Title: Earthquakes A Workshop for Teachers
1Earthquakes A Workshop for Teachers
- John Taber Lawrence W. Braile
- The IRIS Consortium Purdue
- Gayle Levy
- The IRIS Consortium
- NSTA Regional, Seattle, WA
- November 18, 2004
2This Dynamic Planet Map
Note map is currently out of print, will be
available soon can still view the online versio
n (pdf, below)
Map available from USGS (888 ASK-USGS)
3Plate Motions
Plate Puzzle
4Plate Puzzle
Develop a better understanding of the Earths
plates and their distribution. Explore plate
motions and the interactions of the plates along
the plate boundaries. Cut map along plate
Each student selects a plate. The students work t
ogether to put the plate puzzle together.
Students discuss relative plate motion for
neighboring plates and agree on type of plate
boundary. Makes a good authentic assessment.
5.4 cm/yr
4.0 cm/yr
Indian Plate
5 A once in a lifetime opportunity!!!
Join us in a
Take a virtual journey to the Earths center
- Using a classroom-, hallway-
or playground-sized scale model
- View the structure of the interior of the
Earth - Learn about the conditions in the
deep interior, all the way
to the center of the inner core
- Discover surprising facts
about the Earths interior
- Use as a thematic activity
by connecting to Jules
Vernes classic book or
the 1959 movie - Tour guide
brochure and narrative provided
Tour the inside of the planet in under one hour!
Discover the structure of the Earths interior!
Experience the conditions deep below the surface!
6Twelve stops along the Journey to the Center of
the Earth
7Table of information about each stop on the
Journey to the Center of the Earth
8(No Transcript)
9Monitoring earthquakes The IRIS Seismic Monitor
10Zooming in on the earthquake location.
Instructions for accessing earthquake information
available at http//www.eas.purdue.edu/braile/e
11Online near-real time seismograph display (M7.0,
November 15, 2004 earthquake recorded on AS-1 se
ismograph in West Lafayette, IN. Display
available at http//www.eas.purdue.edu/braile/AS
1Display/AS1display.jpg or access the SpiNet web
site at http//www.scieds.com/spinet/.
12Plotting Earthquake Epicenters
Create a plot of worldwide earthquake
epicenters to display the narrow zones
of seismic activity of the Earth and aid
in an understanding of plate tectonics.
Students discover that about 95 of
earthquakes occur along plate bound-
aries where the lithospheric plates
(about 100 km thick shell of relatively
cool, rigid and brittle rock overlying the
softer, hotter asthenosphere zone with-
in the Earths upper mantle) move with
respect to each other in three ways ? diverging
or moving apart (such as at the mid-ocean
ridges), converging or colliding (such as along
the west coast of South America, the Aleutian
Islands, or the western Pacific) and transform or
horizontal slipping (such as along the San
Andreas fault in California).
13It is useful to initially perform the epicenter
plotting activity "by hand." The experience
allows the student to fully understand the
characteristics of the data, learn how to obtain
real and timely earthquake data from the
Internet, and practice map skills, including long
itude and latitude, directions, two-dimensional
interpolation, and basic world geography. Ext
ensions to this activity are described
that include producing maps with computer
software or from the Internet.
Close-up of example epicenter map, self-adhesive,
color dots used to plot epicenters
14Plotting Epicenters
- Mapping Skills latitude and longitude
- Directions
- Basic Geography
- Patterns looking for boundaries
- Integrating Technology researching daily events
15Individual Student Maps
- book mapping - tracking India
- Plotting epicenters from current data collected
from internet source such as IRIS
- Predicting hazards
- Flip
16Classroom mapping
- Involve students in long term data collecting
- Use technology to get events periodically - 2-3
days per week
- Cooperative project
- Locate earthquakes that are in the newspaper for
current events
- Stimulate interest as patterns emerge
17Materials needed
- World wall map you can put stickers on
- Colored dots, 3 sizes multicolor packages
- Current data from internet IRIS web site
- Maps for puzzles, large floor maps or individual
student maps
18Plotting Epicenters
19Seismic Waves and the Slinky
20S-wave and the Slinky
21Five Slinky Model
22Close-up of Five Slinky Model
23Human Wave Demonstration The S-Wave in a Solid
Seismic/Eruption includes up-to-date earthquake
and volcanic eruption catalogs and allows the
user to display earthquake and volcanic eruption
activity in speeded up real time on
global, regional or local maps that also show
the topography of
the area in a shaded
map image.
Seismic/Eruption is an
program that
includes a number of tools
that allow the user to
analyze earthquake and
volcanic eruption data and
produce effective displays
to illustrate seismicity and
volcano patterns.
25Creating a cross-section view of earthquake
locations with Seismic/Eruption Kuril and
Kamchatka area
Map View
Cross-section View
26Seismology Trivia Contest
- Activities can be found at
- www.eas.purdue.edu/braile
28Other NSTA presentations/workshops
- ? Fri., 11/19, 100-200PM, CC 618, Journey to
the Center of the Earth, Sheryl Braile and Larry
- ? Sat., 11/20, 800-900AM, CC 205, Teaching
about earthquakes and volcanoes using the
Seismic/Eruption computer program, Larry Braile
and Sheryl Braile - ? If you are interested in more earthquake,
seismology and plate tectonic content and
teaching materials, including seismographs,
consider signing up for an IRIS one-day workshop
at the 2005 NSTA in Dallas (will be advertised in
the Jan. and Feb, NSTA Reports and on the IRIS
web page www.iris.edu).