Title: Kingfisher House Parrot Project
1Kingfisher House Parrot Project
2 The residents and the management of Kingfisher
House have proposed a project for Scaltback
Middle School.
3Design, name and make a parrot to go somewhere in
the residential home.
4Your task
- Working in a team you will need to design and
make a parrot to provide stimulation for
residents and visitors (colourful and
attractive). - A parrot who will encourage people to touch it,
watch it, listen to it and talk to it. - The parrots should have a name, be friendly and
have a personality. - Residents and visitors should be able to learn
something from your parrot.
6Why a parrot?
- Why do you think the residents have chosen a
parrot for us to design? - Colourful
- Talkative
- Intelligent
- Friendly
- Any other ideas?
7Remember some of us find it difficult to read so
NO writing on the parrots please!
- Your parrot needs to be able to sit comfortably
on its perch (without falling off) - Can you use the right amount of sand or gravel or
9Use this planning sheet to design 3 or more
different parrots. Then you need to fight, I mean
discuss your ideas and choose the best one!
10Kingfisher House Parrot Project The parrots
should be named, be friendly and have
personality. They should be challenging visually,
designed to a unique theme, providing colour and
pattern for residents and visitors to enjoy
together. There should be the opportunity to
interact with the birds (think about your
senses). There should be the opportunity for the
residents and visitors to learn something from
the parrot.
SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Thought storm for 10 minutes
to share ideas. Make sure everyone has a job to
do and everyones voice has been heard. Use the
A3 sheet to plan a few different ideas, decide on
the design you are going to make. Ensure all
members know how the parrot could work and where
it could go in the home.