- Clementina Ivan-Ungureanu
- Training Essential SNA Building the basics
- Addis Ababa, 13-16 February 2012
2Characteristics of informal sector
- Big diversity
- By countries, different regions within the same
country, different parts of the same city. - Different activities, different types of
enterprise, - Different reasons for participating.
- Informal activities range
- - from street vending, shoe shining, food
processing and other minor activities requiring
little or no capital and skills and with marginal
output, - - to those involving a certain amount of
investment in skills and capital and with higher
productivity, such as manufacturing, tailoring,
car repair and mechanized transport.
3Reasons for participating in the informal sector
- - pure survival strategies undertaken by
individuals facing a lack of (adequate) jobs, - unemployment insurance or other forms of income
maintenance, - the desire for independence and flexible work
arrangements - the prospect of quite profitable income-earning
opportunities, - the continuation of traditional activities
- Informal sector was treated as a rezidual due to
the insufficient absorptive capacity of the
formal economy
4Content of the presentation
- Definition
- Measurement methods
6The 2008 SNA definition
- The informal sector may be broadly characterized
as consisting of units engaged in the production
of goods or services with the primary objective
of generating employment and incomes for the
persons concerned. These units typically operate
at a low level of organization, with little or no
division between labour and capital as factors of
production and on a small scale. Labour relations
- where they exist - are based mostly on casual
employment, kinship or personal and social
relations rather than contractual arrangements
with formal guarantees
7The 2008 SNA definition
- Production units have the characteristic of
household enterprises. - The fixed and other assets used do not belong to
the production units as such but to their owners
capital goods such as buildings or vehicles may
be used for business and household purposes - The units as such cannot engage in transactions
or enter into contracts with other units - The owners have to raise the necessary finance at
their own risk and are personally liable, without
limit, for any debts or obligations - Expenditure for production is often
indistinguishable from household expenditure
8Criteria to identify the informal sector
- General essential criteria
Legal organization Unincorporated enterprise
Ownership Household
Type of accounts No complete set of accounts
Product destination At least some production for sale or barter
9Criteria to identify the informal sector ( cont)
- Additional operational criteria
- -size limit of the enterprise
- - non-registration of enterprise and/or of
employees in an enterprise within some arm of
government - economic activity non-agricultural activity
including units mainly involved in agricultural
sector and performing secondary non-agricultural
activities - location of units urban and rural areas.
10Two categories of informal enterprises
- Two subsets
- a. Unincorporated enterprises without employees.
The ILO term for such units is informal
own-account enterprises, - b. Unincorporated enterprises with employees. The
ILO term for such units is enterprises of
informal employers
11Clarifying the use of familiar terminology
- Sector- informal sector does not have the same
basis as the usual use of the word sector
throughout the SNA. - Enterprise- as used in the ILO description of the
informal sector is, in the SNA sense, more like
an establishment since it is only the productive
activity that is considered and not the existence
of a complete set of accounts. - The SNA does not use the expression formal sector
any unit that is not informal is formal
12Informal sector and Informal economy
- The informal economy is considered as comprising
informal employment both inside and outside
informal enterprises - -Informal employment in informal enterprises
(small unregistered or unincorporated
enterprises - -Informal employment outside informal enterprise
including domestic workers, casual or day
workers, temporary or part-time workers
industrial outworkers (including home-workers),
and unregistered or undeclared workers.
13Informal employment
- ILO defines
- -formal employment employment under terms that
bring associated benefits such as paid leave and
pension entitlement. - -informal employment all other forms of
employment not formal
14Informal employment
- Distinction between a job and an employee, one
employee being capable of holding several jobs. - Categories of jobs considered by the ILO
- a. own-account workers (the self-employed in SNA
terms), - b. heads of unincorporated enterprises with
employees, treated as employers, - c. family workers contributing labour to the
unincorporated enterprise, - d. employees
- e. members of producers cooperatives
15Informal employment (cont)
- Formal enterprises provide informal jobs only as
employees or contributing family workers. - Households (in the ILO sense) provide informal
jobs as own-account workers and employees and no
formal jobs. - Informal units may offer any of the five types of
informal jobs
16Definition of Informal Employment
- Informal employment could be
- In formal sector
- In informal sector
- Other part of the economy in households engaged
in agriculture, production for own final use and
production of services employing paid workers
17Identification of units in informal sector
- I. To identify those unincorporated enterprises
within the whole of the SNA households sector
that are candidates to be included. - Excluded
- - Institutional households such as prisons,
religious orders and retirement homes - - Households with no production activity (that is
do not include an unincorporated enterprise) - -Households whose only activity is the production
of services from owner-occupied dwellings, the
production of services by employing domestic
staff, or both.
18Identification of units (cont)
- II. Split the production
- - market production according to the SNA
criterion whereby most or all output is sold, - output for own final use where some is sold
- output exclusively for own final use.
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20Measurement methods
21Objectives of the measurement
- Simply to monitor the evolution of the informal
sector employment in term of number and
characteristics - To obtain information about the demand of
households for goods and services produced by
informal sector - Number and characteristics of enterprises from
informal sector - Value of the production, by type, contribution to
GDP - Conditions and constraints under which informal
sector operate, its organization and relationship
with formal sector
22Measurement methods
- Depend on the objectives and the capacity (
financial and human resources). - Bearing in mind that often in countries with a
large informal sector resources are limited,
national statistical offices should prioritize
their strategic objectives for estimating
theinformal sector
23Measurement methods (cont)
- The choice for a method depend on - Users
needs- Organization of statistical system- Data
sources - Resources available
24Measurement methods (cont)
- Are based on surveys or the results from tax
audits - - to conduct a special survey on the informal
sector - to expand the coverage of the existing regular
surveys, such as labour force or household
surveys, with information pertaining to the
informal sector - to carry out mixed householdenterprise surveys
25Survey tools
- Depending on their objectives, countries use a
variety of survey tools for measuring the
informal sector - - independent ad hoc surveys,
- - mixed household-enterprise surveys,
- - labour force or other household surveys,
enterprise/ - - establishment surveys and economic censuses.
26Main types of surveys
- Household surveys
- Enterprise surveys
- Mixed household-enterprise surveys
271. Household surveys
- Objective
- to monitor the evolution of informal sector
employment and informal employment in terms of
the number and characteristics of the persons
involved and the conditions of their employment
and work. - Main surveys
- 1.1LFS
- 1.2 HIES
281. 1 LFS
- Measurement Objectives
- Monitor evolution of IS employment
- Presents characteristics of employees, employment
conditions - Data on labour inputs can be used in conjunction
with informal sector surveys to extrapolate data
on other characteristics, e.g. value-added
291.1 LFS (cont)
- Methodological Considerations
- Additional questions or module to LFS
- Ask all people employed during reference period
- Ask in respect of both main and secondary jobs
- Probing questions needed for often unreported
activities, e.g. unpaid work, womens
own-account/home-based activities, secondary
activities of farmers, government officials,
formal sector employees
301. 1 LFS (cont)
- Limitations/Concerns
- Seasonality
- Data about informal sector enterprises versus
informal sector entrepreneurs - Estimation of number and characteristics of
informal sector enterprises is not possible - Disaggregation by economic activity depends on
the sample size and design
311. 2 HIES
- Measurement Objectives
- - HH demand for goods and services produced in
the informal sector - Methodological considerations
- - Data on each expenditure item
- Limitations/Concerns
- -Provide household final consumption, not total
demand - - Not separation between informal and formal
322. Enterprise surveys
- Objective to monitor the number and
characteristics of the informal sector units. - Provide
- -the number and characteristics of the businesses
involved - -their production activities, income generation,
and fixed capital - the conditions and constraints under which they
operate - their organizations and relationships with the
formal sector, etc
332. Enterprise surveys (cont)
- Methodological considerations
- Prerequisite sampling frame
- List frame often not available or do not cover
household enterprises - Establishment or economic censuses can be used as
list frame or sampling frame
342. Enterprise surveys (cont)
- Limitation
- Do not cover households activities
- Do not present the diversity and mobility of
informal sector activities - Depend on the BR quality
- High costs,
- Possible overlaps and /or failure to capture
enterprises such as in-home food processing,
ambulant trade, construction
353. Mixed household and enterprise surveys
- This approach includes
- 3.1 The modular approach informal sector
attached to household survey (mixed HH and
enterprise surveys) - 3.2 The stand-alone approach informal sector
survey designed as an independent survey - 3.3 Integrated approach informal sector surveys
as part of a survey system designed to meet
several objectives
363.1 Modular approach
- Objective
- To monitoring trends in the informal sector over
time, if the base survey (the household survey)
is conducted regularly and an informal sector
module is attached at sufficiently frequent
373.1 Modular approach (cont)
- Methodological Considerations
- -ISS sample is a sub-sample of the HH survey (LFS
or HIES) - Conducted simultaneously or consecutively
- Allows regular/sustainable IS data collection
- Have a complete coverage and identification of IS
entrepreneurs in the sample of HH - Information on informal sector can be linked to
other data from the HH survey
383.1 Modular approach (cont)
- Limitations
- Need for a suitable base survey (survey
operations and response burden) - Frequency/reference period of base survey
- - Base survey samples are not selected for
informal sector purposes
393.2. The stand-alone approach Independent IS
- Objective
- Provide information concerning
- - Production of informal sector by activities and
size - Employers/own-account workers in informal sector
classified by activity/type of work place - Concentration of small establishments
- Income/socio-economic data of informal sector
403.2. The stand-alone approach Independent IS
survey (cont)
- Methodological considerations
- A multi-stage design
- (i) selection of areas (census enumeration areas)
as primary sampling units - (ii) listing or interviewing of all households in
the sample areas - (iii) selection of sample households with owners
of informal sector enterprises (household
unincorporated enterprises with some market
production) - (iv) interview of sample householders and
enterprise owners
413.2. The stand-alone approach Independent IS
survey (cont)
- Limitations
- High cost of survey operations,
- Quality of listing (type of activity, basic
characteristics data needed for stratification) - Complex survey operations sample design, sample
weighting and estimation procedures estimation
procedures, qualified survey staff , sound
training of interviewers, etc.).
423.3. Integrated approach informal sector surveys
- Objectives
- data collection for the informal sector,
- labour force characteristics,
- household income and expenditure, etc.
- This approach is especially useful for countries
that do not have a regular household survey to
which an informal sector survey can be attached
43Integrated 1-2survey
- Objective
- To measure both informal sector and informal
sector employment - It consists of two phases
- The first phase is a household survey and
- The second phase is an enterprise survey.
- The first phase survey is also crucial for
constructing the sampling frame for the
enterprise survey.
44Integrated 1-2survey (cont)
- Data is collected in two phases
- I phase Labour Force Survey
- - Collect data on employment, adding questions on
informal employment - - Integrate questions in LFS to identify
Household Unincorporated Enterprises for Market
(HUEM) - II phase HUEM Survey
- Use first phase data to construct sampling frame
for HUEMs - Collect data on HUEM
45Integrated 1-2survey (cont)
- In a 1-2 survey, the sample areas are selected
on the basis of the sample design for phase 1.
Within the sample areas, HUEMs may be associated
with - - households within the sample areas,
- households outside the sample area, and
- small units in the business register.
- Thus, ideally, the sampling frame of HUEMs in a
1-2 survey can be constructed by compiling the
small units in the business register, identifying
the HUEMs belonging to households within the
sample areas and a listing operation which would
identify the HUEMs belonging to households
outside the sample area. Or, alternatively, this
frame can be constructed through a complete
listing of all HUEMs in sample areas
46Integrated 1-2survey-concepts
- Informal units typically operate at a low level
of organisation, with little or no division
between labour and capital as factors of
production and on a small scale. Expenditure for
production is often indistinguishable from
household expenditure. - Activities are not necessarily performed with the
deliberate intention of evading the payment of
taxes or social security contributions, or
infringing labour or other legislations or
administrative provisions.
47Integrated 1-2survey-concepts (cont)
- Labour relations are based mostly on casual
employment, kinship or personal and social
relations rather than contractual arrangements
with formal guarantees - The informal sector is a sub-sector of the
household institutional sector in the system of
national accounts
48Integrated 1-2survey-concepts (cont)
- To be excluded all incorporated enterprises,
government institutions. - At least some production must be marketed, which
excludes production of goods and services
exclusively carried out for own final use - Own-accounts workers / informal employers
49Integrated 1-2survey-concepts (cont)
- HUEM Household Unincorporated Enterprises for
Market - Legal organisation
- Production units that are not constituted as
separate legal entities independently of their
owners - Accounting practices
- Production units that do not keep a complete set
of accounts (no separation between private life
and business) - Product destination
- Production units with at least some market
output (not for own final consumption) for sold /
50Integrated 1-2survey- scheme
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53Estimation strategy
- The building of the informal sector estimation
strategy may be based on the following issues - Defining the meaning of the informal sector and
identifying its components - Deciding the best applicable criteria for
defining the informal sector - Assessing the data sources and developing the own
method - Improving the sources and the estimations
54Concluding remarks
- The informal sector represents an important part
of developing economies, and governments and
international organizations - Attention on understanding what proportion it
represents, - Why it exists
- How it operates so
- Measuring it is an important challenge for
developing countries