2Technical Guidance 580-2200-011 Sinking of Shafts
and Slopes for Underground Mines
3Effective Date October 1, 2005
4Request in writing
- 30 CFR Part 77 Subpart T (Underground Coal
Mines-Health and Safety Standards-Slope and Shaft
5Shaft and Slope Construction Supervisor
- 21 years of age
- 2 years practical experience sinking of slopes
and shafts - 1 year practical experience sinking of slopes and
shafts - Bachelor of Science Degree in mining engineering
- Coal mine foreman or Assistant mine foreman
certificate - Industrial mineral underground mine foreman
certificate - An acceptable certificate of qualification issued
by another state - Trained in the detection of oxygen and explosive
gases / mechanics of all gas detection devices - Passed a written test with a score of 80
- Possess a license issued pursuant to Chapter 210
7Pennsylvania code
8Chapter 210
9Chapter 210.11
- 210.11 Definitions
- Blaster
- Blaster Learner
- Blaster License
- Demolition Blasting
- Person
10210.13 General
- 210.13 (a) A person may not detonate explosives
or supervise blasting activities unless the
person has obtained a blaster's license - 210.13(c) Upon request, a blaster shall exhibit a
blasters license - Authorized Department Representative
- Blaster's employer
- Police Officer
- 210.13(d) Blaster's license is not transferable
11210.14 Eligibility requirements
- 21 YRS OLD
- blaster learner
13210.15 License Application
14Department forms
- 50 check payable to the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania - Submitted 2 week prior to test
15Notarized statement
- Experience as blaster leaner
- Competence
16210.17 Issuance and renewal of licenses
- Blasters license will be issued for 3 years
- Within the 3 year period have had 8 Hours CEU in
Department approved Blasting and Safety courses - Submit a copy of the 8 hr CEU Certificate
- Submit a 30 check payable to the Commonwealth
- Renewed within 1 year of its expiration date
17210.18 Out of State Blaster License
- Another States licensing program provides
training on the storage, handling and use of
explosives - Examination that is equivalent to Chapter 210
- Copies of the other state's explosives training
and exam materials - Subtopic
- Proof of License
18210.19 Suspension, Modification and Revocation
- The Department may suspend, modify or revoke a
blaster's license for violations of Chapter 210 /
Chapter 211
19ATF Background Check Sec. 555.33
20Safe Explosives Act
- Effective date November 25, 2002
- Prohibited Persons Categories
- Aliens
- Persons who have dishonorably discharged from the
military - Citizens of the US who have renounced their
citizenship - Felons
- Fugitives
- Users of, and persons addicted to, controlled
substances - Persons who have been adjudicated metal
defectives or committed to mental institutions - All prohibited persons are permitted to apply to
the BATF for relief from Federal explosives
- When requested by ATF, manufacturers and
importers of explosives must submit samples, as
well as information on their chemical composition
22Intrastate Permit
- limited permit
- farmers or construction companies that acquire
and use explosives infrequently and within their
State of residence - will allow the purchaser to receive explosive
materials from an in-State explosives licensee or
permittee on no more than six (6) occasions
during the period of the permit - Will be valid for one year
23Required Industry Information
- Responsible persons are required to submit to ATF
identifying information, fingerprints, and
photographs - Employee of licensees and permittees who will be
possessing explosive materials must submit
identifying information - ATF must issue letters of clearance for those
responsible persons and possessor employees who
are not prohibited from possessing explosives - Responsible person or employee subject o an
explosives prohibition, ATF must provide
information on the appeal process
- ATF will have to physically inspect all ATF
licensees and permittees at least once every
three calendar years - User permits and licenses, ATF must verify by
visual inspection that new applicants and renewal
applicants have places of storage for explosive
25chapter 211
26211.101 Definitions
- access point
- air blast
- blast site
- blast area
- barricade
- misfire
- blaster
- magazine
- inner perimeter security
- outer perimeter security
27211.101 Definitions (2)
- scaled distance
- scaled table of distance
- required distance for seismograph readings
28211.112 Magazine license and fees
- 211.112(a) Shall store explosives in a magazine
licensed by the Department - A person may not construct, install or modify a
magazine - 211.112(b) magazine license specifications
- types of explosives
- quantities of explosives
- conditions to comply with other standards
- 211.112(c) license expires DEC 31 each year
29211.113 Application Content
- Applicant's name, address and telephone number
- Contact person
- Types and quantities of explosives
- Map, plan or sketch of the site location showing
- nearest buildings
- nearest railways
- nearest highways
- existing barricades
- proposed barricades
- Plan showing the design and specifications of the
30211.113 Application Content (2)
- Plan showing the design and specifications,
dimensions and locations of all security measures - The latitude and longitude of outdoor magazines
- except Type 3
- The latitude and longitude of indoor magazines
containing high explosives
31211.114 Displaying the license
- Magazine license or legible copy shall be
conspicuously displayed - Shall be displayed inside the magazine or
adjacent to the magazine
32211.115 Explosive storage
3327 CFR Part 555 Subpart K (relating to storage),
are incorporated herein by reference.
34211.115(a1) Classify explosives
35211.115(a2)Determine which class of explosive may
be stored in each type of magazine
36211.115(a3)Determine quantity of explosive stored
37211.115(a-4) Determine construction standards
38211.115(a5) Site the magazine
39211.115(a6) Specify maintenance and housekeeping
40211.115(a7) Grant variances
41Security measures (211.115.d)
42211.115(d1) Each magazine site shall be inspected
at least daily at approximately 24-hour intervals
43 Equipped with electronic intrusion detection
44Inspected daily (24 hour intervals)
45magazines containing no explosive are not
required to be inspected
- Must reflect date last explosives were removed
46Each inspection
- Include the magazine
- Access points and perimeter security
- Inspection can be in person or electronically by
remote cameras - Record of Inspection
- Maintained 3 years
- Name of person
- Date and time inspection began /ended
- Remarks
- Action taken on problems
- Dates no inspection / no explosives
47Magazine and outer perimeter gates at the site
are equipped with electronic intrusion detection
48Outer perimeter
49Obstructs, wheeled vehicles
50surround the entire magazine site
- 25 feet away from the exterior of any magazine
- 25 feet away from the inner perimeter security
51Subsection (g)
52Sufficient number of personnel assigned to
physically insect each magazine once every hour
- All persons with communications capable of
providing direct verbal communications with
Police Dept. or another person capable of
contacting Police
53Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
- Continuously monitoring the entire outer
perimeter - Any portion of the outer perimeter that is not
protected by another measure - Images shall be recorded and maintained at least
until magazine integrity is confirmed - Latest output images of all CCTV cameras shall be
viewed at least once every hour by a person
having direct verbal communications
54Electronic intrusion detection devices
- Microwave sensors
- Seismic detectors
- Vehicle detectors
- Alarms or infrared motion detectors
- Zone of detection shall encompass entire outer
perimeter - All systems shall provide initial notification of
an alert within 15 minutes of an event and onsite
presence in response to an alert within 1 hour - All systems shall have backup power and provide
an alert
55Earthen Barrier
- 7 feet in height
- Constructed to obstruct access, to the greatest
extent possible, by wheeled vehicles - Made of loose soils the earthen barrier shall be
compacted - Vegetated
56Boulder Barrier
- Boulders shall be of a size and weight to deter,
to the greatest extent possible, defeat of the
barrier by wheeled vehicles
57Highwall Barrier
- minimum of 7 feet in height
- Face or slopes are sufficient to obstruct, to the
greatest extent possible, unauthorized access by
wheeled vehicles
58Natural Barrier
- Composed of natural terrain features which are
impassable, to the greatest extent possible, to
wheeled vehicles
59Fencing Systems
- Constructed of members that of sufficient size,
strength and anchorage - To deter, to the greatest extent possible, the
fencing system from being bent over, broken
through or uprooted by a wheeled vehicle
60Inner Barrier 211.115
616 feet away from exterior of magazine (211.115-4 )
6225 feet inside and away from the outer perimeter
security (211.115-4)
63Inner perimeter security can be met by measures
approved by the Department as provided in
subsection (g)
64Personal assigned to physically inspect each
- Once every hour
- Equipped with communications device capable of
providing direct verbal communications - Police Department
- Another person with the ability to contact the
Police Department
- Images shall be recorded and maintained at least
until magazine integrity is confirmed during the
next required site inspection - The latest images of all CCTV cameras shall be
viewed once every hour by persons having direct
verbal communication with the Police Department
66Electronic intrusion devices
- Shall be installed on each magazine containing
high explosives or detonators - Installed on all magazine doors
- Infrared motion detectors and other similar
devices shall be installed on the interior of
each magazine
67Microwave sensors, seismic sensors
- Zone of detection shall encompass the inner
perimeter, or any portion of the inner perimeter
that is not protected by another measure
68All systems
- Shall have the capability of providing initial
notification of an alert within 15 minutes of an
event - An on site presence in response to an alert with
1 hour - Backup power supply
- Shall provide and alert in the event of power
loss or a compromise of the system integrity
- minimum of 20 feet in height
- face or slopes are sufficient to obstruct, to the
greatest extent possible, access by unauthorized
70Fence construction
- minimum of 9 gauge chain link fencing
- maximum 2-inch mesh that is kept in a condition
which maintains its original functionality. - Buried at least 1 foot at the base
- Or equipped with a minimum 1.66 inch outside
diameter bottom rail - Minimum height of 8 feet above the ground
- Top rail with a minimum 1.66 inch outside
diameter - Firmly anchored posts 10 feet or less on center
- End, corner and pull posts shall have a minimum
outside diameter of 2.875 inches if round or
2.5-inch square - Intermediate posts shall have a minimum outside
diameter of 2.375 inches if round or 2.25-inche
C-Section. - Posts shall be set in concrete at a minimum depth
of 33 inches. - Post holes shall be a minimum of 12 inches in
diameter and completely filled with concrete
71Fence construction (2)
- Outriggers at the top
- concertina razor wire attached
- Concertina razor wire attached on the inside at
the bottom - Gates
- as many gates as necessary to provide for the
safe exit in event of an emergency - Vegetation
- Trimmed or suppressed to a distance of 6 feet
from each side of the fence
72Inner perimeter security gates
73Constructed at all access points
- firmly anchored posts
- good condition
- Padlocked whenever the site is unoccupied
74Gates shall be constructed of a minimum of 9
gauge chain link fencing with a maximum 2-inch
75Gate frame members minimum outside diameter of
1.9 inches if round or 2.0-inch if square
76Gate Posts with a minimum 6.625-inch outside
77Posts set in concrete at a minimum depth of 42
78Postholes shall be a minimum of 16 inches in
diameter and filled with concrete
79Outriggers at the top with concertina razor wire
80Two Locks
- Separate hasps and staples
- Hood of at least 1/4-inch thick steel
- must prevent sawing or lever-cutting on the
locks, hasps, and staples - Each lock shall have at least five tumblers
- case-hardened shackle of at least 3/8 inches in
diameter - Lock and chain used to secure gate
- minimum specification of the chain shall be 3/8
inch Grade 70, Transport
81Outer perimeter security gates
82Constructed at all access points
83Deter to the greatest extent possible, defeat of
the gate by wheeled vehicles
84firmly anchored posts
- Guideposts shall be a minimum 6.625-inch outside
diameter - Posts set in concrete at a minimum depth of 42
inches - Postholes shall be a minimum of 16 inches in
diameter - filled with concrete
- Department may approve, in writing, least
equivalent security
85good condition
86Padlocked whenever the site is unoccupied
87Two Locks
- Separate hasps and staples
- Hood of at least 1/4-inch thick steel
- must prevent sawing or lever-cutting on the
locks, hasps, and staples - Each lock shall have at least five tumblers
- case-hardened shackle of at least 3/8 inches in
diameter - Lock and chain used to secure gate
- minimum specification of the chain shall be 3/8
inch Grade 70, Transport
88"No Trespassing" signs
89Placed around outer perimeter of site
90Shall be spaced so that, except for corners,
adjacent signs are visible
91Warning signs shall be placed at all access
- Shall provide notice of private property
- No trespassing
- Providing a notice substantially conforming to
the following "Danger, never fight explosives
fires, explosives are stored on this site" - to warn first responders and public
- Shall provide an emergency contact phone number
92Signs shall be well maintained
93Signs shall be placed so that a bullet passing
directly through the sign will not impact a
94Signs may not be obscured by vegetation or other
95Constructed of a durable, weather-resistant
- Letters and numbers shall be a minimum height of
2 inches
96In addition to outer perimeter security
97All portable magazines being used as stationary
- Having an a volume of less than 3 cubic yards
- shall be immobilized by fastening the magazine
securely to the earth or terrain - sufficient to prevent displacement of the
magazine by wheeled vehicle
98Requirements may be satisfied by any single layer
of perimeter security measures that obstructs
- unauthorized access to the magazine wheeled
vehicles - Access by unauthorized persons
- 25 feet away from the exterior of any magazine
- 6 feet from any magazine
99Magazines shall be constructed according to the
construction standards found in 27 CFR Part555,
Subpart K (relating to storage) with the
following additions
100Mobile type 5 magazines being used as stationary
magazines for more than 1 year must be located
within the outer perimeter security
101Immobilized in accordance with 27 CFR 555.211
(relating to construction of type 5 magazines
102Fastened securely to earth or terrain feature to
prevent movement of the magazine by a motor
103Motor vehicles used to transport bulk blasting
agents that are left unattended at a magazine site
104Must have two department approved methods of
disabling the vehicles to render tem effectively
105Vehicles must be kept within the outer perimeter
106Disabling methods may include
- Steering locking device
- Pedal locking device
- Fuel or electrical system disablers
- Other equivalent disabling measures approved by
the Department - Systems of pumps or tanks, or both, used to
store, mix or dispense bulk blasting agents at
magazine site - Shall be equipped with locks
- Shall be constructed to prevent the unauthorized
removal of blasting agent from the system
107Person who stores explosive materials
108Shall notify both the local police having
jurisdiction and the Pennsylvania State Police
- Notification made in the manner of and in
addition to the notification requirements in 27
CFR 555.201 (f) (relating to general)
109Shall immediately notify the Department,
Pennsylvania State Police, and local Police
- Evidence is discovered of Break-in or theft at
the magazine - an attempted theft or break-in has occurred
- Security measures required by this section have
been breached or disabled or disabled or
partially breached or disabled - Short-term partial breaches of security of less
than 48-hour duration need not be reported under
this subsection if all the following apply - Partial breach was due to equipment failure or
accidental or natural causes - An account of the partial breach was recorded
under paragraph 1 - Immediate measures are being taken to repair or
replace the partial breach
110Notification to State and Local police are in
addition to any notification by agencies of the
United States
- Immediately upon June 18, 2005, the inspection
and notification requirements shall be
implemented - Within 180 days of approval of the plan outer or
inner perimeter security measure requirements
shall be implemented - Within 360 days of approval of the required plan
the remaining perimeter security measures
111Unauthorized persons exhibiting suspicious
behavior are observed in the vicinity of the
112Inventory records indicate that explosive
material is missing and unaccounted for
113Permissible explosives / Shot -firing units
114Evacuate personal from shaft prior to firing shot
115Chapter 211 Incorporates Sub Part k
116211.122 Permit to sell explosives
- Identify the applicant's name, address, telephone
number and type of business - Identify a contact person
- Specify type of explosives to be sold
- Specify the type of explosives to be sold
- State whether the applicant will purchase or
manufacture the explosives to be sold - Permits to sell explosives are not transferable
- Permits to sell explosives expire on April 30
117211.123 Permits to purchase explosives
- Identify the applicant's name, address, telephone
number and type of business - Identify a contact person, including name,
address, telephone number and type of business - Identify the location and license number of the
magazine to be used for storing the explosives - Specify the type of explosives that will be
purchased - Specify whether the explosives are being
purchased for sale or use by the permittee
118211.123 Permits to purchase explosives (2)
- Permits to purchase explosives are not
transferable - Permits to purchase explosives expire on April 30
of each year
119211.124 Blasting Activity Permit
- Blast-in-charge
- Supervise the blasting activity
- Two people present to fire blast
- Blaster-In-Charge and up to Six Assistants
- Operating Equipment
- Within 50 feet 211.154
- Blaster shall prepare application for blasting
activity report - Applicant's name, address, telephone number, type
business - Contact person / name, title, telephone number
- Identity of subcontractor who will perform the
blasting activity - Type of explosive used
- Maximum amount of explosives that will be
detonated per delay interval of less than 8
milliseconds - Maximum amount of explosives that will be
detonated in any one blast - Map indicating the location where the explosives
will be used - Purpose for which the explosives will be used
- Location and license number of magazine that will
be used to store the explosives - Description of how the monitoring requlirements
will be satisfied - 3rd part general liability insurance in the
amount of 300,000 or greater per occurrence. - anticipated duration of blasting activity
120211.125 Blasting permit-by- rule
- Blasts are designed and performed for a scaled
distance of 90 or greater - No more than 15 pound of explosives are detonated
per delay interval of less than 8 milliseconds - Total charge weight per blast does not exceed 150
pounds - Person notifies the Department
- verbally
- in writing
121211.131 Sales Record
- Shall keep accurate record of every sale of
explosives for 3 years - Shall identify the purchaser's name and address
- Department purchase permit number
- Date of the sale
- Amount and types of explosives
122211.132 Purchase records
- Shall keep a record of all purchases of
explosives for 3 years - Records shall identify the date
- types and amounts of explosives purchased
- name and address of the seller
123211.133 Blast reports 211.133
124 Blaster-In-Charge
- Shall prepare a report for each blast
- Sufficient information to reconstruct the
conditions and events surrounding a blast - Maintained 3 years
125Location of blast and monitor readings
126Name of blasting activity permittee
127Blasting activity permit / mining permit number
128Date and time of blast
129Printed name , signature and license number
130Type of material blasted
131Sketch showing
- number of holes
- burden
- pattern dimensions
- point of initiation
132Diameter / Depth of blast holes
133Height / length of stemming
134Types of explosives used
- Arrangement in blast holes
135Total weight in pounds of explosives and primer
136The maximum weight in pounds of explosives
detonated per delay period of less than 8
137Type of circuit, if electric was used
138Direction / Distance in feet from blast site to
nearest building
139A description of the nearest building not owned
based on local landmarks
140Scaled Distance
141Weather Conditions
142Direction from which the wind was coming
143Measures taken to control flyrock (whether or not
mats were used)
144Total quantity and type of detonators and delays
145Number of individuals on blast crew
146Monitoring records shall be made part of blast
report within 7 days
148211.141 Transportation of Explosives
151Fire Extinguishers
152No Smoking
153Loading / Unloading
154IME 22 Separation
- Non sparking tools
- Wooden bed on vehicle
- Separated from tools
155State Inspected Vehicles
156Vehicle Exhaust
- avoid hot gases and sparks
- in tack
157Fire Extinguisher
- 10 BC or more
- Readily Accessible
158Engine Off / Tires Chocked
159No Smoking within 100 ft
- NO SMOKING signs posted while parked
160DOT Placards
162Less than 2000 pounds of explosives
- Open Body
- Sides and ends high enough
- fire resistant tarpaulin
- magazine attached to vehicle
163More than 2000 pounds of explosives
164No firearms, combustible materials
165Damaged or Deteriorated explosives
- Manufactures Recommendations
166211.151 Prevention of Damage
167flyrock or damage to real property
- Blaster-in-charge
- report to Department within 4 hours
168Air Blast
169Scaled Distance
170Peak Particle Velocity
171211.152 Control of Noxious Gases
- Health and Safety of individuals
- Evacuate people
- interrupt path of gas flow
- Vent gases to atmosphere
172211.153 Handling Explosives
173Nonferrous, non sparking tools
174No Smoking
- within 100 ft of where explosives are used or
175Damaged or Deteriorated Explosives
- destroy as per Manufacturer recommendations
176Cast Boosters
- detonators shall not be forced into cartridges of
explosives or cast boosters - detonators shall be completely inserted into the
cartridge of explosive - detonators shall be completely inserted into
detonator well of a cast booster
177licensed magazine
- Stored
- Explosives may not be left unattended
- Kept under control and supervision of Permittee
178Loaded Blast
- loaded blast shall always be under the continuous
observation of the blaster-in-charge or a
179Blast Site
- No shooting or carrying of ammunition or firearms
180Electric Lines
- test shall be made for stray electrical current
- electric blasting caps may not be used in excess
of 50 milliamperes
181Packages of Explosives
- shall not be thrown or slid along floor, over
other packages, and handled roughly - Non-sparking tools
182Electrical Storms
- Area clear of all people
- Guards posted to all approaches to prevent
- damaged and deteriorated shall not be used
- May not be abandoned
184211.154 Preparing the Blast
185211.154(a) Blaster-in-charge
186211.154(a) Must be designated by Blasting
Activity Permittee
187211.154 (a)Shall control and supervise the
blasting activities
188211.154 (a) Responsible for all effects of the
189211.154(c) May not prepare or detonate a blast
unless another person is present, ready to render
assistant in the event of an accident or injury
190211.154(d) Shall make every effort to determine
the condition of the material to be blasted from
the individual who drilled the blast holes or
from the drill log.
191211.154(e) Only blaster in charge, other
blasters, and up to six assistants per blaster
may be at a blast site once loading of blast
holes begins
192211.154(f) While loading a blast hole the
following shall be followed
- 211.154(f-1) Ferrous material may not be used
- This includes the use of steel casings, ferrous
tools and retrieving equipment - 211.154(f-2) Nonsparking tamping sticks
- 211.154(f-3) Pneumatic loading device, every
precaution shall be taken to prevent an static
electricity - Loading operation shall be stopped immediately if
static electricity or stray electric currents are
193211.154(f) While loading a blast hole the
following shall be followed (2)
- 211.154(f-4) Blast holes shall be carefully
checked for obstructions - Explosives may not be forced past and obstruction
in blast hole - 211.154(f-5) Each blast hole shall be logged and
recorded on the blast report - 211.154(f-6) Blast hole containing loose
dynamite shall be stemmed (not tamped) - 211.154(f-7) The Department may specify the type
and amount of stemming
194211.154(g) Before connecting blast holes, all
activity within the blast area shall cease
- All nonessential persons shall retreat to a safe
place - The blaster-in-charge shall determine the blast
195211.154(h) Primers shall be prepared only at the
hole to be loaded
- Primers shall be prepared only at the hole to be
loaded,immediately prior to loading - Components of the primer are to be kept separated
at the collar of the blast hole - The primer may not be slit, dropped, deformed or
carelessly handled and tamped or forced into
blast hole
196211.154(I) Upon completing the loading of a blast
- Wood, paper or other materials used to pack
explosives shall be inspected for explosives and
removed to and isolated area - materials may be burned after the blast has been
fired - Persons may not be within 100 feet of burning
197211.154(j) Measures shall be taken to reduce the
chance of flyrock
- Use of blasting mats or other protective devices
- Blasting to an open, vertical face, checking the
face for loose, hanging material or faults prior
to loading the blast holes
198211.154(k) Only enough explosives for the blast
may be brought to the blast site
- Surplus explosives may not be stored in the blast
199211.154(l) Blast holes shall be checked to ensure
that it is cool and does not contain any hot
material or smoldering material from drilling hole
200211.154(m) Abrasive or sharp stemming shall be
201211.154(n) Blasting activities may not be
conducted within 800 feet of a public roadway
- Precautionary measures including stopping or
slowing of traffic and posting signs
202211.154(b) Equipment
- Only equipment necessary loading Blast holes
shall operate within 50 ft of the blast site
203211.155 Preblast measures
204Prior to detonating a blast, the
blaster-in-charge shall
205211.155(1) Ensure that all excess explosives have
been removed from the blast area
206211.155(2) Inspect the blast site to ensure that
connections are proper
207211.155 (3) Ensure that the blast area is cleared
an safeguarded
208211.155(4) In addition to warning signal, notify
all persons
209211.155(5) Ensure that precautions are in place
to protect the pubic on public roads
210211.155(6) At least 1 minute but no more than 2
minutes prior to detonation
- Sound a warning signal of three blasts
- each lasting 5 seconds
- Warning signal shall be of sufficient power to
heard 1,000 feet from the blast site
211211.156 Detonating the Blast
- 211.156(a) Blast may be detonated only between
sunrise and sunset - Unless the Department authorizes
- 211.156(b) Only the blaster-in-charge may
detonate a blast
212211.157 Postblast measures
213211.157(a) After a blast has been detonated, no
one may return to the blast area until all smoke
and fumes have dissipated
214211.157(b) Blaster-in-charge shall return to and
inspect the blast site to ensure it is safe
215211.157(c) the blaster-in-charge shall sound an
all-clear signal
- One long blast lasting 10 seconds
- All-clear signal shall be heard 1,000 feet from
the blast site
216211.157(d) Blaster-in-charge shall determine if a
misfire has occurred
- Shall take actions necessary to render the blast
site safe - The blast site shall be made safe before drilling
or muck removal begins
217211.157(e) Blaster-in-charge suspects that
undetonated ammonium nitrate/fuel mixture remains
- The muck pile shall be wetted down with water
before any digging - Special attention shall be given to primers,
other explosives or detonators are present in the
muck pile
218211.157(f) Blaster-in-charge shall immediately
complete the blast report
219211.157(g) Blaster-in-charge shall notify the
Department within 24 hours of a misfire
- A copy of the blast report shall be forwarded to
the Department
220211.158 Mudcapping
- 211.158(a) Mudcapping is allowed only when the
blaster-in-charge determines that drilling would
not be safe - No more than 10 pounds of explosives shall be
used for a blast
221211.159 Electric detonation
222211.159(a) Electric blasting caps shall be tested
for continuity with a blaster's galvanometer or
Blaster's Multimeter
- 211.159(a-1) Before the primers are made up
- 211.159(a-2)After the blast hole has been loaded
but prior to stemming - 211.159(a-3) As the final connecting of the
circuit progresses
223211.159(b) When shunt is removed from electric
blasting cap leg wires, the exposed wires shall
be reshunted
224211.159(c) Electric blasting caps may not be
employed near overhead electric lines
225211.159(d) Blasting caps may not be reused if the
leg wires are broken
226211.159(e) Leg wires shall extend above the top
of the blast hole
- Wire connections and splices are not allowed in
the blast hole
227211.159(f) Only solid wire shall be used in a
blasting circuit
- Stranded wire is prohibited
228211.159(g) Electric detonation near public roads
- Signs shall be erected at least 500 feet from the
blast area - Reading "Blast area -shut off all two -way
229211.159(h) Permissible blasting machines shall be
used to detonate the blast
230211.159(i) Blasting circuit shall remain shunted
until the time for detonation
- Unless the circuit is being tested
- connections are being made
231211.159(j) All blasting machines shall be
calibrated every 30 days by procedures
recommended by the manufacturer or supplier
232211.159(k) Blaster-in-charge shall determine that
there is adequate current to properly energize
the detonators
233211.160 Nonelectric detonation
- Nonelectric initiation systems shall be checked
and tested in accordance with manufacturer
234211.160 Detonating cords
235211.161(a) Shall be cut from the supply roll
immediately after placement in the blast hole
236A sufficient length of downlines shall be left at
the top of the blast ole for connections to trunk
- The supply roll shall be immediately removed from
the site - Scrap pieces of detonating cord shall be
destroyed after connections are made
237211.161(b) Trunk line shall be covered with at
least 12 inches of earth or sand
238211.161(c) Detonating cord may not be spliced if
the splice will fall within a blast hole
239211.162 Safety Fuse
- 211.162(a) Shall be long enough to provide a burn
time of 120 seconds or longer - 211.162(b) Blaster-in-charge shall conduct a test
burn - Test burn will utilize at least a 12 inch section
of fuse - 211.162(c) A proper crimping tool shall be used
to crimp a blasting cap to a safety fuse - A blasting cap may not be attached to a safety
fuse in or within 10 feet of a magazine
240211.171General provisions for monitoring
- 211.171(a) Scaled Distance of a blast is 90 or
numerically less at the closest building not
owned or leased - 211.171(b) Blasting without monitoring
- 211.171(c) A ground vibration and airblast record
of each blast shall be made part of the blast
report - 211.171(d) The trigger for ground vibration shall
be set at a particle velocity of no more than .25
inches per second
241211.171General provisions for monitoring (2)
- 211.171(e) A printout from the instrument shall
be attached to the blast report - the printout shall provide date and time when
instrument was turned on and off, set trigger
242211.172 Monitoring instruments
243211.172 Monitoring instrument shall provide a
permanent record of each blast
- 211.172(1) A monitoring instrument for recording
ground vibration shall have - Frequency range of 2 Hz to 100 Hz
- Particle velocity range of 0.2 to4.0 inches per
second or greater - An internal dynamic calibration system
- 211.172(2) A monitoring instrument used to record
airblast shall have - A lower frequency limit of 0.1 ,2.0 or 6.0 HZ
- An upper end flat-frequency response of at least
200 Hz - A dynamic range that, at a minimum, extends from
106 to 142 dbl
244211.172 Monitoring instrument shall provide a
permanent record of each blast (2)
- 211.172(3) Shall be calibrated annually
- Also when repairs are made
- Calibration procedures and documentation of
calibration shall be made available for review by
the Department - 211.172(4) Nonalterable calibration sticker
affixed to the instrument
245211.173 Monitoring records
246211.173(a) Everyone using the monitoring
instrument shall be trained
- A record of the training is to be maintained and
available for review by the Department
247211.173(b) Monitoring records at a minimum shall
- 211.173(b-1)Calibration pulse on each of the
mutually-perpendicular ground vibration traces - 211.173(b-2) The time history of particle
velocities of three mutually perpendicular round
vibration traces and one air-overpressure trace,
including time base, amplitude scales and peak
values for all traces - 211.173(b-3) The results of a field calibration
test for each channel
248211.173(b) Monitoring records at a minimum shall
contain (2)
- 211.173(b-4) The frequency content of all
vibration signals using either single degree of
freedom (SDF) response spectrum or half-cycle
zero-crossing analysis method - 211.173(b-5) Frequency versus particle velocity
plots - 211.173(b-6) The name and signature of the
individual taking the recording - 211.173(b-7) The location of the monitoring
instrument, date and time of the recording
249211.173(b) Monitoring records at a minimum shall
contain (3)
- 211.173(b-8) The last calibration date of the
monitoring instrument
250211.173(c) If the Department questions the
validity of a ground vibration or airblast record
or the interpretation of the record, the
Department may require
- Ground vibration or airblast recording to be
analyzed or certified by an independent,
qualified consultant - It shall be performed and included with the blast
report within 30 days
251Title 25 Chapter 87
252Public highways and entrances to the operation
- Barricade / Guard
- If highway is within 1,000 feet of blast to be
254Top man on Duty
255check in and out system
256Examinations 77.1901
- Pre shift - 90 minutes prior to start of shift
- Certified Person
- On shift while men are at work
- Certified Person
- Before and after Blasting
- Certified Person
257all exams must include 77.1901
258(No Transcript)
259Continuous Monitoring of Atmosphere
260Check Coping
261- Air Reading at Fan
- Magnahelic Reading
262 263check water ring gas test
264examine ribs below concrete
265make gas test around ribs
266make gas tests at bottom
- methane
- oxygen
- carbon monoxide
267Correct all hazards found on pre shift / on shift
268Record keeping
- air reading (CFM)(Location)
- gas readings
- CH4 and O2 deficiency CO approved devices
77.1901-1 - violations or hazards observed
- miss fires
- corrective actions taken
- date / time
- signature
269surface area exam 77.1901
- tripping and stumbling obstacles
- general housekeeping
- illumination
- walk through compressor house
- note temperature
- airline leaks
- unusual smells
- oil spillage
- Subtopic
- record examination
270Excessive gas encountered 77.1901
- 1.0 Methane
- Make changes or adjustment to ventilation
- Do not start any equipment
- De-energize power
- Re-examine area
- 50 PPM Carbon Monoxide
- Make changes or adjustment to ventilation
- Re-examine area
- 19.5 Oxygen
271Excessive gas encountered 77.1901 (2)
- 1.5 Methane
- Remove all personal
- De-energize equipment
- Ventilate
- Re-examine area
272Diesel 77.1902 - 1
273Hoists 77.1903
274Communications 77.1904
- Two independent means of signaling
- one audible
- signal codes posted
- communications tested daily
275Hoist Construction 77.1907
- Hooks shall be self-closing
276Daily Inspections 77. 1906
- Insure daily inspections are completed and signed
- Records to be maintained for 1Year
277Hoist Installation 77.1908
278Hoist rope suspended from substantial housing
279Shaft guide and guide attachments installed
280emergency escape 77.1908-f
281embark / disembark landing over shaft 77.1908-e
282Hoist bucket
- Shall not ride rim or loaded bucket 77.1908-g
- Mantrip number of people77.1908-h
- Speed 500 fpm / 200fpm within100 ft of stop
- speed posted for hoistman
- hoist stopped within 15 ft. of landing
- all bucket shall be trimmed
283Wire Ropes 77.1430
284visual examination 77.1433
- every 14 calendar days
- broken wires, stress points, distortions
285End attachment retermination 77.1437
286Drum End Attachment 77.1436
- attached securely to drum
- minimum of three full turns of wire rope on drum
287Load end attachments 77.1435
288Retirement criteria 77.1434
- 6 wear
- Broken wires
- Subtopic
289Minimum rope strength 77.1431
290Initial measurement 77.1432
- After initial stretch - before wear is shown
- Baseline measurement
- three measurements
- Records shall be retained with cable
291Hoistman Qualification
292Ventilation 77.1911
293Mechanical ventilation
- On Surface
- Fireproof
- Design to permit air reversal
- Equipped with automatic signal device
- Offset 15 feet
- duct work grounded to prevent electrical
- Duct work extended as close a possible to
ventilate properly - qualified person designated by the operator to
maintain ventilation system - Fans shall operated continuously while men are
underground - Accidental stoppage
295examined before each shift
- Quantity of air
- Measured by Certified Person
- Recorded
296Electrical equipment 77.1914
- Permissible
- Flame resistant
- Approved by Bureau of Mines
297Combustible Materials 77.1915
- Compressed and liquefied gas, oil gasoline and
other - Not stored within 100 feet of shaft or slope
- Other combustible materials and supplies
- Not stored with 25 feet of shaft or slope
- Oily rags,waste, waste paper shall be stored in
metal containers
298Welding, cutting Fire Protection 77.1916
- One portable fire extinguisher
- Welding, cutting in the vicinity of any shaft or
slope - Exams for Methane
- 1,0 Methane
- Noncombustible barriers shall be used