Algebra Curriculum and Instruction Mike Roach mroachdoe'in'gov 317 2340325 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Algebra Curriculum and Instruction Mike Roach mroachdoe'in'gov 317 2340325


Algebra Curriculum. and Instruction. Mike Roach. (317) 234-0325 ... Modified to reflect updated college- and workplace-readiness requirements ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Algebra Curriculum and Instruction Mike Roach mroachdoe'in'gov 317 2340325

Algebra Curriculum and InstructionMike 234-0325
Indianas Core 40 Curriculum
  • Established as Indianas college-prep curriculum
    in 1994
  • Voluntary for students
  • Required to be offered by schools
  • Modified to reflect updated college- and
    workplace-readiness requirements beginning with
    the class of 2010
  • Made the required high school curriculum for all
    students beginning with the class of 2011
  • Indianas need-based financial aid policy awards
    low income students additional financial aid if
    they graduate with Core 40

Core 40 and Academic Honors together represent
67 all Indiana high school diplomas after a
decade of voluntary participation

Source Indiana Department of Education
Indiana Core 40 diplomas awarded

Source Indiana Department of Education
Percent of Indiana students enrolling in Algebra
I by the end of grade 8.
Source Calculations based on unpublished data
provided by the Science and Math Indicator
Project team at the Council of Chief State School
Officers. Rolf K. Blank and Doreen Langesen.
State Indicators of Science and Mathematics
Education 2005 State-by-State Trends and New
Indicators from the 200304 School Year.
Washington, D.C. Council of Chief State School
Officers, 2005. (As reported by the National
Center for Public Policy and Higher Education in
Measuring Up 2006).
ISTEP ResultsPercent Passing

Comparison of grade 8 students enrolling in
Algebra I, 2003-04
Source Calculations based on unpublished data
provided by the Science and Math Indicator
Project team at the Council of Chief State School
Officers. Rolf K. Blank and Doreen Langesen.
State Indicators of Science and Mathematics
Education 2005 State-by-State Trends and New
Indicators from the 200304 School Year.
Washington, D.C. Council of Chief State School
Officers, 2005. (As reported by the National
Center for Public Policy and Higher Education in
Measuring Up 2006).
Comparison of high school students enrolling in
at least one upper-level mathematics course,
Source Rolf K. Blank and Doreen Langesen. State
Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education
2005 State-by-State Trends and New Indicators
from the 200304 School Year. Washington, D.C.
Council of Chief State School Officers, 2005. (As
reported by the National Center for Public Policy
and Higher Education in Measuring Up 2006).
Remediation at college
  • 26 of recent high school graduates take remedial
    courses (mathematics, English or both) in college
  • 76 of remedial reading students and 63 of
    remedial mathematics student do not complete a
    college degree
  • 35 of students at a public university receive
    low grades (D, F or withdrawal) in their first
    college-level mathematics course

Source Indiana Commission for Higher Education
Effects of high school mathematics completion on
college success
  • Completing one additional unit of intensive high
    school mathematics (i.e., Algebra II or higher)
    increases the odds of completing a bachelors
    degree by 73.

Source Trust, J. (2004, January). Effects of
students middle-school and high-school
experiences on completion of the bachelors
degree. Research Monograph 1. Center for
School Counseling Outcome Research, School of
Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Algebraic Habits of Mind
  • Doing/Undoing
  • Building Rules to Represent Functions
  • Abstracting from Computation

Adapted from Driscoll, M. (1999). Fostering
algebraic thinking A guide for teachers grades
6-10. Portsmouth, NH Heinemann.
Algebraic Habits of Mind
  • Doing/Undoing
  • Input from output
  • Working backwards

Adapted from Driscoll, M. (1999). Fostering
algebraic thinking A guide for teachers grades
6-10. Portsmouth, NH Heinemann.
Algebraic Habits of MindDoing/Undoing
  • Which process reverses the one Im using?
  • How is this number in the sequence related to the
    one that came before it?
  • What if I started at the end?
  • Can I decompose this number of expression into
    helpful components?

Adapted from Driscoll, M. (1999). Fostering
algebraic thinking A guide for teachers grades
6-10. Portsmouth, NH Heinemann.
Algebraic Habits of Mind
  • Building Rules to Represent Functions
  • Organizing information
  • Predicting patterns
  • Chunking the information
  • Describing a rule
  • Different representations
  • Describing change
  • Justifying a rule

Adapted from Driscoll, M. (1999). Fostering
algebraic thinking A guide for teachers grades
6-10. Portsmouth, NH Heinemann.
Algebraic Habits of Mind Building Rules to
Represent Functions
  • Is there a rule? How does the rule work and how
    is it helpful?
  • How are things changing?
  • Is there information here that lets me predict
    what is going to happen?
  • What steps am I doing over and over?
  • Now that I have an equation, how do the numbers
    in the equation relate to the problem context?

Adapted from Driscoll, M. (1999). Fostering
algebraic thinking A guide for teachers grades
6-10. Portsmouth, NH Heinemann.
Algebraic Habits of Mind
  • Abstracting from Computation
  • Computational shortcuts
  • Calculating without computing
  • Generalizing beyond examples
  • Equivalent expressions
  • Symbolic expressions
  • Justifying shortcuts

Adapted from Driscoll, M. (1999). Fostering
algebraic thinking A guide for teachers grades
6-10. Portsmouth, NH Heinemann.
Algebraic Habits of Mind Abstracting from
  • How is this situation like (or unlike) that one?
  • How can I predict what is going to happen without
    doing all of the calculations?
  • What are the operation shortcuts options?
  • When I do the same thing with different numbers,
    what still holds true?
  • What are other ways to write this expression that
    will bring out different information?

Adapted from Driscoll, M. (1999). Fostering
algebraic thinking A guide for teachers grades
6-10. Portsmouth, NH Heinemann.
Cognitive Demand
  • Blooms Taxonomy
  • NAEP Mathematical Complexity
  • Webbs Depth of Knowledge
  • Porters Cognitive Levels

TIMSS 1999 Video Study
  • Although teachers from the United States
    presented problems of both types (practicing
    skills vs. making connections), they did
    something different than their international
    colleagues when working on the conceptual
    problems with students. For these problems, they
    almost always stepped in and did the work for the
    students or ignored the conceptual aspects of the
    problem when discussing it.
  • Source Hiebert, J. Stigler, J. (2004). A
    world of difference Classrooms abroad provide
    lessons in teaching math and science. Journal of
    Staff Development, 25(4), pp. 10-15.

TIMSS 1999 Video Study
  • Teachers in high-achieving countries differed
    considerably from each other in how many problems
    of this kind they presented, but when such
    problems were presented, they implemented a
    similar percentage (about 50) in such a way that
    students studied the connections or relationships
    embedded in the problems.
  • Source Hiebert, J. Stigler, J. (2004). A
    world of difference Classrooms abroad provide
    lessons in teaching math and science. Journal of
    Staff Development, 25(4), pp. 10-15.

Cognitive Demand
  • Marthas Carpeting Task
  • Martha was recarpeting her bedroom, which was 15
    feet long and 10 feet wide. How many square feet
    of carpeting will she need to purchase?

Source Stein, M. K., Smith, M. S., Henningsen,
M. A., Silver, E. A. (2000). Implementing
standards-based mathematics instruction A
casebook for professional development. New York
Teachers College Press.
Cognitive Demand
  • The Fencing Task
  • Ms. Browns students want their rabbits to have
    as much room as possible for their spring science
    fair. They have to keep 24 feet of fencing with
    which to build a rectangular rabbit pen to keep
    the rabbit.
  • If Ms. Browns students want their rabbits to
    have as much room as possible, how long would
    each of the sides of the pen be?
  • How long would each of the sides of the pen be if
    they had only 16 feet of fencing?
  • How would you go about determining the pen with
    the most room for any amount of fencing? Organize
    your work so that someone else who reads it will
    understand it.

Source Stein, M. K., Smith, M. S., Henningsen,
M. A., Silver, E. A. (2000). Implementing
standards-based mathematics instruction A
casebook for professional development. New York
Teachers College Press.
Formative Assessment
  • Formative assessment is a planned process in
    which assessment-elicited evidence of students
    status is used by teachers to adjust their
    ongoing instructional procedures or by students
    to adjust their current learning tactics.
  • Source Popham, W. J. (2008). Transformative
    assessment. Alexandria, VA Association for
    Supervision and Curriculum and Development.

Assessments Within the System

Source Heritage, M. (2008, April 5). Formative
assessment. Presented at the Association of State
Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Meeting.
Formative Assessment
  • Typical effect sizes of the formative assessment
    experiments were between 0.4 and 0.7. These
    effect sizes are larger than most of those found
    for educational interventions. The following
    examples illustrate some practical consequences
    of such large gains.

Source Black, P. Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the
black box Raising standards through classroom
assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(2), 139-149.
Formative Assessment
  • An effect size of 0.4 would mean that the average
    pupil involved in an innovation would record the
    same achievement as a pupil in the top 35 of
    those not so involved.
  • An effect size gain of 0.7 in the recent
    international comparative studies in mathematics5
    would have raised the score of a nation in the
    middle of the pack of 41 countries (e.g., the
    U.S.) to one of the top five.

Source Black, P. Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the
black box Raising standards through classroom
assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(2), 139-149.
Five Key Strategies for Effective Formative
  • Clarifying, sharing and understanding what
    students are expected to know
  • Creating effective classroom discussions,
    questions, activities and tasks that offer the
    right type of evidence of how students are
    progressing to learning goals

Source National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics. (2007). What is formative
assessment? Retrieved January 28, 2009 from
Five Key Strategies for Effective Formative
  • 3. Providing feedback that moves learning forward
  • 4. Encouraging students to take ownership of
    their own learning
  • 5. Using students as learning resources for one

Source National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics. (2007). What is formative
assessment? Retrieved January 28, 2009 from
Recommended Books
  • Driscoll, M. (1999). Fostering algebraic
    thinking A guide for teachers grades 6-10.
    Portsmouth, NH Heinemann.
  • Popham, W. J. (2008). Transformative assessment.
    Alexandria, VA Association for Supervision and
    Curriculum Development.
  • Stein, M. K., Smith, M. S., Henningsen, M. A.,
    Silver, E. A. (2000). Implementing
    standards-based mathematics instruction A
    casebook for professional development. New York
    Teachers College Press.

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