide performance in our
Using helper boats to speed lockages can
greatly reduce congestion for moderate increases
in traffic (with some capital investment required)

New locks eliminate congestion under all traffic
scenarios but at great capital cost
Our Findings
  • The IP Model helped us develop scheduling rules
    for further testing via stochastic simulation.
  • Benefits (or costs) differ among classes of user.
  • The FLTX rule promotes immediate efficiency while
    imposing fairness, and results in improved
    system-wide performance under a range of
    priority-shifting intervals.
  • Adding constraints upon FLTX to keep local queues
    balanced harmed system-wide performance.

Findings (cont.)
  • Stochastic phenomena (variations in traffic
    intensity, traffic mix, activity times and random
    arrivals) mute the benefits of scheduling
    strategies inferred from deterministic optimizing
    models for clearing queues that exist at a point
    in time
  • Self-adapting behavior in extreme conditions
    eliminates (and hides) some of the stochastic
    problem making it difficult to isolate the true
    benefits from scheduling solutions that may be

Strategic considerations for eliminating seasonal
  • Fixed and variable costs under alternative
    remedies vary greatly and are incurred by
    stakeholders (public and private) in different
  • Incidental economic effects differ
  • Environmental effects differ
  • Relative advantages depend heavily on future
    traffic scenarios

Political and economic issues
  • Infrastructure investments must be justified by
    the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the basis of
    net national economic benefit
  • How to estimate benefits from greater capacity
  • Market Benefits Reduction in expected queue time
    with or without traffic displacement
  • Non-market Benefits Carbon footprint for water
    transportation versus rail and highway
  • External Benefits Congestion relief on railways
    and highways
  • Revenue sources for infrastructure improvements
  • Federal earmarks from general revenues
  • Existing fuel tax specific to the industry
  • Newly proposed lockage fees (risk of displacement
    as with the Chunnel if competing modes adjust
    rates to retain or capture business)
  • Containing Federal budgetary deficits versus
    economic stimulus
  • Ethanol subsidies (corn for domestic bio-fuel
    instead of export for food)

Future research
  • Exploring effects of alternative congestion
    charging mechanisms and priority booking fees
  • Developing other decision rules with
    consideration of conditions at adjacent locks
  • Investigating consequences of traffic
    restrictions during new construction
  • Extending the IP model to clearing a system of
    three locks to see if different rules emerge for
    clearing the middle lock versus the locks at both
  • System-wide measures of queue balance
  • System-wide measures of dispersion in vessel mix
    at locks.
  • Integration of IP and simulation in various

Future research (cont.)
  • Improving IP heuristics
  • Recognize that vessels within a class will not be
    reordered from upstream or downstream arrival
    sequence, as doing so will not generate
  • Possibly restricting attention to the first x
    lockages because new arrivals will change the
  • Solving the IP over a range of anticipated future
    states of the system (and looking for
    commonalities in immediate action inferred from
    the different solutions).
  • Using time-discounted objectives in the IP
    solution (unfortunately adding additional
  • Developing alternative metrics for flexibility
    that may be considered in setting IP boundary
    conditions or in the decision rules for
    stochastic analysis
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