Title: Modernism
1Modernism Postmodernism Avant-garde Oppositional
avant-garde Neo-avant-garde Modernity Autonomy
of modern art (autonomous art) Clement Greenberg
2Claude Monet, Haystacks, 1888
Pablo Picasso, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, 1910
3Roy Lichtenstein, In the Car, 1963
Mark Rothko, No. 3/No. 13 (Magenta, Black, Green
on Orange, 1949
4Edouard Manet, Bar at the Folies-Bergères,
Raoul Hausmann, Tatlin at Home, 1920
5Jackson Pollock, One (Number 31, 1950), 1950
Robert Motherwell, At Five in the Afternoon, 1949
6Jackson Pollock, One (Number 31, 1950), 1950
Raoul Hausmann, Tatlin at Home, 1920
7Giacomo Balla, Dynamism of Dog on a Leash, 1912
Giacomo Balla, Girl Running on a Balcony, 1912
8Jackson Pollock, One (Number 31, 1950), 1950
Shigeko Kubota, Vagina Painting, 1965
9Martha Rosler, Bringing the War Home House
Beautiful,Red Stripe Kitchen, 1967-1972
Raoul Hausmann, Tatlin at Home, 1920
10Shigeko Kubota, Vagina Painting, 1965
Martha Rosler, Bringing the War Home House
Beautiful,Red Stripe Kitchen, 1967-1972
11Jackson Pollock, One (Number 31, 1950), 1950
Martha Rosler, Bringing the War Home House
Beautiful,Red Stripe Kitchen, 1967-1972