Title: Selecting the Right Fire Extinguishers
1Selecting the Right Fire Extinguishers
- Frequently, an individual exactly who needs
a fire extinguisher will certainly acquire a
great Zedex Fire extinguisher with no offering
significantly considered to the actual Fire
danger they have to drive back. Whenever buying
fire extinguishers, you have to know numerous
things with regards to extinguishers to make a
thought out decision, exclusively, the fire
course you have to drive back and exclusive
disorders you have to think about (computer
electronic devices, for example).
2Different Type of Fire Extinguishers
- Water Fire Extinguishers
- Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers
- Foam Fire Extinguishers
- Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers
- Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers
- Halon Fire Extinguishers
3Water Fire Extinguishers
- These fires extinguishers are well suited for
use in shoots involving each day materials such
as paper, wood and fabrics. That they build a
regular airliner associated with water that may
be directed on to the fire. These are generally
not really suitable for making use of in shoots
in reside power tools or even burning essential
oil or even excess fat.
4Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers
- These types of fire extinguishers tend to
be notion with regard to scenarios including
reside electro-mechanical hazards or even
flammable liquids. Though they can be used
perfectly safely on any electrical equipment,
they cannot be guaranteed not to cause any damage
at all to delicate electronic devices and IT
5Foam Fire Extinguishers
- These fire extinguishers are safe on the
same kind of materials that you would use a water
extinguisher on, and in addition can be used on
flammable liquids such as petrol, diesel,
solvents and spirits. They produce a foam which
seals in vapors to prevent the fire re-igniting.
These extinguishers are not, however, suitable
for use on deep fat fryers.
6Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers
- These are a versatile fire extinguisher,
which can be used on fires with flammable gases
such as butane and propane. They are also safe on
electrical fires, but are likely to cause more
damage than a Carbon Dioxide extinguisher. Due to
the nature of the fine powder produced, they are
not recommended for use in confined spaces or by
people with breathing problems.
7Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers
- These fire extinguishers are the only sort
that are suitable for use on burning oil such as
cooking fat or lard. The extinguisher produces a
gentle spray which reacts to seal the surface of
burning oil or fat to prevent it re-igniting.
8Halon Fire Extinguishers
- Halon fire extinguishers have been banned
in the UK since, 2002, apart from very limited
exceptional circumstances. The reason for the ban
is the serious ozone depleting property of the
inert gases they release into the atmosphere. If
you have any halon extinguishers in your place of
work you need to arrange for the safe disposal of