Title: Calleguas Creek Watershed Metals Work Plan
1Calleguas Creek Watershed Metals Work Plan
- Ashli Cooper Desai
- Kristine Corneillie
- Larry Walker Associates
2Background-Why are We Here?
- Regulatory Requirements to Address Pollutants
Impairing Watershed - 303(d) List
- Calleguas Watershed Planning Process
- Phase 2-Get rid of the impairments
- Prepare Work Plans
- Assign Lead Sub-committees
- Get technical consultants and advisors
3Habitat and Recreation Sub-Committee
- Lead Role in Addressing Metals Impairments
- Identifying, organizing and soliciting input from
stakeholders - Providing commitment to Regional Board to
complete the work - Guiding, reviewing, and providing input on the
process and technical work - Developing solutions to address metals
4Technical Consultants and Advisors
- Larry Walker Associates
- Helped develop work plans with a subset of
Calleguas watershed group - Provide technical work in support of committees
activities - Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
- Outside experts
- Provide technical review and input into work
5TMDL Work Plan Summary
- Five Full TMDL Work Plans
- Salts
- Historic Pesticides and PCBs
- Toxicity
- Metals
- Bacteria
- Additional Pollutants and Work Plan Outlines
- Administrative and Public Process
- TMDL Tools (GIS, Modeling, etc.)
- Sediment
- Trash
6Metals Impairment
- Why are metals an issue?
- Impacts aquatic life
- Can affect wildlife
- Potentially impact people who fish and eat fish
- What needs to be done?
- Figure out exactly what the impairment is
- Data and regulatory issues
- Impacts in the watershed
7Sources of Metals
- Industrial, commercial, and residential
activities - Cars, automotive service facilities
- Industrial chemicals
- Landfills
- Water supply and pipe corrosion
- Agricultural chemicals and equipment
8Data and Regulatory Issues
- Why were the metals listed?
- Old data vs. new data-whats going on now?
- Historic sources-what has changed?
- Site-specific objectives
- National criteria
- Adjust to protect local conditions that are
different from national conditions - Water Effects Ratio
- Conduct monitoring to find out what is happening
now for nickel, zinc, mercury, and selenium - Look at historic data to determine what might be
different - Develop site-specific objective for copper in
lower Calleguas and Mugu Lagoon - Remove impairments through delisting if
appropriate - If not, develop solution to address impairment
- TMDL could be part of solution
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11Where do we need to conduct sampling? How many
times do we need to collect samples? What is
different now from 7 years ago? What other
issues need to be considered for delisting if
data shows not exceeding objectives?
Site Selection What other issues need to be
considered in study design?
12What Needs to be Done?
- Identify key stakeholders-By July
- Develop Metals Working Group
- Develop MOA or other type of agreement
- Pick Sites for Monitoring-ASAP
- Select and Contact TAC-By July
- Gather Information
- Source ID- Have any significant sources changed?
- Where in the watershed do people fish and what
types of fish do they catch and eat? - What other concerns about metals do stakeholders
have? - Spread the word
13Key Stakeholders
- Navy
- Environmental Groups
- Department of Fish and Game/Fish and Wildlife
- Regional Board
- Cities/Stormwater Agencies
14Technical Advisory Committee
- Small group of stakeholders put together
preliminary list of options - Overall group of TAC Members from which needed
expertise can be selected - Hasnt been fully completed, but most of needed
areas for Metals have been identified - 3 member TAC for WER study recommended
- Need to chose members from list and contact them
about availability to participate in study. - Quick review time for WER monitoring plan
15Site Selection
- Shallow and deep water
- Spatial coverage
- Different hydrodynamic segments
- Historic exceedances of dissolved copper criteria
- Varying DOC/TSS salinity levels
- Accessibility during high/low tides
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17Sampling Events
- Fall
- Dry weather with calm winds
- Winter
- Episodic event (rain/storm) with more turbid
conditions - Spring
- Agricultural activities, wet weather
- Summer
- Wind-driven, turbid, dry weather