1 An Age of Exploration 2 China Africa Europe People to Know Do you feel LUCKY? 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 3 China 100 points
What group of people invaded and ruled China until 1368?
4 China 100 points
The Mongols
5 China 200 points
What man made structure was a defense against invaders?
6 China 200 points
The Great Wall of China
7 China 300 points
Name the three geographic features that protected China from invaders.
8 China 300 points
The Himalaya Mountains
The Pacific Ocean
The Gobi desert
9 China 400 points
This was a network of overland roads that stretched from China to Persia.
10 China 400 points
The Silk Road
11 China 500
Name the two empires in the Western Hemisphere that were building empires at the same time as China.
12 China 500
13 Africa 100 points
What was the name of the empire that was created when Sunni Ali captured and united the cities of Timbuktu, Jenne and Goa?
14 Africa 100 points
The empire of Songhai.
15 Africa 200 points
Which city was the center of learning and scholars?
16 Africa 200 points
17 Africa 300 points
Which city was known for its skilled workers, craftsmen and artist?
18 Africa 300
19 Africa 400 points
The Songhai kingdom controlled the ______ and ______mines of central Africa.
20 Africa 400 points
Salt and gold
21 Africa 500 points
As king, what was tolerated by Sunni Ali in his kingdom?
22 Africa 500 points
Different religions
23 Europe 100
Who traveled from Persia to China in 1271?
24 Europe 100 points
Marco Polo
25 Europe 200 points
What European countries sent explorers throughout the world in search of an all water route to India and China?
26 Europe 200 points
Spain and Portugal
27 Europe 300 points
What was the name given to the period of cultural and artistic growth in Italy in the 1300s?
28 Europe 300 points
The Renaissance
29 Europe 400 points
Why were the countries of Europe interested in an all water route to India and China?
30 Europe 400 points
The route would be cheaper, less dangerous and allowed the ships to bring back more cargo.
31 Europe 500 points
What word means rebirth?
32 Europe 500 points
33 People 100 points
Who was the first person to sail from Europe to Asia in 1498?
34 People 100 points
Vasco da Gama
35 People 200 points
Who improved the magnetic compass?
36 People 200 points
Prince Henry the Navigator
37 People 300 points
Who was emperor of China in 1403 and was responsible for the building of thousands of ships?
38 People 300 points
Zhu Di
39 People 400 points
Who invented the magnetic compass?
40 People 400 points
Zheng He
41 People 500 points
Who first sailed around the Cape of Good Hope in 1488?
42 People 500 points
Bartholomew Dias
43 Lucky 100 points
What are the five elements that all maps must have?
44 Lucky 100 points
Legend or map key
Compass rose
45 Lucky 200 points
Name four other items that were traded along the silk road other than silk.
46 Lucky 200 points
47 Lucky 300 points
What was used as money in the colony of Maryland in 1634?
48 Lucky 300 points
49 Lucky 400 points
What were the names of the two ships that brought the first colonist to Maryland?
50 Lucky 400 points
The Ark and the Dove
51 Lucky 500 points
Who built a fleet of ships that reached Asia and India from Europe?