Title: Recent Trends in European Shrimp Markets
1Recent Trends in European Shrimp Markets
- Gerry OSullivan
- Globefish FAO
- World Shrimp Markets Conference, Madrid
- October 2004
2Recent trends in European shrimp markets
- Increasing import volumes
- Falling euro prices at import level for farmed
shrimp - Contrasting fortunes of Argentina and Brazil
- Boom in chilled precooked sector
- Increasing import share for Indonesia in key
3Upward trend in EU (15) shrimp imports
4Spain largest net importer of shrimps in 2002
5Volume imports up in key European markets in 2003
6Import value of top 5 markets at 2.4 billion
7Upward trend in Spanish imports
8Latin American countries the lead suppliers to
9Increase in Spanish frozen shrimp imports this
year Brazil consolidates its position as second
10French shrimp imports passed the 90 000 MT mark
in 2003
11Strong increase in French imports of Brazilian
shrimp in 2003
12Strong increase in French imports of Brazilian
shrimp has continued into 2004
13France leading the boom in chilled cooked whole
shrimp sales
14UK also reached 90 000 MT level in 2003
15UK retail sales up this year for natural shrimp
16Italian imports fluctuating around50 000 tonnes
in recent years
17Ecuador the leading volume supplier of frozen
shrimp to Italy in 2004
18Volume imports up in all key markets except UK
this year
19Import share of top 3 Asian suppliers Germany
and the UK more dependent on Asia
20Indonesia increasing market share in all 5 markets
21Frozen shrimp import values down in all key
markets this year
22Spanish import prices for both farmed and wild
are down this year / kg
23Average import prices for French frozen shrimps
have continued to fall this year with Brazil at
- Issues
- Dollar rate
- European consumer demand
- Impact of US anti-dumping action
- Latin American supplies
- China more active in Europe ?
- Pick up in prices for second half of 2004 ?
- Shift from frozen to chilled retail sales in
certain markets - Increase in value added chilled shrimp segment