Title: Home Loan
1Home Loan
- A step before buying a Home
2Common Difficulties faced by Loan Borrowers
- First Stage Rejection
- Processing Fees
- Desired Loan Amount Not Sanctioned
- Interest Rate Dilemma
- Property Valuation
- The Down Payment
- Documentation Problems
3First Step Rejection
- It looks awkward but many home loan applications
get rejected at the submission time due to the
gap between lenders requirements and borrowers
eligibility. Therefore it is suggested to know
the requirements and conditions of the bank that
you intend to apply and then make a tick list
whether you qualify the conditions or not.
4Processing Fees
- Generally banks state that the processing fee of
home loan is non- refundable no matter whether
your application is approved or rejected. In some
cases banks state that the fee is refundable but
when it comes the stage of refunding you do not
get it. You should get the statement in written
about the fee refund.
5Benefits of Home Loan
- Six Benefits of HomeLoan
- gt Longer tenure up to 30 years at 10.15 interest
rate. - gt Exclusive package for women, interest rate is
10.10. - gt Get your loan sanctioned before choosing the
property. - gt Large database of projects approved for
funding. - gt Minimal processing fees.
- gt Secure your home loan with ingenious insurance
6To avail Best deals on Home Loan, Contact Us
- Unified Capital Solutions Pvt Ltd
- A-17, Second Floor
- Sector 4, Noida
- Phone 9289663663
- Website - http//hdfc.unifiedloans.in/