Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1ECO-CRIMESthe environmental crimes and the role
of the organized crime Antonio
PergolizziItalian Observatory for Environment
and Legality of Legambiente
- The environmental crimes are getting more
worrying than ever due to two factors linked to
the Western countries growth and development
model - Industrialization (toxic waste production, etc.)
- Mass consumerism (well-being, use and throw
culture, etc.) that considers the environment
just to be exploited.
3What does eco-crime mean?
- Interpol definition
- Environmental crime is a serious and growing
international problem, with criminals violating
national and international laws put in place to
protect the environment. These criminals are
polluting the air, water and land. They are
pushing commercially valuable wildlife species
closer to extinction and they are significantly
impacting the biological integrity of the
planet. - In Italy it is indicated with the term of
ECOMAFIA. - Main activities unauthorized building and
illegal disposal of toxic waste.
4Which are the most frequent environmental crimes?
- cement cycle
- waste cycle
- illegal trade in protected species and generally
the animal racket (illegal dog fighting and
horse running) - illegal trade in works of art
5It is on the use/devastation of the territory
that wicked alliances are formed among criminal
groups, businessmen, white collars, corrupted
politicians, financial and bank institutes.
6What Ecomafia Report is?
- Its an annual dossier on environmental crimes in
Italy and abroad - Its the only case in Italy and Europe
- A Report based on data and info taken from Police
dept., from judiciary reports, from journalistic
inquiries and from info collected by Legambiente
local offices.
7What Ecomafia Report is?
- Environmental crimes
- Unauthorized building, water pollution, forest
fire, soil contamination, unauthorized dump, air
pollution, animal racket - Established infraction 23.668 (almost 3 reati
every hour) - Number of people arrested 163
- Number of people reported 20.124
- Seizures made 7.587
8Pollution crime not only damages the environment,
but also results in significant profits for
criminals, in some cases totaling millions of
dollars. The illegal disposal of waste into
waterways, the air and the ground can
significantly damage a communitys livelihood,
destroy jobs and lower property values.
9Italy. The business of the waste disposal
(billion Euro)
10Cement Cycle
Its the whole illegality chain that starts from
the unauthorized quarry, that destroyes entire
hills, damages rivers and beaches for the
acquisition of materials needed for the concrete
production (sand, gravels and rubble) and that
ends with the building of unauthorized properties
(both in private than pubblic areas) up to the
criminal infiltration in pubblic competitive
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13The quarries
- The criminal path, linked to the cement cycle,
starts from the quarries. - Symbol-tool of the territory control
- Precious source of raw material for concrete FOR
FREE - Last act in the waste cycle
14Environmetal crimes and natural disasters
The sack of the territory due to eco-crimes is
one of the main causes of more and more frequent
natural disasters. Es. Unauthorized building in
hydrogeologically fragile areas
15Waste cycle
Its a set of activities that includes the
collecting and disposal of waste producted in a
country. Its very similar to the cement cycle
criminal organizations operate in the market next
to healthy and law-abidhing companies.
16The dealers
- Pubblic sector it contributes to award tenders
for the urban waste collection, transport and
disposal. - Private sector it operates in the market
collecting and transferring of special waste,
most of which from industrial origin. - Private sector It manages processing and
disposal plants.
17Waste are not producted by organized crime.
Clearly there are entrepreneurs who, for saving
reason, prefer to put in organized crimes care
their waste. Disposing legally the waste it
would be too expensive.
18Before and after
Initially the illegal waste management methods
were quite simple transport and dumping of waste
wherever (illegal dump, in the sea,
etc.) Recently there are more sophisticated
19The counterfeiters
To obtain the maximum profit and to reduce costs,
the criminals regularly falsify all documents
that accompanied the waste, so that it seems that
those waste have been processed, recycled (in
nonexistent plants) and not toxic anymore.
20The waste business in Italy
- From 1994 to 2005 there have been established
30.376 infractions related to the waste cycle,
more than 6 crimes per day. - More than 40 is concentrated in regions with
high rate of mafias crime. - In 2006 the illegal business reached 5,8 billion
Euro, 38 compared to 2005. - Total turnover 41,8 billion since 1994.
21The government pays 3 times
- Because of the illegal disposal, it does not earn
anything from the taxes. - It has to go to great expenses for cleaning the
polluted area. - It suffers for the destruction of its territory,
the most precious resource.
- The environment and the citizens heath is under
threat! -
22The environment damages are incalculable
23The favourite victims
- Seas
- Rivers
- Lakes
- Water-bearing stratum
- quarry
- farmland
- air
The waste, instead of being processed in
appropriate plants, are dumped as they are in
farmlands with vegetables and wheat. So all the
pollutants in the waste are being absorbed by the
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26Global environmental crime
Eco-crime is an international business whose
routes cross every corner of the planet. The
legislative fragmentation among the countries and
their inability to act together gives to
organized crime huge advantages.
Pollution do not have borders!
Around the 70 of environmental crimes had
transnational effects (UE, 2003)
27The customs
- Apart from the Italian one, customs of other
countries usually pay little attention on the
flow of hazard material (es. waste) - Usually they do not dialogue with each others
- There are no comprehensive data about their
activities, nor reports, nor analyses.
28International Waste Traffic
- The few studies and researches available admit
the connection between transnational organized
crime and illicit traffics of toxic waste. - See case studies available about the toxic waste
29Starting from 80, the depths of the sea become
the perfect hiding place for illegal disposal of
toxic and radioactive waste. Tens of ships
disappear with their poisoned loads.
30Reasons why the illicit traffics increase
- Huge profits
- Globalization and esponential growth of the world
trade. - Low risks to be uncovered
- Inadequate sanctions
31Its always about money
- The owners of Italian companies and dumps, in
order to get rid of 15 tons of hazardous waste
legally, have to pay around 60.000 euro. - For the same amount of waste, the illegal market
in Orient asks only 5.000 Euro.
32Basel Convention (1989 )
It forbids the export of waste from
industrialized countries to the developing ones
which are parts of the Convention.
London Convention (1972)
It considerably limits the list of waste that can
be dip. It forbids in particular the dip of any
kind of radioactive waste.
February 2007 Proposal of the directive of the
European Commission about environmental crimes.
Main objectives (Legambientes battle since 1994)
To oblige Member States to treat serious offences
against the environment as criminal acts and to
ensure that they are effectively sanctioned To
give norms that Member States have to acknowledge
to guarantee the SAME treatments and repressions
against environmental crimes.
34Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said "The
recent hazardous waste disaster in the Ivory
Coast shows how environmental crimes can have
devastating effects on people and the
environment. It also underlines once again how
urgent it is to improve the way environmental
legislation is enforced in order to avoid such
incidents". Franco Frattini, the Commission's
Vice-President responsible for Justice, Freedom
and Security, said "The proposed directive is
crucial to avoid criminals profiting from the
existing discrepancies in Member States' criminal
law systems which damage the European
environment. We cannot allow safe-havens of
environmental crime inside the EU".
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