Title: Kentucky Watershed Modeling Information Portal KWMIP
1Kentucky Watershed Modeling Information Portal
- Kentucky Watershed Modeling Information Portal
Objectives - Improve efficiency and quality for 2-5 selected
watershed models. - Leverage existing data and current projects.
- Interface with USEPAs Environmental Information
Exchange Network (EIEN) - Allow for future inclusion/expansion to KY node
of EIEN (TEMPO/COMPASS). - Train KY water resource managers and modelers.
- Vendor neutral links to GIS and databases
- E-commerce for long term viability.
- What is a watershed model?
- Simulates hydrologic and/or pollutant processes
at a watershed scale, over time - Precipitation, overland runoff, infiltration,
evapotranspiration - Pollutant deposition, buildup, wash-off
- Pollutant transformation processes
KWMIP Award 2 year, 750,000 Cooperative
Agreement between USEPA and KY Commonwealth
Office of Technology (10/04 9/06)
- KWMIP Includes
- Training Water resources managers and modelers
- Communication Broad public and private sector
- Maintain and Finance Operational System
- Long-term OM plan will be developed
- Finance with e-commerce fees for private sector
users - Government use will be free
- Web-Enable GeoBook EPAs Ecological Framework
GeoBook for Southeast will be web-enabled.
Technical Advisory Group
- -Participate in User Needs Assessment
- Federal, state, local agencies
- Academics
- Professional Organizations
- Non-profit groups
- Consultants
- 80 invitations
- Meetings start 8/26 8/29
- Kentucky Precipitation and Temperature Model
- Distance-weighting approach using X-Y-Z data
- More robust than classical area-polygon methods
- Data Sources
- Daily rainfall records from COOP network
- Hourly rainfall records from first-order NWS
network - Hourly radar images (NEXRAD)
- KWMIP Construction
- User Needs Assessment ID watershed modeling
needs. - Project partners and Technical Advisory Group
(TAG) - Use Cases for System Design -
- User Needs Assessment and Use Case Scenarios
- Results shape System Design
- Build and Test Pilot System
- Built by OGC tested by partners and TAG
- Include statewide precipitation temperature
model, built by USGS - Install Operational System on COT server
- KWMIP In Action!
- Trained modelers select from 2 to 5 supported
models and a watershed or area of interest. - KWMIP locates necessary data, clips, formats and
ships to modeler for use.
KY Climate Stations
- KWMIP Leverages Data and Projects!
- Kentucky Landscape Snapshot - updated land use,
impervious surface cover www.kls.ky.gov - Kentucky Landscape Census land use change
www.klc.ky.gov - USGS Stream Stats point click drainage
areas, streamflow for gauged and ungauged
streams, 1st order estimates of N P from
SPARROW model (under construction)
www.kygeonet.ky.gov/kyhydro/viewer.htm Stream
Data Layer - Multi-Agency Karst Hydrography Initiative
Improve watershed boundaries, karst system maps,
Improve understanding of surface ground water
interactions - USEPA Environmental Information Exchange Network
www.exchangenetwork.net - EPA Region IV Modeling Toolbox BASINS
Databases, GIS, Models, currently has links to
static data GIS www.epa.gov\athens\wwqtsc - KY GeoNet Numerous KY geographic data layers
useful for modeling www.kygeonet.ky.gov
Dataset Translator / Filter Provides Spatially
Accurate, Scaled, Formatted Data to Develop
Run Model(s)
E-Commerce For non-govt
Supported Model
Supported Model
Supported Model
Supported Model
Supported Model
KWMIP Principal Investigator Gary.Harp_at_ky.gov Gov
ernment Technical Lead Demetrio.Zourarakis_at_ky.gov
Project Coordinator KSchaffer_at_fmsm.com Project
Website http//kwmip.ky.gov/