Title: Immobilier Senegal
1Wel Come To Monagentimmo
- Website http//monagentimmo.net/en/
2About us
Located in Dakar, My Real Estate Agent,
innovative Senegalese estate agency who wants to
work from the perspective of its approach and
ambitions. Our main goal to be - The bond of
trust union between landlords and tenants, - We
substitute clients and owners in the research of
goods, purchasers, tenants, partners etc. We are
doing of new technologies and internet of a
strong link to our administrative and commercial
approaches to linker and automate our
relationship with all our stakeholders in the
real estate sector. We support you in all your
real estate transactions such as advice, project
studies and feasibility, management and asset
optimization for real estate companies.
4Contact us
Add 27, YF 563 x VDN, Cité Télécom Ouest Foire
Dakar 12500 Sénégal Phone 221 33 820 37
20 Mobile 221 77 908 51 76 Website