Title: Strict liability
1Strict liability
- Why do we have pockets of strict liability that
apply to non-intentional torts, when most
activities are covered by a negligence rule? - Deep pockets?
- Corrective Justice arguments?
- Efficiency arguments?
- (unilateral precautions, activity level effects?
2What explains vicarious liability rules as a
pocket of strict liability?
- Employee-employer
- Corporate directors and owners
- Independent contractors only in limited class of
cases - Is this a deep pockets issue? Loss spreading
rationale? Justice? Efficiency?
3Beyond vicarious liability the traditional
pockets of strict liability
- Fire
- Animals
- Rule of Rylands v. Fletcher
- Traditional strict liability when one
intentionally started a fire that spread to
plaintiffs land (even if spreads after use of
due care) - Compare fire started with intent that it spread
to plaintiffs land covered by trespass rules - Compare negligently started fire covered by
negligence rules (Vaughn v. Menlove)
5Liability for injuries caused by animals
- Wild animals domestic animals
- Damage to persons strict liability negligence
- (unless dangerous
- propensities known)
- Damage to real strict liability strict liability
- property
6Rules of Rylands v. Fletcher
- Case arose out of bursting of water reservoir on
defendants land, which caused property damage to
plaintiffs land - Court imposed strict liability, but there is
debate today on when strict liability applies
7Judge Blackburn rule (intermediate court, backed
by Lord Cranworth in House of Lords)
- a person who for his own purposes brings on his
lands and collects and keeps there anything
likely to do mischief if it escapes, must keep it
in at his peril, and, if he does not do so, is
prima facie answerable for all the damage which
is the natural consequence of its escape.
8Lord Cairns alternative test
- Cairns strict liability for non-natural use of
land - What is a non-natural use?
- Artificial or unusual? E.g., collecting water
for use with oil wells
9Rylands status in U.S.
- Most jurisdictions adhere to the rule of
Rylands, but it is not clear what that means - Tendency outside the context of cases close to
the facts of Rylands to use the modern rules for
abnormally dangerous activities
10Restatement (3d) Approach to Abnormally Dangerous
- Caveat Do not apply the Restatement Seconds
approach to abnormally dangerous activities,
which is - Complex
- Confusing
- At odds with modern views on comparative
responsibility - Note First Restatement used designation
ultrahazardous and that continues in use today.
11How would facts of Rylands be decided under
Restatement 3rd?
- Section 20. Abnormally dangerous activities
- An actor who carries on an abnormally dangerous
activity is subject to strict liability for
physical harm resulting from the activity. - An activity is abnormally dangerous if
- The activity creates a foreseeable and highly
significant risk of physical harm even when
reasonable care is exercised by all actors and - The activity is not one of common usage.
12How would Spano case be decided by Restatement?
- Usually categorical approach
- Blasting
- Fumigation
- Transportation and storage of hazardous materials
13Spano and older versions of abnormally dangerous
- Older cases differentiated between direct damage
(concussion) and indirect damage (shaking) based
upon the trespass and case forms of action. - Modern view, as in Spano, rejects this
14The (b)(1) requirement high risk even with
reasonable care
- What should fall into that category today? What
should not? Note that this is a categorical
question for the COURT. - Note Rest. 3ds stress on cases being unilateral
precaution cases. If plaintiffs can take
significant steps to take care, an activity is
less likely to be considered abnormally dangerous.
15The (b)(2) common usage requirement
- How seriously should we take this requirement?
- Compare piloting an airplane with collecting
chemicals at a factory for disposal.
16Affirmative defenses
- Section 25. Comparative responsibility
- If the plaintiff has been contributorily
negligent in failing to take reasonable
precautions, the plaintiff's recovery in a
strict-liability claimfor physical harm is
reduced in accordance with the share of
comparative responsibility assigned to plaintiff.
17Preliminary note
- Plaintiffs conduct could also be relevant for
determination - Whether activity is abnormally dangerous in first
place - For proximate cause purposes
18As an affirmative defense
- Comparative responsibility (change from old
confusing rules) - Dont be fooled by term contributory negligence
treat as simply comparative responsibility along
lines of Rest. 3d of apportionment, sections 3
and 8
19What gets compared? Comment d
- When the defendant is held liable under a theory
of strict liability, no literal comparison of the
fault of the two parties may be possible.
According to Restatement Third, Torts
Apportionment of Liability 8, Comment a, while
"comparative responsibility" is the common legal
term, "assigning shares of responsibility" might
be a better term, "because it suggests that the
factfinder, after considering the relevant
factors, assigns shares of responsibility rather
than compares incommensurate quantities."
20- As Restatement Third, Torts Apportionment of
Liability, states, factors to take into account
in determining proportionate allocation include
the degree of unreasonableness in the plaintiff's
conduct and the nature of the causal connections
between the conduct of the plaintiff, the conduct
of the defendant, and the plaintiff's resulting
harm. As for variations in the conduct of
plaintiffs, the plaintiff who approaches a danger
because the plaintiff carelessly fails to
perceive the danger may well be assigned a lower
percentage of responsibility by the jury than the
plaintiff who unreasonably approaches a danger of
which the plaintiff is fully aware.
21What of assumption of risk?
- Under this Section particular plaintiffs whose
recovery would have been barred under the Second
Restatement can secure a partial, although
generally small, recovery. However, certain cases
that might have been covered by the
assumption-of-risk defense in the Second
Restatement are now subsumed under the
scope-of-liability limitation on strict liability
set forth in 29. - Section 29 is a reference to proximate cause
arguments. What does this mean?
22Three final hypos
- 1. Madsen case noise from blasting causes
vibration over mink farm that cause mink to eat
their young. !
23- Hypo 2 J is engaged in fumigating activity,
using flammable pesticides. S passes by and
intentionally throws a match into area, causing P
serious personal injuries. Is J strictly liable
to P under the Restatement?
24- Hypo 3 Acme blasting company is called in to
blast its way into a bank vault, which has been
accidentally locked with people inside and little
air left in the vault. A crowd develops and Acme
and bank officials have them moved a reasonably
safe distance away. Billy, a 10 year old child,
sneaks through because he thinks it would be cool
to watch the blast. Jane, a guard, stands in
front of the bank to keep people away. The blast
occurs, opening the vault but seriously injuring
Billy and Jane. They sue Acme and the bank in
tort. What result? Explain.