Title: Learning to Rank (part 1)
1Learning to Rank (part 1)
- NESCAI 2008 Tutorial
- Yisong Yue
- Cornell University
2Booming Search Industry
3Goals for this Tutorial
- Basics of information retrieval
- What machine learning contributes
- New challenges to address
- New insights on developing ML algorithms
4(Soft) Prerequisites
- Basic knowledge of ML algorithms
- Support Vector Machines
- Neural Nets
- Decision Trees
- Boosting
- Etc
- Will introduce IR concepts as needed
5Outline (Part 1)
- Conventional IR Methods (no learning)
- 1970s to 1990s
- Ordinal Regression
- 1994 onwards
- Optimizing Rank-Based Measures
- 2005 to present
6Outline (Part 2)
- Effectively collecting training data
- E.g., interpreting clickthrough data
- Beyond independent relevance
- E.g., diversity
- Summary Discussion
- This talk is very ML-centric
- Use IR methods to generate features
- Learn good ranking functions on feature space
- Focus on optimizing cleanly formulated objectives
- Outperform traditional IR methods
- This talk is very ML-centric
- Use IR methods to generate features
- Learn good ranking functions on feature space
- Focus on optimizing cleanly formulated objectives
- Outperform traditional IR methods
- Information Retrieval
- Broader than the scope of this talk
- Deals with more sophisticated modeling questions
- Will see more interplay between IR and ML in Part
9Brief Overview of IR
- Predated the internet
- As We May Think by Vannevar Bush (1945)
- Active research topic by the 1960s
- Vector Space Model (1970s)
- Probabilistic Models (1980s)
- Introduction to Information Retrieval (2008)
- C. Manning, P. Raghavan H. Schütze
10Basic Approach to IR
- Given query q and set of docs d1, dn
- Find documents relevant to q
- Typically expressed as a ranking on d1, dn
11Basic Approach to IR
- Given query q and set of docs d1, dn
- Find documents relevant to q
- Typically expressed as a ranking on d1, dn
- Similarity measure sim(a,b)!R
- Sort by sim(q,di)
- Optimal if relevance of documents are
independent. Robertson, 1977
12Vector Space Model
- Represent documents as vectors
- One dimension for each word
- Queries as short documents
- Similarity Measures
- Cosine similarity normalized dot product
13Cosine Similarity Example
14Other Methods
- Salton Buckley, 1988
- Okapi BM25
- Robertson et al., 1995
- Language Models
- Ponte Croft, 1998
- Zhai Lafferty, 2001
15Machine Learning
- IR uses fixed models to define similarity scores
- Many opportunities to learn models
- Appropriate training data
- Appropriate learning formulation
- Will mostly use SVM formulations as examples
- General insights are applicable to other
16Training Data
- Supervised learning problem
- Document/query pairs
- Embedded in high dimensional feature space
- Labeled by relevance of doc to query
- Traditionally 0/1
- Recently ordinal classes of relevance (0,1,2,3,)
17Feature Space
- Use to learn a similarity/compatibility function
- Based off existing IR methods
- Can use raw values
- Or transformations of raw values
- Based off raw words
- Capture co-occurrence of words
18Training Instances
19Learning Problem
- Given training instances
- (xq,d, yq,d) for q 1..N, d 1 .. Nq
- Learn a ranking function
- f(xq,1, xq,Nq ) ! Ranking
- Typically decomposed into per doc scores
- f(x) ! R (doc/query compatibility)
- Sort by scores for all instances of a given q
20How to Train?
- Classification Regression
- Learn f(x) ! R in conventional ways
- Sort by f(x) for all docs for a query
- Typically does not work well
- 2 Major Problems
- Labels have ordering
- Additional structure compared to multiclass
problems - Severe class imbalance
- Most documents are not relevant
21Somewhat Relevant
Very Relevant
Not Relevant
Conventional multiclass learning does not
incorporate ordinal structure of class labels
22Somewhat Relevant
Very Relevant
Not Relevant
Conventional multiclass learning does not
incorporate ordinal structure of class labels
23Ordinal Regression
- Assume class labels are ordered
- True since class labels indicate level of
relevance - Learn hypothesis function f(x) ! R
- Such that the ordering of f(x) agrees with label
ordering - Ex given instances (x, 1), (y, 1), (z, 2)
- f(x) lt f(z)
- f(y) lt f(z)
- Dont care about f(x) vs f(y)
24Ordinal Regression
- Compare with classification
- Similar to multiclass prediction
- But classes have ordinal structure
- Compare with regression
- Doesnt necessarily care about value of f(x)
- Only care that ordering is preserved
25Ordinal Regression Approaches
- Learn multiple thresholds
- Learn multiple classifiers
- Optimize pairwise preferences
26Option 1 Multiple Thresholds
- Maintain T thresholds (b1, bT)
- b1 lt b2 lt lt bT
- Learn model parameters (b1, , bT)
- Goal
- Model predicts a score on input example
- Minimize threshold violation of predictions
27Ordinal SVM Example
Chu Keerthi, 2005
28Ordinal SVM Formulation
Such that for j 0..T
And also
Chu Keerthi, 2005
29Learning Multiple Thresholds
- Gaussian Processes
- Chu Ghahramani, 2005
- Decision Trees
- Kramer et al., 2001
- Neural Nets
- RankProp Caruana et al., 1996
- SVMs Perceptrons
- PRank Crammer Singer, 2001
- Chu Keerthi, 2005
30Option 2 Voting Classifiers
- Use T different training sets
- Classifier 1 predicts 0 vs 1,2,T
- Classifier 2 predicts 0,1 vs 2,3,T
- Classifier T predicts 0,1,,T-1 vs T
- Final prediction is combination
- E.g., sum of predictions
- Recent work
- McRank Li et al., 2007
- Qin et al., 2007
31- Severe class imbalance
- Near perfect performance by always predicting 0
32Option 3 Pairwise Preferences
- Most popular approach for IR applications
- Learn model to minimize pairwise disagreements
- (Pairwise Agreements) ROC-Area
33 34Optimizing Pairwise Preferences
- Consider instances (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
- Label order has y1 gt y2
35Optimizing Pairwise Preferences
- Consider instances (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
- Label order has y1 gt y2
- Create new training instance
- (x, 1) where x (x1 x2)
- Repeat for all instance pairs with label order
36Optimizing Pairwise Preferences
- Result new training set!
- Often represented implicitly
- Has only positive examples
- Mispredicting means that a lower ordered instance
received higher score than higher order instance.
37Pairwise SVM Formulation
Such that
Herbrich et al., 1999
Can be reduced to time
Joachims, 2005.
38Optimizing Pairwise Preferences
- Neural Nets
- RankNet Burges et al., 2005
- Boosting Hedge-Style Methods
- Cohen et al., 1998
- RankBoost Freund et al., 2003
- Long Servidio, 2007
- SVMs
- Herbrich et al., 1999
- SVM-perf Joachims, 2005
- Cao et al., 2006
39Rank-Based Measures
- Pairwise Preferences not quite right
- Assigns equal penalty for errors no matter where
in the ranking - People (mostly) care about top of ranking
- IR community use rank-based measures which
capture this property.
40Rank-Based Measures
- Binary relevance
- Precision_at_K (P_at_K)
- Mean Average Precision (MAP)
- Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
- Multiple levels of relevance
- Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG)
- Set a rank threshold K
- Compute relevant in top K
- Ignores documents ranked lower than K
- Ex
- Prec_at_3 of 2/3
- Prec_at_4 of 2/4
- Prec_at_5 of 3/5
42Mean Average Precision
- Consider rank position of each relevance doc
- K1, K2, KR
- Compute Precision_at_K for each K1, K2, KR
- Average precision average of P_at_K
- Ex has AvgPrec of
- MAP is Average Precision across multiple
43Mean Reciprocal Rank
- Consider rank position, K, of first relevance doc
- Reciprocal Rank score
- MRR is the mean RR across multiple queries
- Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain
- Multiple Levels of Relevance
- contribution of ith rank position
- Ex has DCG score of
- NDCG is normalized DCG
- best possible ranking as score NDCG 1
45Optimizing Rank-Based Measures
- Lets directly optimize these measures
- As opposed to some proxy (pairwise prefs)
- But
- Objective function no longer decomposes
- Pairwise prefs decomposed into each pair
- Objective function flat or discontinuous
46Discontinuity Example
D1 D2 D3
Retrieval Score 0.9 0.6 0.3
Rank 1 2 3
Relevance 0 1 0
47Discontinuity Example
- NDCG computed using rank positions
- Ranking via retrieval scores
D1 D2 D3
Retrieval Score 0.9 0.6 0.3
Rank 1 2 3
48Discontinuity Example
- NDCG computed using rank positions
- Ranking via retrieval scores
- Slight changes to model parameters
- Slight changes to retrieval scores
- No change to ranking
- No change to NDCG
D1 D2 D3
Retrieval Score 0.9 0.6 0.3
Rank 1 2 3
49Discontinuity Example
- NDCG computed using rank positions
- Ranking via retrieval scores
- Slight changes to model parameters
- Slight changes to retrieval scores
- No change to ranking
- No change to NDCG
NDCG discontinuous w.r.t model parameters!
D1 D2 D3
Retrieval Score 0.9 0.6 0.3
Rank 1 2 3
50Yue Burges, 2007
51Optimizing Rank-Based Measures
- Relaxed Upper Bound
- Structural SVMs for hinge loss relaxation
- SVM-map Yue et al., 2007
- Chapelle et al., 2007
- Boosting for exponential loss relaxation
- Zheng et al., 2007
- AdaRank Xu et al., 2007
- Smooth Approximations for Gradient Descent
- LambdaRank Burges et al., 2006
- SoftRank GP Snelson Guiver, 2007
52Structural SVMs
- Let x denote the set of documents/query examples
for a query - Let y denote a (weak) ranking
- Same objective function
- Constraints are defined for each incorrect
labeling y over the set of documents x. - After learning w, a prediction is made by
sorting on wTxi
Tsochantaridis et al., 2007
53Structural SVMs for MAP
- Maximize
- subject to
- where
( yij -1, 1 )
- and
- Sum of slacks upper bound MAP loss.
Yue et al., 2007
54Too Many Constraints!
- For Average Precision, the true labeling is a
ranking where the relevant documents are all
ranked in the front, e.g., - An incorrect labeling would be any other ranking,
e.g., - This ranking has Average Precision of about 0.8
with ?(y,y) ¼ 0.2 - Intractable number of rankings, thus an
intractable number of constraints!
55Structural SVM Training
- STEP 1 Solve the SVM objective function using
only the current working set of constraints. - STEP 2 Using the model learned in STEP 1, find
the most violated constraint from the exponential
set of constraints. - STEP 3 If the constraint returned in STEP 2 is
more violated than the most violated constraint
the working set by some small constant, add that
constraint to the working set. - Repeat STEP 1-3 until no additional constraints
are added. Return the most recent model that was
trained in STEP 1.
STEP 1-3 is guaranteed to loop for at most a
polynomial number of iterations. Tsochantaridis
et al., 2005
56Illustrative Example
- Structural SVM Approach
- Repeatedly finds the next most violated
constraint - until set of constraints is a good
- Original SVM Problem
- Exponential constraints
- Most are dominated by a small set of important
57Illustrative Example
- Structural SVM Approach
- Repeatedly finds the next most violated
constraint - until set of constraints is a good
- Original SVM Problem
- Exponential constraints
- Most are dominated by a small set of important
58Illustrative Example
- Structural SVM Approach
- Repeatedly finds the next most violated
constraint - until set of constraints is a good
- Original SVM Problem
- Exponential constraints
- Most are dominated by a small set of important
59Illustrative Example
- Structural SVM Approach
- Repeatedly finds the next most violated
constraint - until set of constraints is a good
- Original SVM Problem
- Exponential constraints
- Most are dominated by a small set of important
60Finding Most Violated Constraint
- Required for structural SVM training
- Depends on structure of loss function
- Depends on structure of joint discriminant
- Efficient algorithms exist despite intractable
number of constraints. - More than one approach
- Yue et al., 2007
- Chapelle et al., 2007
61Gradient Descent
- Objective function is discontinuous
- Difficult to define a smooth global approximation
- Upper-bound relaxations (e.g., SVMs, Boosting)
sometimes too loose. - We only need the gradient!
- But objective is discontinuous
- so gradient is undefined
- Solution smooth approximation of the gradient
- Local approximation
- Assume implicit objective function C
- Goal compute dC/dsi
- si f(xi) denotes score of document xi
- Given gradient on document scores
- Use chain rule to compute gradient on model
parameters (of f)
Burges et al., 2006
63Burges, 2007
- Intuition
- Rank-based measures emphasize top of ranking
- Higher ranked docs should have larger derivatives
- (Red Arrows)
- Optimizing pairwise preferences emphasize bottom
- of ranking (Black Arrows)
64LambdaRank for NDCG
- The pairwise derivative of pair i,j is
- Total derivative of output si is
65Properties of LambdaRank
- 1There exists a cost function C if
- Amounts to the Hessian of C being symmetric
- If Hessian also positive semi-definite, then C is
1Subject to additional assumptions see Burges
et al., 2006
66Summary (Part 1)
- Machine learning is a powerful tool for designing
information retrieval models - Requires clean formulation of objective
- Advances
- Ordinal regression
- Dealing with severe class imbalances
- Optimizing rank-based measures via relaxations
- Gradient descent on non-smooth objective functions