Title: Report of the NOAA Panel on Contingent Valuation
1Report of the NOAA Panel on Contingent Valuation
- Kenneth Arrow, Robert Solow, Paul R. Portney,
Edward E. Leamer, Roy Radner, Howard Schuman
- Oil Pollution Act of 1990
- Natural resource damage assessment regulations
procedures - Restoration cost
- Diminution value
- Lost Use Values
- Existence Value
- Passive Use
- Stateof Ohio v. Department of the Interior
- Estimation?
- Contingent Variation
- Contingent Variation
- Controversy
- Irrationality
- Inadequate Understanding
- Nonbinding
- NOAA determine reliability CV _at_ lost existence
- Contingent Valuation Panel
4Problem to be Addressed
- Whether CV technique is capable of providing
reliable information about lost existence lost
use values? - How are the problems addressed in CV technique
criticisms to be address?
5Framework utilized in analysis
- Criticisms
- No Validation
- No alternative
- WTPreported gt WTPactual
- Response rate Disparity
- Discounting?
- Test with market good?
- External Validation
- Other Problems
- Inconsistency with Rational Choice
- Implausibility of Responses
- Absence of a Meaningful Budget Constraint
- Information Provision and Acceptance
- Extent of the Market
- "Warm Glow" Effects
6Framework utilized in analysis
- Key Issues in Design of Contingent Valuation
Instruments - Referendum Format
- Addressing the Embedding Problem
- Time Dimension of Passive Use Losses
- Ideal CV
- Sample Type and Size
- Minimize Non-responses
- Personal Interview
- Pretesting for Interviewer Effects
- Reporting
- Careful Pretesting of a CV Questionnaire
- Conservative Design
- Elicitation Format
- Referendum Format
- Accurate Description of the Program or Policy
- Pretesting of Photographs
- Reminder of Undamaged Substitute Commodities
- Adequate Time Lapse from the Accident
- Temporal Averaging
- "No-answer" Option
- Yes/no Follow-ups
- Cross-tabulations
- Checks on Understanding and Acceptance
- Alternative Expenditure Possibilities
- Deflection of Transaction Value
- Steady State or Interim Losses
- Present Value Calculations of Interim Losses
- Advance Approval
- Burden of Proof
- Reliable Reference Surveys
10Recommendations moving forward
- Conjoint Analysis
- Produce standard damage assessments
- Measure WTP in units of articles foregone
- Reminders of alternative spending choices
- Reminders of undamaged substitute commodities
- Availability of a no-vote
11Discussion of results conclusions of paper
- Passive Use loss is a meaningful component of
total damage - No overt behavioral consequenses
- CV provides sufficiently reliable estimate
- While there seems upward bias, the panel still
acknowledges CVs viability - Stringent Guidelines set forth CV provides
useful, reliable information
12Discussion of results conclusions of paper
- Starting point of Judicial process of damage
assessment - Federal agencies should begin to amass standard
assessments for a range of insults references - Reduce the cost and increasing accuracy
- Controversy will remain where intangible losses
have to be evaluated in monetary terms
13Suggestions to Improve the Analysis
- 1993
- Implement more innovative methods of bias
reduction - Use as a reference hedonic pricing CV on market
goods for discounting purposes