Title: Highrate sensing wants smart, interactive sensing
1High-rate sensing wantssmart, interactive sensing
This material discusses work performed at the
Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (NSF Grant
No. CCF-0120778) and the Networks and Mobile
Systems group at CSAIL.
2High Rate Continuous Sensing Systems and
Systems and applications developed at UCLA/CENS
Acoustic ENSBox (PXA255) 4 x 48KHz x 16bit
(385KB/s) Study of Dusky Antbird, Marmot
Cyclops Imager (Mica2) 16KB images x 8fps
(128KB/s) Hummingbird nest boxes
Vango/Neuromote (Telos) 115KHz x 12bit
(172KB/s) Neural signals from living mice other
acoustic sensing applications
(Raw data rate) (deployment size) gtgt Available
BW Storage is not infinite ? Huge value in moving
processing toward the sensor
3One common solution Filtering at the sensor
- If our interest is Antbird calls, develop a
filter that records and analyzes only that data - Real time prefilter triggers slower analysis,
storage, network - Hints from other nodes
4Developing and debuggingthis is not so easy
- Filtering algorithms
- Pre-deployment testing occurs under different
conditions (noise, etc.) - Source signals may not be understood
- Discovery of new phenomena!
- Need to debug in the field.. But how?
- Throwing away raw data
- At some point this is necessary
- How can this be done with confidence?
5Two proposals
- Develop filter interactively in the field
- Start with raw data sequences
- Iteratively refine and test filters
- Researcher-in-the-loop applies domain knowledge
and multimodal sensing - Data collection with redundancy
- Periodically record raw data to validate filters
- Save lineage of filtering decisions so they can
be checked, verified, debugged - Upcoming deployments (July, Sept)
- Experiment with this general methodology
- Leverage this experience to develop a more
convenient solution
6Interactive filter development with Wavescope
MIT Networks and Mobile Systems Group
- Prior work TinyDB and similar CQ databases
- Express query, receive stream of responses
- Provides interactive interface
- But.. limited expressiveness, range of operators
- Wavescope query language
- Optimized for high-rate isochronous data
- Query defines dataflow with DSP operators
- UI Abstraction/composition query optimizer
- Goal natural, interactive, efficient operation
- Queries can be expressed easily and installed
rapidly - Concurrent queries, e.g. periodic raw data
- Refine system, feature set based on several use
7 8But we want all the data
- OK, but with computation at the sensor
- Longer deployments
- More sensor locations
- More useful data (with proper validation)
- Usually there are implicit limitations that
youre used to video frame rate - What the scientists are used to matters
- Seismic/geophysics vs. animal behavior