to Norways Riviera - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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to Norways Riviera


The country's fifth largest institution of higher education. 7000 ... The ... Nautilus and free weights. Spinning. Tanning beds. Aerobics, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: to Norways Riviera

to Norways Riviera
to Agder University College
The countrys fifth largest institution of
higher education 7000 students with campuses
in Kristiansand Grimstad Arendal
Over 100 different studies
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Gimlemoen Campus
Grimstad Campus
Arendal Campus
The Student Exchange Program
Agder University College is the leading
university college in Norway when it comes to
student exchange. We send out approximately 200
students each year and receive more than 100.
These numbers have increased steadily the last
decade and are still on the way up. We have
agreements with more than 75 institutions in
Europe, USA, Asia and Australia. We offer courses
in English in Business and Economics Public
Administration Information Technology
Engineering and Technology The humanities
Sport Education and Teaching practice
Arriving in Kristiansand
We realise that for many students this is their
first trip to Europe, their first move away from
home and for some even their first trip on an
airplane. We want students who come to
Kristiansand to have a warm welcome and to meet
the natives right away. Every semester
we organise a group of enthusiastic Norwegian
students who adopt the incoming international
students. These Norwegian students, many of whom
have been involved in study abroad programs
themselves, meet the international students at
the airport, bus or train station and accompany
them to their student housing. Their rooms are
ready for them when they come, and we quickly
set the students up with practical information,
email and Internet access, and (once they have
all arrived) pizza.
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Meeting the Vikings
It is a goal for us to involve the international
students with as many Norwegian students as
possible. We plan activities which we hope will
attract both foreign and domestic varieties of
student (to a large degree this involves free
food!). Some of this years activities have
been Pizza party Salsa and merengue
course International film night Wine and
cheese night International dinner The
international dinner was something we tried for
the first time this year. The international
students had free reign in the school cafeterias
kitchen and produced a fantastic array of dishes
from their homelands which they served to
eachother and to Norwegian students and
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And a taste of Norwegian gender equality...
Norwegian Encounter
We encourage international students to join the
many teams and clubs which are active on
campus. Our current international students are
involved with the schools choir, chorus, dance
and basketball clubs, just to name a few. In
addition to activities which involve all students
at the university college, we plan some special
things just for our international students
highlighting some of the things for which Norway
is known. These include Moose safari Ski
trip Trip to Oslo Boat trips
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(No Transcript)

  • The Curriculum
  • Courses taught in English
  • Business Management
  • Information Systems
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Education
  • The Arts
  • Engineering and Science
  • Outdoor Activities and Guiding in Nature

Business Courses Fall 2003 Introduction to
Development Issues EU-law EUs Institutions and
Politics International Finance International
Strategy International Marketing
International Cultural Differences and Contexts
Fin. Acct. and Analysis in an International
Perspective Evaluation of IT investments,
strategic and organisational effects History
of Economic Thought and Ethics Research Methods
in Management Economic Organisational
Theory Scientific Management Project Management
Business Courses Spring 2004
South-East Asia Economics and Society
International Management Current Topics in
International Economics Shipping
Economics Strategic Analysis

IS Courses Fall 2003 Systems Analysis and
Design Data Modelling and Database
Systems Internship Project Evaluation of IT
Investments, Strategic and Organizational
Effects Evaluation of IT Investments IT and
Management IS Courses Spring 2004 Data
Communications Project and Application
Development Project and Quality
Assurance Information Resource Management Internsh
ip Project
Political Science / Public Administration Courses
Fall 2003 EU Institutions and Politics Political
Systems and Governance Issues in Information
Management Political Science / Public
Administration Courses Spring 2004 Southeast
Asia Economics and Society Comparative
Politics Internationalisation and International
Policy Norway and the European Union

Faculty of Arts Fall 2003 NORSEC semester program
for teacher education students An Introduction to
Ibsens Modern Drama America in the
World Christianity and Modernity Comparative
Literature, Theatre and Film English Language A
An introduction to English language English
Language C Introduction to British Studies Old
Norse Language and Literature The Dramatic Genre
in a Changing World English 1 Literature and
Civilisation and TEFL Language, Usage and
TEFL American Studies English Renaissance
Literature Aspects of English Morphology World
History I


Faculty of Arts Spring 2004 English Language
B Introduction to American Studies Social Studies
on Religion The Twentieth-Century British Novel
Outdoor Education and Guiding in Nature Fall
2003 Outdoor Activities theory I Norwegian
outdoor tradition Man, nature and society Outdoor
Activity Teaching I Rivers, lakes and
waterways Outdoor Activity Teaching II Forests,
mountains and pastures Spring 2004 Outdoor
Activities theory II Coaching, guiding and
leadership Norwegian outdoor tradition Outdoor
Activity Teaching III Forests and mountains in
winter Outdoor Activity Teaching IV Sea and
Faculty of Engineering and Science Computer
Technology Multi media project Web techniques
2 Research project Mechanical Engineering Aerodyna
mics and Hydrodynamics Aerodynamics and Flight
Mechanics Reliability Centred Maintenance Aircraft
Propulsion Lightweight Structures Fatigue and
Corrosion Research Project

Faculty of Education Spring 2004 Semester Program
in Comparative Education Studies Faculty of Arts
Course taught in German GELINOR - Gesellschaft
und Literatur Norwegens
Examen philosophicum i Hellas
6 ukers intensivstudium om sommeren Unike
læringsforhold Sommeren 2002 17. juni -
28.juni Undervisning i Kristiansand
1.juli Avreise fra Oslo eller Kristiansand.
Studier i Aten og på øya Lesbos i
Egeerhavet 29.juli Eksamen 31.juli
  • Økonomi og samfunnsfag
  • Sosionom
  • Økonomi og administrasjon
  • Siviløkonom
  • Revisjon
  • Offentlig administrasjon
  • Statsvitenskap
  • IT og informasjonssystemer
  • Utviklingsstudiet
  • Samfunnsfag
  • Europeisk integrasjon

  • Lærerutdanninger
  • Allmennlærer (4 år heltid Kristiansand
  • 4 år deltid Grimstad 1 år heltid i
    Kristiansand )
  • Førskolelærer (3 år heltid Kristiansand og
  • 4 år deltid Kristiansand)
  • Faglærer i musikk (3 år Kristiansand)
  • Faglærer i drama (3 år Kristiansand)
  • Praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning
  • (1 eller 2 år Kristiansand og Grimstad)
  • Videreutdanninger
  • Adjunkt og lektor

  • Pedagogiske fag
  • Sosialpedagogikk 1 (1/2 år deltid Kristiansand
  • Småbarnspedagogikk 0-3 år (1/2 år heltid
  • Kristiansand og Grimstad)
  • Organisasjon og ledelse i barnehagen
  • (1/2 år Kristiansand og Grimstad - Dømmesmoen)
  • Skoleutvikling og ledelse 1
  • (Deltid over 1 år Kristiansand)
  • Pedagogisk arbeid på
  • småskoletrinnet (1 år Kristiansand)
  • Pedagogikk mellomfag
  • (1/2 år deltid Kristiansand)
  • Veiledningspedagogikk
  • Spesialpedagogikk

  • Realfagsstudier
  • Kjemi
  • Analytisk kjemi
  • Biologi og kjemi
  • Informatikk og matematiske metoder
  • Matematikk
  • Informatikk
  • Matematikkdidaktikk
  • Adjunkt og lektorutdanning

  • Helse- og idrettsfag
  • Sykepleier (3 år Arendal og Kristiansand)
  • Vernepleier (3 år Arendal)
  • Idrett
  • Ernæring, mat og kultur (heimkunnskap)
  • (1 år Kristiansand)
  • Videreutdanninger i
  • anestesi,- operasjons-, intensiv- og
  • rehabilitering
  • psykisk helsearbeid
  • veiledingspedagogikk
  • helse- og sosialinformatikk
  • arbeid med barn fra rusfamilier
  • sexologi
  • idrettsledelse for funksjonshemmede

Teknologiske fag Høgskoleingeniør -elektro -d
ata -bygg -maskin Sivilingeniør -
industriell økonomi og
informasjonsledelse - informasjons- og
kommunikasjonsteknologi Energiteknikk
Ingeniør Energi og økonomi
Student life
  • Spicheren Gym
  • right on campus
  • Swimming pool
  • Volleyball courts
  • Climbing wall
  • Nautilus and free weights
  • Spinning
  • Tanning beds
  • Aerobics, dance and martial arts

The International Office
The International Office consists of four
members who work very closely as a team to
assure quality exchanges to and from Norway. They
are Svein Arild Pedersen (Director) svein.a.ped 47 38 14 11 59 Tonje Nielsen
(International Coordinator, Teacher Education) 47 38 14 11 62 Mette H.
Pedersen (International Coordinator, incoming
USA) 47 38 14 11
52 Clare Jortveit (International Coordinator,
outgoing) 47 38 14 12 64
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