Title: Sandeep Marwah Honored at Edutainment Exhibition
1Sandeep Marwah Honored at Edutainment Exhibition
New Delhi Noida Film City is the fastest
growing film city in the World established in 100
acres 75 acres outdoors and 25 acres indoors
comprising of 16 studios, 350 channels being
broadcast to 162 countries 247 from this place.
Approx. 17000 people are working in and around
Noida in media in 3 shifts. We feel honored in
inviting the founder Sandeep Marwah on stage,
citation read by the organizer. Sandeep Marwah is
honored for his untiring contribution to the
field of films, television and media at a grand
function organized by Edutainment Exhibition at
Hotel Lalit at New Delhi. He has been the only
producer in the World to produce more than 2000
short films. The complete fraternity of film,
television and media education was present there.
Many young and established educational institutes
were also honored during the function.