Title: Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation
1Licensing of Private Rented Accommodation
- Zulfiqar Mulak Head of Private Sector Housing
020 8496 2214 zulfiqar.mulak_at_walthamforest.gov.uk
2Selective Licensing -Update Since last Landlord
- Formal Consultation ended 24th January -1,534
responses 324 from landlords/managing agents,
1,160 from residents. - Alternative Proposal received from Waltham
Landlords and further work done via independent
company(Mayhew associates) - Further Benchmarking Done with other Local
Authorities - All representations considered and report to
cabinet in June 2014 - Decision Approved by Councillors at the Cabinet
meeting on 24th June 2014 Effective from April
2015 - Decision on Fees determined
- Formal public Notices published in Waltham Forest
News, Yellow Advertiser , in local Libraries
3Selective Licensing -Next Steps
- Now moving into implementation phase.
- Objective is for applications to be taken from
January 2015 with Early Bird Discount for 3
months from Go Live (exact date to be
confirmed) - Scheme informed by some basic principles
- As simple as possible - for landlords
- Emphasis on self-certification
- Targeted validation and tough with
misrepresentation - Balanced against the information needed to meet
scheme objectives - On-line application and payment
- Annual review
4Selective Licensing -Next Steps
- Begin detailed work on exactly how the scheme
will operate - Implement the commitments given in the Cabinet
report - To design the operation of the scheme we need to
- Determine administrative policies
- Design processes
- Implement the IT system
- Provide information and guidance for landlords
and tenants - These details have not yet been determined.
- Continue information to and dialogue with
Landlords throughout the process -
5How will Selective Licensing operate?
- Communication and information campaign to
encourage applications from Landlords and inform
Tenants - Landlord guides and FAQs on making an
application - Support for Landlords who want to work with the
council to improve the quality of life for our
residents - Set up a Landlords Focus Group on issues
affecting the PRS - Targeted approach for individual properties
prioritised on unlicensed premises, high ASB,
disrepair and enviro-crime issues. - Carry out compliance checks on licensed premises
and validation checks on information provided on
applications over a 5 year period
Please send all correspondence to us