Title: Numerical Computation of WavePlasma Interactions in Multidimensional Systems
1Numerical Computation of Wave-Plasma Interactions
in Multi-dimensional Systems
D.B. Batchelor, L.A. Berry, M.D. Carter, E.F.
Jaeger, E. DAzevedo, L. Gray, T. Kaplan
C.K. Phillips, R. Dumont
R.W. Harvey
D.N. Smithe
Lodestar Research Corporation D.A. DIppolito, J.
P.T. Bonoli J.C. Wright
Visit our web site at http//www.ornl.gov/fed/scid
- Obtain quantitatively accurate, predictive
understanding of electromagnetic wave processes
that support important heating, current drive,
and stability and transport applications in
fusion-relevant plasmas
In non-uniform plasmamodes can couple
TeraScale Supercomputers are providing access to
new plasma wave physics
3Massively - Parallel Computers Provide Access to
New Plasma Wave Physics
- Higher dimensionality - Computation of important
wave features in 2-D and 3-D - Higher resolution - Power to resolve short
wavelength structures arising from mode
conversion, high dielectric constant or
multi-wave interference effects - Improved calculation of wave driven plasma
currents resulting from the ability to represent
arbitrary, non-maxwellian distributions retain
high cyclotron harmonics include non-local and
non-linear effects in the conductivity operator - Inclusion of the effects of non-thermal
populations on wave propagation and absorption
4Increasing Resolution Results in Proper Radial
Localization of Mode Converted Wavefields
Nm 15
Nm 511
5Project Overview
- Obtain predictive understanding of
electromagnetic wave processes in fusion relevant
plasmas with emphasis on four major physics
areas - Effect of plasma inhomogeneity in 2-D and 3-D on
wave absorption and mode conversion processes. - Effect of non-Maxwellian (generalized) velocity
space particle distributions on local wave
absorption, momentum generation, and
instabilities. - Application of full-wave solvers to ultra-short
wavelength regimes (e.g. lower hybrid waves). - Effect of global plasma modes on wave fields
produced by launching structures (antennas).
6Computational and Mathematical Challenges
- High dimensionality p.d.e. in 2D or 3D for
wave fields, up to 5D for distribution function - ? Large numbers of unknowns 105 ? gt106
- Complex medium
- Spatially non-uniform
- Anisotropic
- Non-local local plasma current is an integral
operator over EM field at other locations at
earlier times - ? Use of spectral representations
- Wide range of length scales involved
l L ? l ltlt Llength scales can
interact in localized plasma regions ? mode
conversion - ? Need for adaptive (but spectral)
representation - Variety of physics mechanisms for absorption
- Non-linearity waves modify plasma on slow time
scale, non-linear effects on waves - Basic equations are non-symmetric and dissipative
QPS Compact Stellarator
7Collaborative Research Supported by DOEOffice of
Fusion Energy Science and Office of Advanced
Scientific Computing Research are Resulting in
the Achievement of Physics Goals
- Implementation of 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D full-wave and
Fokker Planck solvers on massively parallel
platforms. - Adaptation of improved serial and parallel
algorithms for evaluating macroscopic plasma
responses. - Reformulating wave-plasma problems and solution
8High Resolution (Nm 160 ? 511) is Necessary in
this Mode Conversion Problem to Get The Physics
Right Algorithm enhancements and MPP allowed 103
larger problem to be solved (Nm15?511)