Title: Is My Wood Watch Water Proof
1Is My Wood Watch Water Proof?
2 One of the most asked questions about wood
watches is whether they are water
proof. Frankly, no watch made with wood
components is completely waterproof. Wood is an
organic medium that reacts to water. Wood
watches do not have an acrylic or resin coating
which could prevent the wood from reacting to
water. The links and casework of wood watches
are simply rubbed with oil to bring out the
natural luster of the wood. This oil finish does
not seal the wood and does not make it
waterproof. Hence, you should not wear your wood
watch when you go swimming or surfing. You
should not wear your wood watch when you take a
bath or shower. You should not wear your wood
watch in a steam room. You should not let your
wood watch go through a washing machine cycle.
3 That being said, most wood watches are
likely to be water resistant. That means water
splashed onto the watch will not likely cause any
problems. Hence, if you are caught in a sudden
rain or if you splash water on the wood watch
when you are washing your hands, theres no need
to worry. For several years now, wood watches
have become very fashionable. Wood watches are a
sign of ones support of sustainability because
most wood watches are made from sustainable woods
like sandalwood and rosewood. The carbon impact
of creating a wood watches has no detrimental
effect on the environment, compared to watches
made with metal or plastic bands which utilize
archaic fossil fuels and degrade the land.
Frankly, if youre going to buy a wood watch,
dont settle for a metal watch with wood veneer
glued to the surface. These cheap metal watches
are made in Eastern factories that are not
committed to sustainability.
4Today, high-end wood companies like Martin
MacArthur in Hawaii take sustainability very
seriously. Martin MacArthur produces the only
wood watches made from solid Koa wood. Koa wood
is the beautiful wood that grows only in Hawaii.
Koa was used by the early Hawaiians to create
canoes and weapons. Eventually, Koa wood became
highly revered as the wood of the Hawaiian
monarchs. Martin MacArthur uses Koa wood from
dead and fallen trees to make its Koa wood
watches. More importantly, the Company is a
leader in reforesting Koa in Hawaii. Its efforts
have led to over 25,000 new Koa trees being
planted in the last five years.
5 Wood watches are now available in all sizes and
styles. There are self-winding, automatic wood
watches which boast of 21-jewel precision
accuracy. There are Moon Phase wood watches
which show the phases of the moon on the face of
the watch. And there are wood watches with
radiant mother-of-pearl faces. Regardless of what
style of wood watch you wear, be sure to wear it
proudly and stay out of the water while wearing