Title: Chapter 7
1Chapter 7 The Renaissance of Mathematics Cardan
and Tartaglia
Produced By
2(No Transcript)
3Floods and cold weather destroyed crops and
4Over 800 people died each day.
5War was raging and the people who were not ill
with disease were killed on the front lines of
6This was arguably the lowest time in European
History, and many were predicting the total
annihilation of European Culture.
7The Dark Ages of Europe
- Began with the fall of the Roman Empire in 410
- Was a time when society strayed from literacy and
- Was characterized by famine, disease, warfare,
and death.
8Despair and Defeat
- Many saw this as the end of the world
- Confidence and hope was shaken
- The population was disappearing
9From Darkness into the Light
Just as hope was at its lowest, the struggles of
the infamous Dark Ages began to taper off by
approximately 1450. Population increased and a
new vision and new appreciation for life was
10Moving Toward Change
- New Monarchs bring stability
- Change intensified in Italy
- Two events helped to hasten the movement
11Two major events
- Fall of Constantinople to the Turks
- Johann Gutenburgs invention of movable printing
12New Renaissance
- With stability comes leisure
- With leisure comes intellect
- With intellect comes progress in the arts
13With Renaissance comes leisure
- People worried less about population and
- Upper class began to look for entertainment
- Mathematics becomes a common leisure activity
14Battle of the Scholars 7.2
15The Main Event
The Egos
The Cubic
The Quartic
The Challenge
16Nicolo Tartaglia
- Childhood
- Beginnings in Mathematics
- Claim to Mathematic Fame
17His first encounter with Cardan
- Cardans offer
- Cardans connection
- Cardan publishes Tartaglias work
- Letters of the feud