CS101 Lecture 21 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS101 Lecture 21


Note that we could not include a lizard in among the sort if we were sorting ... any two elements in the array (no lizards in the array of milk producing cows) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS101 Lecture 21

Lecture 21
What will I learn in this lecture?
  • Understand various methods of sorting.
  • Use the qsort function to sort.
  • Binary search
  • Related Chapters FER Chapter 22.2

To sort means to put in place or rank according
to kind, class or nature. For example, consider a
herd of cows. We can sort the cows by weight,
age, amount of milk produced, etc. . The sort can
be in ascending or descending order. Note that
we could not include a lizard in among the sort
if we were sorting with respect to amount of milk
produced. That is, the items we want to sort must
have the same nature. In C we will use arrays to
do our sorting. Since the data-type(kind, class
or nature) for each element of the array must be
the same we are able to compare any two elements
in the array (no lizards in the array of milk
producing cows). Why sort? One application of
sorting is the need to have a sorted array to use
binary search.
One method of sorting is called selection
sort.(FER p. 677,678) The algorithm find the
smallest element in the list and swap the first
item in the list with the smallest value.For
example, suppose you are given the
values(below) 5 3 7 2 4 ( 2 is the smallest
value ) step 1 2 3 7 5 4 ( swap 2 with 5,
now 3 is the smallest element) step 2 2 3 7
5 4 ( 3 is in place dont swap, now 4 is the
smallest element) step 3 2 3 4 5 7 ( swap 4
with 7, now 5 is the smallest element) step 4 2
3 4 5 7 ( 5 is in place dont swap, 7 is in
place )
Another method of sorting is called insertion
sort. (FER p. 852-)You use insertion sort when
you sort a hand of cards. For example, suppose
you are given the five cards (below) 5 3 7 2
4 (cards in Right hand) empty (cards in Left
hand) step 1 3 7 2 4 (Right hand) 5 (Left
hand) step 2 7 2 4 ( R ) 3 5 ( L ) step 3 2
4 ( R ) 3 5 7 ( L ) step 4 4 ( R ) 2 3 5
7 ( L ) step 5 empty ( R ) 2 3 4 5 7 ( L
) ( the cards are now sorted )
Insertion sort is faster than selection sort
because it is easy to determine where we should
add the next card to the left hand since the
cards in the left hand are already sorted. In C
we could use a version of binary search(Lecture
25-8) to tell us where to put the next card (in
the left hand). Binary search is used only on the
cards in the left hand since binary search only
works on sorted arrays. Again, binary search is
fast since it uses the transitive property of a
sorted list of numbers. We will not have to
write the C code for insertion sort, the built-in
C function qsort (FER p. 927 - implements a
sorting algorithm that also uses the transitive
property. See the example using qsort starting
on the next slide.
qsort - Sorting an array
1. Problem Definition Write a program that sorts
the values in an array in ascending order. Use
the built-in function qsort to do the work of
sorting. 2. Refine, Generalize, Decompose the
problem definition (i.e., identify sub-problems,
I/O, etc.) Input Array of integers. Output
Sorted array of integers (ascending order) is
include ltstdio.hgt include ltstdlib.hgt int
compare(int ptr1, int ptr2)      if (
ptr1 gt ptr2)             return 1      else
if ( ptr1 lt ptr2)             return -1     
else             return 0 void main(void)
int numbers100 int k,i0
printf("Enter an array of no more than 100
integers.\n") while (EOF !
scanf("i",numbersi)) i qsort(numbers,
i, sizeof(numbers0), compare) for (k0
klti k) printf("i ", numbersk)
qsort - Sorting an array
Execution dclsn67gt./a.out Enter an array of no
more than 100 integers. 3 4 2 1 5 (hit Enter
and then Control-d to signal EOF) 1 2 3 4 5
(this is the output the program produces) dclsn67gt
Sorting Example - qsort
The qsort function is a built-in C function that
sorts values in an array. The algorithm behind
qsort is called Quick Sort . In CS101 we are
interested only in how to call this function.
(see FER pp. 928 - 931) The general format of the
qsort function is
arrayname - is the name of an existing array.
This array can have any data-type. It can even be
an array of pointers. We will refer to the
arrays type as datatype . elts is the number of
elements of array.
Sorting Example - qsort
size_of_elts is the size in bytes of each element
in the array. Use the built-in operator sizeof
that returns an integer value representing the
number of bytes a variable or data-type takes up
in RAM. Example sizeof(integer) returns
the value 4 on the Lab machines. sizeof(numbers0
) returns the number of bytes the variable
numbers0 takes up in RAM, which is 4 since
numbers is an integer array. compare_function is
the name of the user defined function that
actually does the comparison.
Sorting Example - compare_function
The general format of the header for the user
defined compare function is
int compare_function( datatype ptr1,datatype
qsort will call the compare_function and pass two
pointers ptr1 and ptr2 . Both ptr1 and ptr2
point to values in the array arrayname (see
previous slide). The user must code the
function compare_function so that it returns an
integer value back to qsort (the function that
called compare_function) . qsort will use this
integer to determine whether or not to swap the
values in the array. To sort in ascending order
the return value is 0 if the elements ptr1
and ptr2 of the array are equal positive if
ptr1 gt ptr2 (i.e. swap the array
values)negative if ptr1 lt ptr2 (i.e. dont
swap the array values)
Sorting Example - compare_function
Writing the code for compare_function depends on
the data-type datatype and whether the data is
sorted in ascending order, descending order, ...
or by some other rule. Therefore its not
possible to write one version of compare_function
that does all.
Sorting Example
The datatype in the sorting example is int .
Therefore the header for the compare_function has
the form
int compare( int ptr1,int ptr2)
where ptr1 and ptr2 are pointers to values in the
array numbers . As an example of how qsort works
with compare see the pictures of memory in the
following slides.
Sorting Example
. . .
ptr1 ptr2 numbers0 numbers1
Address 2000 2004
Suppose qsort called the compare function and
ptr1 is 3 and ptr2 is 4. The picture above
shows this situation. In this example, we want to
tell qsort to sort 3 before 4(dont swap the
values). To do this, we use ptr1 and ptr2 .
Since ptr1 lt ptr2 ( 3 lt 4) we return a -1
value to qsort. Thats why we have the code(slide
else if ( ptr1 lt ptr2)                
return -1
Sorting Example
ptr1 ptr2 numbers1 numbers2
. . .
Address 2000 2004 2008
Now suppose qsort called the compare function and
ptr1 is 4 and ptr2 is 2. The picture above
shows this situation. In this example, we want to
tell qsort to sort 2 before 4( swap the values).
To do this, we use ptr1 and ptr2 . Since ptr1
gt ptr2 ( 4 gt 2) we return 1 value to qsort.
Thats why we have the code(slide 20)
if ( ptr1 gt ptr2)                 return 1
Compiler Warning Messages
The previous code works correctly but will
generate a warning message. We can avoid the
error messages if we obey the rules that qsort
expects the compare_function to observe. The
code on the next slide will sort the numbers as
before but gcc will not display any warning
messages. In the compare function (on the next
slide), note the use of the void pointer
data-type and the use of the cast operators on
the pointer variables. The const (FER p. 98)
modifier in a variable declaration means that it
is constant. e.g.const int x 1 x 2 /
illegal /
include ltstdio.hgt include ltstdlib.hgt int
compare(const void ptr1, const void ptr2)
     if ( (int )ptr1 gt (int )ptr2)
            return 1      else if ( (int
)ptr1 lt (int )ptr2)             return -1
     else             return 0 void
main(void) int numbers100 int k,i0
printf("Enter an array of no more than 100
integers.\n") while (EOF ! scanf("i",numbers
i)) i qsort(numbers, i,
sizeof(numbers0), compare) for (k0 klti
k) printf("i ", numbersk) printf("\n")

Compiler Warning Messages
In FER pp. 928-929 you will find a detailed
discussion of the function definition line of
qsort and why the compare_function should have
the format described on the previous slide in
order to avoid gcc writing warning messages. The
key idea is that you want qsort to work with an
array of any data-type. Therefore the function
definition line of qsort cannot fix the data-type
of the compare_function arguments. A void
pointer, void ptr is a pointer that points to
data-type void (nothing). The program on the
next slide shows that we can use a single pointer
of data-type, pointer to void, to point to
values of different data-types.
include ltstdio.hgt void main(void) int z
3 float w 4.0 void ptr ptr z
/ add one to z / (int )ptr (int )ptr
1 / cast ptr / ptr w / add 1.0 to w
/ (float )ptr (float )ptr 1.0 /
cast ptr / printf("z i \n",z) / prints 4
/ printf("w f \n",w) / prints 5.000 /
Compiler Warning Messages
Compiling the code on the previous slide does not
generate a warning message when the variable ptr
is used. However, if we defined the pointer
variable ptr (in the program on the previous
slide) as int ptr then gcc would generate a
compiler warning message when compiling the
statement, ptr w
Example - Binary Search
1. Problem Definition Write a function named
binSearch that searches a list of integers to
find a match given a user supplied value. It is
assumed that the list is sorted in ascending
order. If a match is found then the function
returns the index of the array otherwise the
function returns -1. The main idea is if the
value is greater than the middle value, then
search the right half of the list, else if the
value is less than the middle value, search
the left half of the list, else the
value equals the middle value, return the
index of the middle value.
Example - Binary Search
2. Refine, Generalize, Decompose the problem
definition (i.e., identify sub-problems, I/O,
etc.) Input an integer from the user.
For test purposes we will say the list has the
values 5, 8, 9, 10, 14 Output an integer
in the range -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
include ltstdio.hgt int binSearch(int array,
int size, int value) /prototype/ void
main(void) int index int value int
list 5,8,9,10,14 printf("Enter a search
value") scanf("i",value) / the
function binSearch returns the index of the array
/ / where the match is found, otherwise a 1
/ index binSearch(list,5,value) if
(index -1) printf("Value not
found!\n") else printf("Value matches
the i element in the array!\n",index) /
code continued on next slide /
/ array is the name of the array to be searched
/ / size is the number of elements in the array
/ / value is the value being searched for /
int binSearch(int array, int size, int value)
int midpt, index -1 / index -1 means
not found / / first is the left-most index
of the array or sub-array being searched / /
last is the right-most index of the array or
sub-array being searched / int first 0,
last size 1 while ((first lt last)
(index -1)) midpt (firstlast)/2
/ integer division!! / if (value gt
arraymidpt) first midpt 1 else
if (value lt arraymidpt) last midpt
1 else index midpt / end
of while / return index
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