Title: Skirts for girls
1Skirts For Girls
This sweatshirt was designed for girls ranging
from 10-16 years in age. It was created with the
finest material available using the latest
production methods to ensure top quality and
maximum comfort. This system also protects the
garment from fading or shrinking. This essential
item was manufactured in Brazil and is composed
of 100 cotton.
This trendy top was designed for girls ranging
from 10-16 years in age. It was created with the
finest material available using the latest
production methods to ensure top quality and
maximum comfort. This system also protects the
garment from fading or shrinking. This stylish
item was manufactured in Brazil and is composed
of 96 cotton and 4 spandex.
This fashionable two piece outfit was designed
for boys ranging from 2-10 years in age. It is
created with the finest material available, using
the latest production methods to ensure top
quality and maximum comfort, while protecting the
garment from shrinking or fading. This trendy
summer set was manufactured in Brazil. The shirt
is composed of 100 cotton while the shorts are
made up of 100 polyester.
5Contact Us
Pulla Bulla Americas, LLC 7703 Kingspointe
Parkway Suite 300 Orlando, Fl 32819 Phone
800-805-0294 Website-http//www.pullabulla.com/
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