Title: Seamus Doyle SHEQ Manager
1Respiratory Disease
- Seamus Doyle SHEQ Manager
- Group Member
- Sub Group
- Chair for the Training Communication
2Respiratory Disease
- Project Summary
- Cutting any concrete or stone products can create
hazards that can cause respiratory disease. The
hazards can be eliminated or controlled and
through this project we aim to identify a range
of practical interventions to achieve this for
all kerb, paving and block cutting activities. To
deliver this goal we require - A supply chain solution that works for all
- All stakeholders to help devise and take
ownership of the solutions - In line with HSE strategy to address Occupational
Health issues (through its Disease Reduction
Programme), this working group has been
established to facilitate identification of
interventions and lead on their implementation.
- The group consists of representatives from
- Construction
- Manufacturers
- Hire Companies Associations
- Local Authorities
- Highways Agency
- Subject Experts
- Training Bodies
- A HSE web site has been established for
stakeholders, to allow stakeholders to discuss
issues with each other and directly with the
working group members and communicate progress.
We welcome your contribution to this work. Feel
free to - Invite a colleague to the site by clicking on
invite - View the sites documents
- Start a discussion
Rob Ellis (Project Manager) HSE
3Respiratory Disease
Seamus Doyle - Daniel Contractors
Limited (National Joint Utilities Group) Denis
Doody - Union of Construction
Allied Trades and Technicians Tony OMara
- Union of Construction Allied Trades and
Technicians Ian Evans -
Association of Public Service Excellence/
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Hans
Fairley - Andrea Stihl Ltd John
Howe - Interpave Tony McCormack
- Paving Expert Sam Over
- Flintshire County Council David Rhodes
- Costain (Highways)/Civil Engineering
Contractors Association and Major Contractors
Group Phil Sutton - Durakerb
Andrew Bowden - European Power Tool
Association/Makita Rebecca Ward -
Construction Confederation David Pierre
- Hire Association Europe Steve Williams
- Highways Agency Kevin Fear
- Construction Skills Keith Harwood
- Surface Transport Streets (Transport for
4Respiratory Disease
There are and will still be problems..
Not everyone will comply overnight there will
still be operatives who think they will not be
There will still be operatives who take a chance
saying well, I only have one cut left, it wont
happen to me
From time to time there will be problems with the
components on the suppression kits.
Some operatives complain that sometimes water
suppression is a 2 man job.
5Respiratory Disease
Project Close 2nd Quarter 2009
Project Launch
Select Best Options
1st Working Group Monitoring Meeting
1.Agree Best Options 2. Formulate Action Plan
Feb 07
Mar 08
6Respiratory Disease
7Respiratory Disease
Lord McKenzie
Need to encourage strong collaborative
relationships throughout the supply chain The
need to make construction healthier (Clearwater
2010). I cannot over-emphasise the importance of
getting key health risk messages through To SMEs.
There were an estimated 4.3 Million business in
the UK at the start 2005 and, of these 99.3
were less than 49 employees.
The construction industry employs around 2.1
million people, of which 849,000 are Estimated
to be self-employed contractors. Those working
for the smaller companies face a
disproportionately high-risk (roughly double) of
injury and ill health compared to Those working
for larger employers.
8Respiratory Disease
Education is the most powerful weapon which you
can use To change the world.
Nelson Mandela
9Respiratory Disease
- Silicosis has been known about for over 500 years
10Respiratory Disease
- The Principal Contractor should be engaging with
- Clients
- Designers
- Product manufacturers
- Plant Hire Companys
- Supply Chain
11Respiratory Disease
- Types of Contract
- Early Contractor Involvement (ECI)
- Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
- Public Private Partnership (PPP)
- Design, Build, Finance Operate (DBFO)
12Respiratory Disease
Is this acceptable on public highway?
13Respiratory Disease
Or this?
14Respiratory Disease
15Respiratory Disease
health effects of silicosis and COPD
In respect of suffering from silicosis or Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD what does this
all really mean for you? For thosewho are exposed
to the hazards a great deal. If we take exposure
to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) dust as an
example and say exposure to RCS above the
exposure limit over a long period, say from the
age of 20 to 40, this could mean
At the early stage of lung disease you may
notice some occasional breathing difficulties,
occasional breathlessness when running for the
bus and possibly bouts of persistent coughing
Later on as the disease progresses you may need
an inhaler and find that you cannot sleep
properly through the night. You cannot play sport
and walking long distances may also be difficult.
By the time you are 60 you could be housebound in
need of regular portable oxygen from a
cylinder via a mask. Your doctor may be advising
you that you could soon need a wheel chair.
16Respiratory Disease
If we cannot eliminate the risk, then we must put
adequate control measures in place
17Respiratory Disease
To summarise the key points..
- The importance of consulting and engaging the
workforce in the procurement of RPE and PPE is - essential.
- Educating and raising awareness of the potential
hazards if water suppression is not used. - Accurate and meaningful risk assessments/method
statements that are reviewed on a regular basis -
- Tool Box Talks given on a regular basis to
reinforce Risk Assessments and training - Ensure that operators are competent and
confident through training
18Respiratory Disease
- He shortens his life and he hastens his death
- Tally hi-o, the grinder
- Will drink silica dust in every breath.
- Wont use a fan as he turns his wheel
- Wont wash his hands before he eats his meal
- But dies as he lives as hard as steel
- Where rests the heavier weight of shame?
- On the famine-price contractors head
- Or the workmans under-taught and fed
- Who grinds his own bones and his childs for
bread - (Anon.)