ES 101-02. Module 1 Introduction to Data Networking

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ES 101-02. Module 1 Introduction to Data Networking


ES 101-02. Module 1 Introduction to Data Networking – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ES 101-02. Module 1 Introduction to Data Networking

ES 101-02. Module 1Introduction to Data
  • This seminar is designed to introduce students to
    the concept of data networking and
  • Wide Area Networks (WAN)
  • Local Area Networks (LAN)
  • Routing
  • The Internet is the most common (and largest)
    example of an internetwork
  • Network of Networks
  • In order to understand the Internet, we must
    first understand internetworking
  • After this intro to networking, we will get into
    the specifics of web applications and build a web

Contact Instructor
  • Office hours are by appointment
  • Featheringill Hall - Room 249
  • Telephone X 22962
  • Cell 256-683-5641 (Emergencies only!!)
  • Email
  • Use Prometheus unless you have a personal issue
    that you need to discuss

If the door is open, come in. If the door is
shut, dont knock!!
Evacuation Procedures
  • In the event of a fire or other emergency, exit
    the building promptly at the nearest stairwell
  • Do not take the elevator
  • Get at least 50 feet away from the building

Students with Disabilities
If a student requires course accommodations due
to a disability, or if a student has emergency
medical information to share with the
instructor, please make an appointment with Dr.
Dozier as soon as possible.  Dr. Dozier can be
reached by any of the methods outlined on Slide
Course Materials
  • Class website
  • http//
  • You should check the class web site at least
  • Lecture notes will be posted to the web site
    prior to each class
  • Hopefully, at least an hour prior
  • Course Management System
  • Blackboard
  • All students must be registered to access this
  • There is no textbook for this class
  • The class web site and lecture notes essentially
    constitute a Class Pack

Other Sources of Information
  • There are three upper division courses taught on
    the subject of networking CS 283, EECE 261, and
    EECE 262
  • Professor Dozier teaches the EECE 261/262 course
  • There are no pre-requisites other than math and
  • CS 283 is taught in the Computer Science program
    and has many pre-requisites
  • Both courses have web sites
  • http//
  • http//

Other Sources of Information (contd)
  • The textbook used in EECE 261/262 is a very
    useful resource, and has its own web site
  • http//
  • If you are interested in this topic, there are
    literally thousands of sources on the Internet
  • You may also want to consider joining a
    professional society such as the IEEE, which has
    a Networking and Communications society
  • Professor Dozier is the counselor of the IEEE

  • Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
  • Excellent means of keeping up with the technical
    side of networking communications
  • International organization that is widely
  • Example Ethernet standards are IEEE 802.3
  • Composed of 37 societies
  • Students get deeply discounted national and
    society membership dues and publication cost
  • IEEE Membership 30/year
  • Society Membership 7/year to 20/year
  • Society membership includes appropriate society
  • You can belong to multiple societies, depending
    on your interests

VUSE IEEE Student Chapter
  • Membership registration can be done via the web
  • http// follow links to student
  • When you register, you automatically join the
    VUSE Student Chapter
  • Prof. Dozier is the counselor of the student
    chapter, and approves all applications
  • Officers We need volunteers
  • President, OPEN
  • Vice President, OPEN
  • Secretary/Treasurer - OPEN
  • Program Chair OPEN
  • Webmaster OPEN

  • Developments in the field of networking and
    communications move so fast that attendance at
    conferences is mandatory to stay abreast of new
  • Lifelong pursuit to stay fresh
  • IEEE has many conferences, check out the IEEE
    website for the calendar
  • http//

  • It may not be obvious, but there are over 350
    student organizations on campus
  • Many of these organizations would like to have
    web sites
  • The level of knowledge required to build and
    maintain a web site is too low for most students
    to be successful
  • ITS does not provide web development support to
    any student organizations
  • To meet this need, a new volunteer, student-run
    organization has been formed, VSC-IT
  • Professor Dozier is the counselor of this
  • Michelle Stuy (michelle.r.stuy_at_Vanderbilt.Edu) is
    the President

You do not have to be an EECS major to
Seminar Objectives
  • Develop knowledge of how packet switched networks
  • Internetworking
  • Develop knowledge of how client/server and
    peer-to-peer networks operate
  • Typical applications will be noted in class
  • Provide a rudimentary knowledge of how to do
    network troubleshooting
  • Ping, traceroute, etc.

Seminar Objectives (contd)
  • Once basic networking knowledge has been
    achieved, we will discuss web applications
  • Specifically web development
  • Each student will create a web site on our EECS
    web development server as a final project
  • These can then be rehosted on either the VSC-IT
    server, and/or Helios
  • If you want to register a domain name, it can be
    forwarded to the Vanderbilt servers

Grading Policy
  • The main purpose of this seminar is to assist
    students in understanding the field of
    engineering in general, and to make decisions
    regarding what major academic area best suits
    their needs
  • That said, Vanderbilts (and most other academic
    institutions) culture utilizes grades to assess
    relative performance of students (ie. GPA)
  • So, there will be a grading policy for this course

Grading Parameters
  • Class project. Performance of a project cements
    the concepts covered in the lectures, and gives
    the student a physical feel for how this stuff
  • I prefer utilizing a class project as the grading
    mechanism for this course
  • Research Paper on a networking topic chosen by
    the student

You get to pick!!
Project Completion
  • If you dont finish, I cant grade your work
  • This implies that the entire semester grade will
    be dependent on completing the project in a
    timely fashion
  • If you dont finish, I will have to give you an

  • In order to better serve the students, course
    content must be tailored to the relative
    performance level of the class
  • How much do students know about this topic?
  • This changes from year-to-year as students become
    more web savvy
  • I will generate an on-line survey in OAK to
    assist me in determining the level of knowledge
    of the class
  • The survey for this class will assist me in
    tailoring the material

Intro to Networking
  • All data networking utilizes digital
    communication techniques
  • Information is represented by ones and zeros
  • Any information can be converted into digital
    form via a conversion process, and vice a versa
  • The field of networking utilizes a layered
    communication model, in which each layer
    communicates with the layers below and above
  • The focus of network equipment development is on
    the interfaces between these different layers
  • Networks break down into two technologies
  • Local Area Networks (LAN)
  • Wide Area Networks (WAN)

Intro to Networking (contd)
  • Communication between cooperating entities
    (computers) occurs via packets
  • Wide Area Networking generally means that you
    have to utilize a public carrier to move your
  • ATT, Sprint, etc.
  • Information is passed between multiple LANs
    across the WAN by the use of routers
  • All communication occurs via serial techniques
    across the WAN

Data Communication History
  • Roman armies used semaphore signaling
  • Modern communications began with the invention of
    the telegraph
  • Over sixty different methods proposed by 1850
  • Samuel Morses technique emerged as the de facto
    text encoding standard (Morse Code)
  • Maximum data rate achieved by a human telegraph
    operator was 15,000 words/shift using Morse Code
  • For an 8 hour shift, data rate 4.2 Bytes/sec

Bits vs. Bytes
  • A binary digit, or bit is represented by either
    a one or a zero
  • Fiber-optic communication example
  • If the light source is on in a given time
    interval, this represents a 1
  • If the light source is off during a given time
    interval, this represents a 0
  • This technique is known as On/Off Keying
  • So, all information can be represented by turning
    a light source on and off
  • Todays technology supports an On/Off rate of
    40 billion bits/second, or 40 Gigabits/sec

Bits vs. Bytes (contd)
  • When computers were invented, it was necessary to
    represent all possible combinations of keystrokes
    in a digital fashion
  • It turns out that this can be done with 7 bits,
    plus one parity bit which is used for error
  • This signaling system is known as the ASCII
    character set
  • ASCII stands for the American Standard Code for
    Information Interchange

ASCII Character Set Binary Notation
More About Bits and Bytes
  • So, one ASCII character can be represented by an
    8-bit chunk of information
  • Hence, an 8-bit chunk was named a Byte or an
  • This terminology is used throughout the world of

You must be careful in discussions re. whether
or not you are talking about bits, or Bytes
Serial Communication Techniques
  • We have now demonstrated that by creating a bit
    stream of ones and zeros, we can interpret this
    information as a character stream at a remote
    site via a receiver, with certain provisos
  • The receiver must know what time it is
  • Beyond the scope of this seminar
  • There must be a clear demarcation between each
    byte, or group of bytes
  • Generally use the parity bit

Bit Errors
  • What would happen if, for some reason, a bit got
    flipped during the transmission process?
  • A decision error would occur at the receiver
  • Depending on where this occurs in the bit stream,
    the entire amount of information will be in error
  • How would this be detected?
  • How would you recover from the bit error
  • All wide area communication links have an
    inherent bit error rate or BER
  • Typically one/billion bits is flipped
  • BER 10-9 for this case

Effect of BER on Data Transmission
  • What would happen if we were to transfer a 1.0
    GByte file across the wide area, when the BER of
    the link is 10-9?
  • Answer we would never accomplish the data
  • So, we need a means of chopping up our message,
    and sending it in smaller chunks, with a means of
    error detection and recovery
  • How would we do this? We have now made the case
    that transfer of a large volume of information
    would require
  • Error detection
  • Error recovery

Packets and Packet Switching
  • If we segment, or break, the message into smaller
    pieces and send it across the WAN, we could
    successfully transfer the 1.0 GByte file
    mentioned previously over the communication link
  • This assumes that you can reassemble the
    message on the far end
  • Doing this requires certain additional
  • Control information
  • Error detection
  • If a packet is flawed or lost, a retransmission
    of the original information is requested by the
  • In order to do this efficiently, different packet
    layers or protocols must be developed

Packet Switched Protocol Architecture
Packet Structure
  • A packet may have three parts Header, Trailer,
    and Application Payload, or Protocol Data Unit

Packet Layers, Segmentation, and Reassembly
Internet Procotols
  • The Internet family of protocols was developed
    as a general-purpose, packet switched
    architecture back in the 1970s
  • We will focus for the remainder of the class on
    this family of protocols, supporting
    applications, and how they can be used to
    transport information, in other words

How the Internet Works
Internet Protocol Architecture
Next Lecture
  • Routing and IP Addressing
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