Title: Kim and Kristine Halverson Realty
1Kim Kristine HalversonBerkshire Hathaway Home
Services3130 Wilshire Boulevard 100, Santa
Monica, CA 90403(310) 737-8173
Santa Monica real estate market heating up
Realtors say the prices for homes in the Santa
Monica real estate market are rising
2News of celebrities buying property in the Santa
Monica real estate market is not really news
until a celebrity with a history of flipping
property shows up to buy a home. Grammy-winning
musician Beck recently bought a home for 2.7
million in Santa Monica. Beck has a history of
buying properties and then reselling them at a
profit within a couple of years of the purchase.
His latest buy is a 2.456 square foot home with 5
bedrooms and 3 baths. Its interesting to note
that Beck invests in real estate and has made
sizable profits when he decides to sell, said
Kim Halverson of the Santa Monica real estate
company Berkshire Hathaway Home Services. Based
strictly in whats done in the past, this
indicates Beck believes the housing market here
is going to get better. Thats exactly what were
seeing as well.
3That prediction is backed up by current market
forces and others who watch and make predictions
on what Santa Monica real estate is going to
do. A recent news story in the Santa Clarita
Valley Signal interviewed industry experts. Their
information shows Santa Monica is one of the
leaders in Real Estate growth across the Los
Angeles region. Again, exactly what were
seeing. Homeowners are coming to us and asking if
this is a good time to sell. We check what they
paid, what they owe and offer our best advice.
Homeowners who bought property at sharp discounts
after the housing bust are now seeing substantial
appreciation in values. So for them, yes, now is
a good time to sell, said Kristine Halverson.
4Because the market is heating up, now is also the
time to buy. Kim said with values rising
regularly, a homeowner looking needs to move fast
to get the best possible price. She said some
properties, like that Beck purchased, are being
sold for a bit more than the asking price. Its
very competitive, she said. Santa Monica
homeowners are ready to sell their house and are
finding plenty of willing buyers. Deals are out
there, but you have to be on your toes. Your real
estate agent has to really know this
market. For more information on the sisters,
their real estate company or to view listings,
visit http//kimandkristine.tv