Title: RoleBased Security Solutions
1Role-Based Security Solutions
- Albert Torres
- Director of IT and RD
- albert_at_payplusbenefits.com
- www.payplussolutions.com
- December 7th, 2004
- Background
- Define the current problem
- Define Role-Based Security
- How does this solution work
- Conclusion
- The driving force behind Role-Based Security is
the shift towards an information-based business
economy and the Internet.
- Most business organizations realize that
information must be stored, retrieved, analyzed,
and acted on at a moment's notice.
- Today more people need
- More access
- More security
- More information
- More often
- In order to make more decisions
- Businesses are operating under hyper-competition.
- One of the primary purposes of an information
system is decision support.
- Every person involved in the organization
participates in some level of decision making.
6Define the Problem
- Most information systems were designed before the
current implementation or use of the Internet.
- Many information systems can have an
unprecedented amount of information.
7Define the Problem
- While solving one problem of granting more
information, it created a whole new set of
- Some examples include
- Privacy and Security Concerns
- New regulations such as
- HIPPA Compliance
8Define the Problem
- Privacy and Security Concerns
- A large amount of personal information about each
of us is stored in various computers. Personal
data can be used in identity theft or fraud. An
imposter may create fake financial accounts and
run up huge debts, or may simply appropriate
someone else's finances.
9Define the Problem
- HIPAA Compliance
- The U.S. Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) is not specifically an
Internet privacy law, but it does address the
sharing of health-related information and
therefore could affect many online businesses.
Although HIPAA has become effective, the rules
are controversial and compliance with these rules
are burdensome and complicated.
10Define the Problem
- One of the most challenging problems in managing
large networked systems is the complexity of
security administration.
- Security administration is costly and prone to
error because administrators usually specify
access control lists for each user on the system
11Define Role-Based Security
- Role-based security is a technology that is
attracting increasing attention, particularly for
commercial applications, because of its potential
for reducing the complexity and cost of security
administration in large networked applications.
12Define Role-Based Security
- With role-based security, permissions are managed
at a level that corresponds closely to the
organization's structure.
- Each user is assigned one or more roles, and each
role is assigned one or more sets of access
privileges that are permitted to users in that
13Define Role-Based Security
- Role-based security administration consists of
determining the operations that must be executed
by persons in particular jobs, and assigning
employees to the proper roles. - Role-based security makes security administration
far easier and less prone to holes in the
access rights of individuals.
14How does this solution work
- In terms of role-based security, access is the
ability to do something (e.g. use, change, or
view) a computer resource. Role-based security
can prescribe not only who or what process may
have access to a specific system resource, but
also the type of access that is permitted.
15How does this solution work
- With role-based access control, access decisions
are based on the roles that individual users have
as part of an organization. Users take on
assigned roles, such as doctor, nurse, teller,
16How does this solution work
- One of the keys to accomplishing Role-Based
Security was breaking each field in the data
warehouse and not viewing information in terms of
17How does this solution work
18How does this solution work
- The process of defining roles should be based on
a thorough analysis of how an organization
operates. It should include input from a wide
spectrum of users in an organization, including
- The use of roles to control access can be an
effective means for developing and enforcing
enterprise-specific security policies and for
streamlining the security management process.
21Albert Torres Director of IT and RD albert_at_payp
lusbenefits.com www.payplussolutions.com 1110
North Center Parkway Suite B Kennewick, WA 99336
Phone (509) 735-1143