Title: International disaster response laws, rules and principles IDRL
1International disaster response laws, rules and
principles (IDRL)
2Brief history of the IDRL Project
- IDRL The laws, rules and principles applicable
to international disaster response
- Began as the International Disaster Response Law
- Aimed to improve speed and effectiveness of
international disaster response operations
- Resolution of the Council of Delegates 2001
requested International Federation, with support
of National Societies, to
- Compile and publish existing international laws
and regulations applicable to international
disaster response
- Advocate for development and where applicable
improvement and faithful application of IDRL
- Evaluate the effectiveness of IDRL in
humanitarian operations
- Encourage States to become parties to the Tampere
- Report to Council of Delegates in 2005
3Achievements 2002-2003
- Field studies and research conducted in over 25
- Compilation of international treaties and other
- published on CD ROM
- Publication of book IDRL Reflections,
prospects and challenges
- Report of consolidated findings and
- Report presented to Council of Delegates 2003
- Agenda for Humanitarian Action, Final Goal 3.2
adopted by International Conference of the Red
Cross and Red Crescent, December 2003
4International recognition - highlights
- UN General Assembly Resolution, Strengthening the
effectiveness and coordination of international
urban search and rescue, UNGA RES/57/150, 16
December 2002 - UN ECOSOC Report of the Secretary General,
Strengthening the Coordination of Emergency
Humanitarian Assistance (2002 and 2003)
- Inter-Parliamentary Resolution, International
cooperation for the prevention and management of
transborder natural disasters, April 2003
- 6th Asia and Pacific Regional Conference of Red
Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Manila Action
Plan, November 2002
- 27th Inter-American Conference of the Red Cross,
Santiago de Chile Commitment and Action Plan,
April 2003
528th International Conference
- Agenda for Humanitarian Action Final Goal 3.2
- Welcomed the work undertaken so far, as noted in
UN General Assembly Resolution 57/150
(International Urban Search and Rescue)
- Recognised the need for improved awareness,
clarification, application and development of the
laws, rules and principles applicable to
international disaster response. - States and National Societies encouraged to work
together to ensure fullest possible consideration
and application of laws, rules and principles,
including - Resolution 6 of 23rd International Red Cross and
Red Crescent Conference on Measures to expedite
international relief
- UN General Assembly Resolution 46/182, including
Annex containing Guiding Principles for
humanitarian assistance
628th International Conference
- Agenda for Humanitarian Action Final Goal 3.2
- Encouraged accession and implementation to the
Tampere Convention and other instruments
concerning telecommunications and protection of
relief workers - Commitment to review existing disaster management
laws and operational instruments at the national,
regional and international level to enhance their
harmonization - International Federation and National Societies
to lead collaborative efforts to
- Continue to build collection of instruments
- Identify outstanding needs
- Develop practical tools for operational use
- Promote awareness, clarification and application
- International Federation to report to next
International Conference, 2007
7Strategic plan 2004-2007______2-Year Plan
- Terminology to reflect full scope of area laws,
rules and principles
- Support for continued to efforts to collect,
analyse, clarify and apply existing laws, rules
and principles
- Need for wider international collaboration at all
levels and integration with other processes
- A harmonized legal and regulatory framework which
enhances and facilitates international disaster
response and thereby contributes to saving lives
and reducing vulnerability
10Core areas
1. Identification / collection
2. Clarification
3. Application / Implementation
4. Advocacy / Promotion
11Objective 1
Identification and collection of the laws, rules
and principles relevant to the facilitation of
international disaster response
- Activities and Results 2004 / 2005
- Develop common understanding to facilitate
identification ofthe laws, rules and principles
- Building the IDRL library
- Continue collection and publication of
international documents
- Commence collection of regional and national
documents, starting with Asia-Pacific region in
- Encourage and facilitate research activities
utilizing resources of National Societies,
States, universities, the United Nations and
12Objective 2
Further clarification of the nature and scope of
existing laws, rules and principles relevant to
the facilitation of international disaster
response, including any gaps and weaknesses
- Activities and Results 2004 / 2005
- Analyse and publish research results and
findings through reports, articles, papers and
other publications
- Examine the value and feasibility of identifying
core principles which emerge from the existing
body of laws, rules and principles
- Prepare concept paper
- Preliminary consultation with group of IDRL
- Wider consultations with States, organisations
and other experts
- Collaborative process to determine the
feasibility, and if so, the process
13Objective 3
Improved awareness of the existence, importance
and usefulness of the laws, rules and principles
which facilitate international disaster response
- Activities and Results 2004 / 2005
- Continued promotion and advocacy activities and,
as leader of collaborative efforts, present IDRL
to the UN and to the wider international
community - Support the formation of partnerships with the
UN, international organisations, governments and
- Promote and encourage the harmonization of IDRL
at national, regional and international levels
- Improve networking and knowledge sharing through
development of online resources, meetings and
workshops, commencing in Asia-Pacific region
14Objective 4
Improved application, implementation and
adherence to the relevant laws, rules and
principles which facilitate international
disaster response
- Activities and Results 2004 / 2005
- Systematise the collection of case studies and
best practices from international disaster
response operations and make the information
widely available (using Bam operation and
Asia-Pacific studies as a pilot) - Identify and publish reports on key issues and
trends arising from case studies
- Integrate IDRL information sharing into
International Federation disaster preparedness
and management tools and training
- Develop series of information sheets on
different topics of IDRL, which will form the
basis for collaboration to develop a practical
and multi-language handbook on IDRL
15Compatibility / Complementarity
Millennium Development Goals
Agenda for Humanitarian Action
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Strategy 2010
16Upcoming events
- UN General Assembly
- INSARAG Meetings Americas, Asia
- World Conference on Disaster Reduction, Kobe,
- Red Cross / Red Crescent regional meetings
17Global Appeal 2004
- Global Appeal launched specifically to support
IDRL activities CHF 733,000
- Coordinator funded by Ausaid, via Australian Red
- Staff on Loan from Iranian Red Crescent for 6
- 40 coverage of IDRL Appeal so far
- 2005 Appeal will follow current plan
- Further briefings on progress to follow
18Disaster Response Operational Issues and IDRLA
case study on international assistance to the
victims of Bam earthquake
- Why IDRL?
- Natural disasters and increasing vulnerabilities
- International cooperation to assist the victims
of natural disasters
- Requirements for effective international
assistance in disasters
19Disaster Response Operational Issues and IDRLA
case study on international assistance to the
victims of Bam earthquake
- A brief on Bam earthquake
- Description of the disaster ( time, place and
- Damage and impact of the disaster
- National response to the disaster
- International assistance to victims of the
20Disaster Response Operational Issues and IDRLA
case study on international assistance to the
victims of Bam earthquake
- Issues identified in Bam humanitarian operation
in relation with IDRL
- Acceptance of international humanitarian
- Access to the affected population
21Disaster Response Operational Issues and IDRLA
case study on international assistance to the
victims of Bam earthquake
- Customs clearance and tax exemption for relief
goods and equipment
- Relief items for distribution among the affected
- Rescue and relief equipment
- General logistics facilities
22Disaster Response Operational Issues and IDRLA
case study on international assistance to the
victims of Bam earthquake
- Transportation
- Permission for entrance of international relief
- Provision of local transportation facilities
- provision of logistical support for the
international transportation
23Disaster Response Operational Issues and IDRLA
case study on international assistance to the
victims of Bam earthquake
- Use of rescue and relief equipment
- Protection and security
- Protection of people
- Protection of relief equipment and goods
- Communication and information sharing