Title: Outline
- 1. Earth Simulator Project GeoFEM
- 2. Computational Strategies and Performance
- Hybrid parallel / vector
- Visualization mesh subdivision
- 3. Solid Earth Applications
- Geodynamo
- Horizontal velocity of Japan islands
- Rupture of faults (quasi-static and dynamic)
- 4. Feasibility study of pluggable function
- 5. Summary Future Plan
- SE on ES
- Towards HPC-MW project and Grid computing
2Multi-Scale in Solid Earth
Mantle-Core Dynamics Plumes Target 107 nodes
(Dh 10 km order)
Crustal movements tectonic deformation Target
109 nodes (Dh 1 km )
Seismic wave generation propagation Target
1011 nodes (Dh 20 m )
Electrically conductive fluid in Earth's outer
Entire mesh
Earths interior
Enlarged view
Insulated area (inner core, red)
Conductive fluid shell (outer core, green)
4Spectral method by Christensen et al. (2001)
Radial magnetic fields at the outer boundary of
fluid shell
5Convection and Magnetic Field Patterns
Magnetic field (Bz) on equator plane
Intensity of z-component of vorticity on equator
Radial magnetic field on CMB
- NS equations with Boussinesq approximation,
Coriolis and Lorentz terms, the thermal diffusion
equation, Ohm's law and Maxwell's equations in
MHD - 2.2M nodes, Ekman number5.0E-5, Pr1, Ra
300, Pm 1
6Animation for Core Dataset
Time evolution of z-component of vorticity
7Geometry of Spherical Shell
8Treatment of the Magnetic Field
- FE mesh for the magnetic field is considered for
both outside and inside of the fluid shell. - Vector potential in the fluid and insulator is
solved simultaneously.
Mesh for the fluid shell
Entire mesh
Grid pattern for center
9Basic Equations for GeoFEM/MHD
Coriolis term
Lorentz term
for conductive fluid
for conductor
for insulator
10Time Integration Algorithm
3x3 Solver for conductor and insulator
Poisson Solver for conductor and insulator
Poisson Solver for fluid
3x3 solver for fluid
Poisson solver for fluid
11Dynamo Benchmark Test(Christensen et al., 2001)
- Only one benchmark test for MHD simulation in a
rotating spherical shell - Low energy and steady dynamo
- All reported results are done by the spherical
harmonic expansion
12Dynamo Benchmark Test (cont.)(Christensen et
al., 2001)
- 3 benchmark tests
- Case0 Non-magnetic field
- Inner core co-rotates with mantle
- Case1 Simple MHD dynamo
- Inner core Co-rotates with mantle Electrically
insulated - Case2 More realistic simulation
- Inner core Rotated by the viscous and Lorentz
torque Same conductivity as the outer core
13Dynamo Benchmark Test (cont.)- Requested Data -
- Average kinetic and magnetic energy in the fluid
shell - Drift velocity of the convection pattern w
- Local T, uf? and Bq?at a points where the
following conditions are satisfied
Velocity field on equatorial plane
14Kinetic and magnetic energies averaged over the
fluid shell
15Convergence of solutions
Averaged magnetic energy
Magnetic field at a specific point
R third root of DOF for scalar valuables
Solutions are converging to the reference
solution as the mesh resolution goes fine.
16Performance on the ES
17Performance on the ES
To peak ratio
18Multi-Scale in Solid Earth
Mantle-Core Dynamics Plumes Target 107 nodes
(Dh 10 km order)
Crustal movements tectonic deformation Target
109 nodes (Dh 1 km )
Seismic wave generation propagation Target
1011 nodes (Dh 20 m )
19Horizontal Velocity of Japan Islands
Computed by Prof.Hirahara ( Nagoya Univ.) using
20FE Mesh
?South West Japan
?North East Japan
24,255 nodes, 21,600 elements
23,520 nodes, 21,080 elements
21Results (Horizontal Velocity)
?North East Japan
22Results (Horizontal Velocity)
?South West Japan
23Friction Force Accumulation and Slip due to
Rupture of Faults of North East Japan
- Quasi-static analysis
- Augmented Lagrange method to treat contact
between mantle and plate - Iterative solver with selective blocking
preconditioning - 2M nodes
24Friction Force
3 Fault Patches
Slip Ratio
- Friction force and slip ratio on plate boundary (
view from bottom ) - Friction coefficients on three fault patches are
assumed. - Larger-scale model refined by PMR will be solved.
25Dynamic Fault Rupture with Slip-Weakening Law
m drops from 0.606 to 0.6 at patch area
26Dynamic Fault Rupture with Slip-Weakening Law
Case of 2,300,000 nodes
Case of 250,000 nodes
Mesh dependency should be further studied.
27Simulation model of South West Japan
- Most realistic FE model developed so far.
- Numerical instability encountered.
- Re-modeling and analysis on going.
28Multi-Scale in Solid Earth
Mantle-Core Dynamics Plumes Target 107 nodes
(Dh 10 km order)
Crustal movements tectonic deformation Target
109 nodes (Dh 1 km )
Seismic wave generation propagation Target
1011 nodes (Dh 20 m )
29Earthquake Simulation of Tokyo Bay Area
Domain of Computation
Aug.11, 1999 0928AM (35.4N, 139.8E) M4.0
Obsevation Point Chitose-park (35.4338N,
Depth 60km
30FE Mesh Partitioning
lt Metis 8 domainsgt
lt RCB 8 domains (X-Y-Z) gt
lt manual 16 gt (XXYYZ)
lt RCB 16 gt (XXYYZ)
31Strong Motion of Tokyo Bay Area
- NS 24 km, EW 30 km, Depth 60 km - Displacement
norm on ground surface(16 28 s, animation)
32(No Transcript)
33Heat transfer coefficient
Steady heat conduction
Temperature (?)
Time (sec)
Transient BCs
34Examples of conventional FE modeling
( 30symmetry )
35Tubesheet Small_Model
54,084 nodes 40,416 elements
36Tubesheet Middle_Model
540,590 nodes 474,756 elements
37Tubesheet Large_Model
1,053,906 nodes 949,512 elements
38Speed up
Speed-up Sn
Number of PEs
Rate of CPU Usage
39495-pin Micro-PGA package Intel Mobile Pentium
iii Processor Photo http//www6.tomshardware.com
Top view
Bottom view
40Refined by PMR 7.8 M nodes, 7.6 M
elements Mises stress
41(No Transcript)
42495-pin Micro-PGA package