Title: SAP MM Training
1SAP MM Training
- Material Master
- Create Change Display Reporting
- Vendor Master - Purchasing
- Create Change Display Reporting
- Alternate Delivery Address Creation
3What Does a Material Master Do?
- Material masters allow
- SAP to record specific transactions for a
material - SAP to store inventory balances and values for a
material - Material masters also facilitate data entry for
4Whats on a Material Master?
- The material master is comprised of views
segments of material data that are specific to
certain applications - Basic Classification
- Purchasing Storage
- Accounting
5How Do My Materials Get Into SAP?
- If the University is using material masters from
Day 1, the university will provide SyTEC with a
data-load spreadsheet indicating what materials
will be loaded. - Any new materials post-go-live will be managed
locally at the University.
6What Do I Need to Know Before Creating?
- If possible, check to see if a similar material
master already exists that can be extended to
your University - If none exists, then the user should know the
description and other details of the material
7How Do I Enter a Material Master?
- In SAP, you can get to the Material Master create
transaction two ways - Use the menu path
- Logistics -gtMaterials Management -gt Material
Master -gt Material -gt Create (General) -gt
Immediately - -OR-
- Use transaction code MM01
- in the dialog box
8How Do I Create a Material Master?
- On the initial screen, only two entries are
required - These are the only values that are to be used
9How Do I Create a Material Master?
- On the next screen, a list of views is presented
- These views organize the data entry
10How Do I Create a Material Master?
- On the next screen, the organizational level box
is presented - The organizational level box should be completed
with the users University code (plant) and at
least the receiving or main storage location
11How Do I Create a Material Master?
- Basic Data 1 screen
- Enter the description, base unit of measure and
material group
12How Do I Create a Material Master?
- Classification
- screen
- Enter material class 001, choose class
legacymaterial and enter the legacy material
number for your university, if applicable
13How Do I Create a Material Master?
- Purchasing Screen
- Enter purchasing group, order unit and order unit
14How Do I Create a Material Master?
- Purchase Order Text Screen
15How Do I Create a Material Master?
- Plant data/storage 1 Screen
- Fixed bin and unit of issue can be entered here
16How Do I Create a Material Master?
- Accounting 1 Screen
- The valuation class and moving price are entered.
17How Do I Create a Material Master?
- Additional Data Screen
- Select the Basic Data Text tab to enter
additional description for the material
18When the Data Entry is Finished..
- The material MUST be saved.
20When Do I Use Change or Display?
- MM02 Change Material Master is used to make
changes to existing material master data. - MM03 Display Material Master is used when no
changes are needed, but information related to
the material master is required
21How Do I Look Up a Material?
- Use the matchcodes
- Use the wildcards
22How Do I Delete a Material Master?
23How Do I Delete a Material Master?
- Enter the material, plant and storage location
and the date on which the deletion is to be
24How Do I Delete a Material Master?
- The user can specify at which level the material
is to be flagged
25When the Data Entry is Finished..
- The material MUST be saved.
27What is a Vendor Master Record?
- A data record containing all the information
necessary for any contact with a certain vendor,
in particular for conducting business
transactions. - This information includes, for example, address
data and bank data.
28What Kind of Vendor Masters?
- SSHE is using two kinds of vendor masters in the
purchasing process - Purchasing
- Accounts Payable
29How Are These Vendors Used?
- A purchasing vendor is referenced on a purchase
order and is linked, through partner functions,
to an Accounts Payable vendor - Accounts Payable has the functional
responsibility for maintaining accounts payable
30How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- In SAP, you can get to the Purchasing Vendor
Master create transaction two ways - Use the menu path
- Logistics -gtMaterials Management -gt
- Material Master -gt Vendor -gt
- Purchasing -gt Create
- -OR-
- Use transaction code MK01
- in the dialog box
31How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- Enter Purchasing Organization and Account Group
- These values will always remain the same
32How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- Enter basic vendor contact information
33How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- Enter tax identification information
34How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- Enter Purchasing Organization information
35How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- Enter Partner Function information
- Click on data
- retent at plant
- level allowed
36How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- Click on Alternative Data button
37How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- Enter your university (plant) number and check
partner functions
38How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- The partner functions screen for the plant is
39How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- Vendor texts are entered, using Extras -gt Text
40How Do I Create a Purchasing Vendor Master?
- Vendor classifications for services and legacy
vendor numbers are also available Environment
-gt Classification
41When the Data Entry is Finished..
- The purchasing vendor master MUST be saved.
42How Does the Partner Function Look?
- Non-plant reference
- Plant reference
43How Do I Use an Existing Vendor?
- Add the partner function entry for your plant
44How Do I Use an Existing Vendor?
- Follow the same procedure as in the Create process
45When the Data Entry is Finished..
- The vendor master MUST be saved.
47How Do I Find My Universitys Vendors?
- Custom Report Transaction ZM08
- To see only purchasing vendors with their AP
vendor links, make the above entries
48How Do I Use Classification to Look Up My Vendor?
- Choose the look-up by Class in the drop-down
49How Do I Use Classification to Look Up My Vendor?
- Enter LEGACYVENDOR for class 010
- Enter your legacy
- vendor number
- in your
- universitys
- space.
50How Do I Use Classification to Look Up My Vendor?
- The vendor number is displayed.
52How Do I Create an Alternate Delivery Address?
- An alternate address can be created manually, if
its to be used one time only. - A frequently used
- delivery address
- can be created
- with a master
- record, using
- transaction code
53How Do I Create an Alternate Delivery Address?
- Enter the address details for the address master
54How Do I Get Help?
- If you run into problems with the materials
covered in this training course or need
additional information, you can do contact your
Campus Help Desk
55End of MM Master Data