Term Structure of Interest Rates

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Term Structure of Interest Rates


The interest rate charged (or paid) for money depends on the length of time that ... The known interest rate of a 1-year Treasury bill gives s1. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Term Structure of Interest Rates

Term Structure of Interest Rates
  • Earlier, we assumed a single interest rate. Now
    we relax this assumption and consider different
    interest rates by periods. The result will be
    more realistic models and analysis.

  • Factors affecting bond yield to maturity
  • - quality (lower quality ? higher yield
  • - time to maturity long bonds tend to offer
    higher yields than short bonds of the same
    quality (more risk in long bonds)
  • Inverted Yield Curve. Sometimes long bonds have
    lower yields than short bonds. Short-term rates
    may increase rapidly, but investors may believe
    the increase is temporary, so that long-term
    yields remain near their previous levels.

  • Important question to consider in studying a
    bond. How does its yield and maturity compare
    with others in its risk class? A bond which is
    far from the curve is usually there for a good
    reason bond-specific call features, or concerns
    about insolvency.

  • Term Structure
  • Term structure provides a more basic theory than
    is available by just using a yield curve. It
    provides more insight into interest rates than
    the yield curve does.
  • Basic Idea. The interest rate charged (or paid)
    for money depends on the length of time that the
    money is held.
  • The spot rate st is the rate of interest,
    expressed in yearly terms, charged (or paid) for
    money held from the present until time t. Both
    interest and principal are paid at time t.

  • Examples
  • 1) One-year spot rate, s1 5.
  • You deposit 1,000 in a bank today. At the end
    of a year the bank pays you 1,000 ? 1.05
  • 2) Two-year spot rate, s2 5.5
  • You deposit 1,000 in a bank today. At the end
    of 2 years the bank pays you 1,000 ? 1.0552
  • 3) t-year spot rate, st
  • You deposit 1,000 in a bank today. At the end
    of t years the bank pays you 1,000 ? (1st)t

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  • Discount Factors and Present Value
  • For each spot rate st there is a discount factor
    dt. The discount factor is the reciprocal of the
    growth factor the spot rate defines.
  • If, using the spot rate st, an amount M grows to

  • M gt M in t years, then M dt ? M. The
    discount factor is the factor by which future
    cash flows must be multiplied to obtain an
    equivalent present value. That is, dt 1/gt .
  • Given CFS (x0, x1, , xn)
  • PV x0 d1 x1 d2 x2 dn xn.

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  • Determining the Spot Rate
  • If we know the prices of a series of zero-coupon
    bonds with various maturity dates, we can use
    their yields to define the spot rates. Such
    information may be sparse, or unavailable.
    However there are some other ways to determine
    spot rates.

  • Example. Using one spot rate to compute
  • The known interest rate of a 1-year Treasury bill
    gives s1.
  • Now consider a 2-year bond, with price P, coupon
    payments of C, and face value F. The price
    should satisfy
  • P C/(1s1) (C F)/(1s2)2.
  • We can solve this equation for s2, since we know
    all the other terms.
  • Similarly, if we find a 3-year bond, by knowing
    s1 and s2 we can compute s3. Continuing in this
    way, we can find s4, then s5, etc.

Solve for s2.
  • Example 4.3 Construction of a zero (p. 77).
    Cancellation approach.
  • Bond A is a 10-year bond with a 10 coupon, and
    PV of PVA. Bond B is a 10-year bond with an 8
    coupon, and PV of PVB. Bonds A and B have prices
    of 98.72 and 85.89 respectively.
  • A 10 years, 10, PA 98.72, normalized face
    value 100
  • B 10 years, 8, PB 85.89, normalized face
    value 100.

  • Buy uA units of bond A, uB units of bond B.
  • Bond A coupon value CA 1 ? 100
  • Bond B coupon value CB 0.8 ? 100
  • key idea choose uA, uB to get uA ? CA uB ? CB
    , then uBB -uAA is a zero coupon bond because
    coupon payments of the new instrument equal zero
  • With uA0.8 and uB1 we have uA ? CA uB ? CB

  • Price of new instrument equals
  • P uBPB -uAPA 1 ? 85.89 - 0.8 ? 98.72 6.914
  • Face value equals
  • F uBFB -uAFA1 ? 100 - 0.8 ? 100 20
  • Interest rate s10 can be found from the equation
  • 6.914 20/(1s10)10 ? 6.914 20/(1s10)10
  • Conclude s10 11.2065

Forward Rates
  • Example. A bank offers spot rates s1, s2.
  • 1) We put 100 in a 2-year account. Its value at
    the end of 2 years is 100 ? (1s2)2.
  • 2) Alternatively, we put 100 in a 1-year account
    today. We know its value in 1 year will be 100 ?
    (1s1). We also arrange today to loan the
    proceeds for 1 year, beginning in a year. The
    loan will accrue interest at a rate of f which we
    agree upon today. The rate f is called the
    forward rate. At the end of 2 years we receive
  • 100 ? (1s1) ? (1f).

  • Forward rates are interest rates for money to be
    borrowed between two dates in the future, but
    under terms agreed upon today.
  • Two alternatives
  • - returns 100 ? (1s2)2
  • - returns 100 ? (1s1) ? (1f )
  • By the comparison principle, we should get the
    same return either way
  • (1s2)2 (1s1) ? (1f ) ? f (1s2)2
    /(1s1) 1

  • Example 4.4. s1 7, s2 8.
  • f (1s2)2 /(1s1) 1 (1.08)2 /(1.07)
    1 0.09009 ? 9.01.
  • An arbitrage argument justifies the comparison
  • This argument assumes no transaction costs, and
    identical borrowing and lending rates. These are
    not bad assumptions for large transactions and
    highly competitive lending/borrowing markets.
  • Even if we do not make the arbitrage assumption,
    the comparison principle is reasonable. If there
    were a difference in rates between the two
    alternatives, both investors and borrowers
    involved in 2-year loans would choose the best
    alternative. Market forces would tend to adjust
    the rates.

  • Forward rate definition. The forward rate
    between times t1 and t2 with t1 by f(t1,t2). It is the rate of interest, agreed
    upon today, charged for borrowing money at time
    t1 which is to be repaid (with interest) at time
  • Notation Comment. If t1 i, t2 j, we write
    fij or fi,j instead of f(t1,t2).
  • Forward rates are usually expressed on an
    annualized basis, just like spot rates and other

  • Remarks
  • The forward rate for lending may differ from that
    for borrowing.
  • Calculated forward rates, determined from a set
    of spot rates, are often called implied forward
  • A market forward rate is one charged in the

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  • m periods per year
  • (1sj/m)j (1si/m)i ? (1fi,j/m)j-I
  • forward rate equals
  • fi,j m (1sj/m)j/(1si/m)i1/(j-i) - m
  • Continuous time
  • est? t? est t ef(t,t?) (t?-t)
  • forward rate equals
  • f(t,t?) st? t? st t/(t? t)

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Term Structure Explanations
  • Basic Question. Why are the yield curves, and
    spot rate curves, almost never flat?
  • - If the curves were flat, they would be like
    common interest rates.
  • - Why do they usually slope upwards?
  • Three standard answers to the question
  • - Expectations Theory
  • - Liquidity Preference (liquidity risk, interest
    rate risk
  • s)
  • - Market Segmentation

  • Expectations Theory Explanation
  • Spot rates are determined by expectations of
    what rates will be in the future.
  • - If the curve slopes upwards, it is because the
    market believes that the 1-year rate will likely
    go up next year. (e.g., inflation.)
  • - An expectation is only an average guess, not
    definite information.
  • Expectations can be expressed in terms of forward
    rates more precisely.

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  • Weaknesses of expectations theory
  • The market expects rates to increase whenever the
    spot rate curve slopes upwards practically all
    the time.
  • Rates do not go up as often as expectations would

  • Liquidity Preference (liquidity and interest
    rate risk)
  • In this context, liquidity means investors
    prefer short-term bonds to long-term bonds. They
    may need to sell their bonds soon, and know
    short-term bonds are less sensitive to interest
    rate changes than long-term bonds. To induce
    investors into long-term instruments, better
    rates must be offered.
  • (Liquidity usually means that the investments can
    be easily bought and sold. A 1-year treasury
    note would be liquid real estate might not be.
    Long-term bonds are in fact liquid in the sense
    that they are easily bought or sold.)

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  • Moderated Version of Market Segmentation
  • Although the market is basically segmented,
    individual investors are willing to shift
    segments if the rates in an adjacent segment are
    substantially more attractive than those of the
    main target segment.
  • This willingness to shift means rates in adjacent
    segments must bear some relationship to each
    other, and be a curve instead of a jumble of
    disjointed numbers.


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  • Short Rates
  • Short rates are the forward rates spanning a
    single time period.
  • The set of short rates completely specifies a
    term structure. Thus, they can be considered
    just as fundamental as spot rates, which also
    completely specify a term structure.


  • We can compute spot rates from short rates.
    Interest earned from time 0 to time k is the same
    as interest that would be earned by rolling over
    an investment each year. That is,
  • (1sk)k (1r0)(1r1) ... (1rk-1)
  • If we knew the short rates, we could compute sk.

  • Example
  • (1s2) 2 (1r0)(1r1) ? (1.0645)2
  • See file FORWARDS.XLS with an example.

  • Invariance Theorem
  • This theorem basically says the following. If
    interest rates evolve according to expectation
    dynamics, and you invest a sum of money in F-I
    securities in almost anyway whatsoever for n
    years, then you get the same amount at the end of
    year n. In other words, under expectation
    dynamics, how you invest in F-I securities does
    not much matter. Every investment strategy would
    yield the same result as investing in a single
    zero-coupon bond for n years.

  • Implications of Invariance Theorem.
  • The result is useful for structuring an actual
    F-I portfolio. It implies that the only reason
    for selecting a mixture of bonds must be due to
    anticipated deviations from expectation dynamics
    deviations of the realized short rates from
    their originally implied values.
  • In a sense, expectation dynamics is the simplest
    assumption about the future, because it implies
    your investment results do not depend upon your
    investment strategy.

  • Running Present Value
  • Running PV is an alternative, recursive approach
    to computing PV.
  • - is the preferred calculation approach in later
  • - uses concepts of expectation dynamics,
  • - does not require the assumption that rates
    follow expectations dynamics.

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  • Example for insight
  • CFS (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) with PV PV(0)
  • PV(0) ? x0 d1 x1 d2 x2 d3 x3 d4 x4
  • x0 d1x1 d2/d1 x2 d3/d1 x3
    d4/d1 x4
  • x0 d1 PV(1)
  • recall dik dij djk, i

  • Continuing recursively we have
  • PV(4) x4
  • PV(3) x3 d34 PV(4)
  • PV(2) x2 d23 PV(3)
  • PV(1) x1 d12 PV(2)
  • PV(0) x0 d01 PV(1)

  • Thus running PV always uses short rates to
    determine the discount factors.
  • rk fk,k1 is the short rate at time k.
  • dk,k1 1/(1fk,k1) 1/(1rk)
  • Reminder. The above rates are all computed
    starting with the spot rates, sk
  • rk fk,k1 (1sk1)k1/(1sk)k - 1, for
    all k,

  • Present value updating
  • PV(k) xk dk,k1 ? PV(k1), k 0, 1., ...,
  • dk,k1 1/(1fk,k1) 1/(1rk)
  • To carry out the computations in a recursive
    manner the process is initiated at the final
    time. One first calculates PV(n) xn and then
    continue the process backward.

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  • Flat Spot Rates
  • If every spot rate sk r, then every forward
    rate r. This means every dk,k1 1/(1r).
    This means, for the CFS (x0,x1, ..., xn), RPV
  • PV(n) xn
  • PV(k) xk dk,k1 ? PV(k1), k 0, 1., ...,
  • PV(k) xk 1/(1r) ? PV(k1), k 0, 1., ...,

Floating Rate Bonds
  • A floating rate note or bond has
  • a fixed face value,
  • a fixed maturity,
  • its coupon payments are tied to current (short)
    rates of interest.

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  • Comments
  • We do not know the exact value of future coupon
    payments until 6 months before they are due.
  • This makes it look difficult to assess the value
    of such a bond.
  • In fact, the value is easy to deduce.

  • Reminder. Yied of the par bond equals the
    interest rate. Value of par bond at coupon
    payment times equal to face value. A par bond
    with a 10,000 face (or par value) pays 10,000
    at maturity.
  • Theorem 4.1 Floating Rate Value. The value of
    a floating rate bond is equal to par at any reset

Portfolio Duration Revisited
  • Earlier duration ideas were based on the idea of
    a yield that was invariant with time. Changes in
    yield,e.g., spot rate changes, can create risk.
    In the term structure framework, we consider a
    different, yet related measure of risk.
  • A flat spot rate curve would represent yield.
    Changes in the yield would thus move the curve up
    or down, creating parallel shifts.

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  • Shifting spot rate curve
  • Initial spot rates
  • s1, s2, ..., sn
  • Shifted spot rates
  • s1 ?, s2 ?, ..., sn ?

  • The term ? is the amount of the shift (? ? 0)

  • Fisher-Weil Duration (continuous compounding)
  • CFS (xt0, xt1, xt2, ..., xtn)
  • Spot Rate Curve st0, st1, st2, ..., stn
  • Present Value of CFS
  • PV xt0 e-st0 t0 xt1 e-st1 t1 xt2 e-st2 t2
    ... xtn e-stn tn
  • Fisher-Weil Duration DFW
  • (t0 xt0 e-st0 t0 t1 xt1 e-st1 t1 t2 xt2 e-st2
    t2 ...
  • tn xtn e-stn tn) / PV

  • Fisher-Weil Duration uses
  • xt0 e-st0 t0/PV as the weight of t0,
  • xt1 e-st1 t1/PV as the weight of t1
  • xt2 e-st2 t2/PV as the weight of t2
  • ...
  • xtn e-stn tn/PV as the weight of tn
  • These weights total to one. DFW is between the
    minimum and maximum of the ti (when each weight
    is nonnegative).

  • Price/Present Value of CFS as function of ?
  • P(?) xt0 e-(st0 ?) t0 xt1 e-(st1 ?) t1
    ... xtn e-(stn ?) tn
  • When ? 0 we get the current PV. The rate of
    change of P(?) in the neighborhood of 0 is the
    rate of change of the price as ? changes from 0.
    Denote by PV?(0) the first derivative of P(?)
    evaluated at ? 0. Since the derivative of eax
    wrt x is aeax, we find
  • P?(0) - (t0 xt0 e-st0 t0 t1 xt1 e-st1 t1
    t2 xt2 e-st2 t2 ...
  • tn xtn e-stn tn) DFW ? PV(0)

  • Calculating of sensitivities
  • Note it is essentially the same formula we found
    for yield sensitivity in Ch. 3. ( (1/P) dP/d?
    - DM ).

  • Discrete-Time Compounding
  • For the CFS (x0, x1, x2, ..., xn) with
    compounding m times per year, and spot rate sk
    for each period k, P(0) is the present
    value/price of the CFS. When we add ? to each
    spot rate in the equation for P(0) we get P(?).

  • Discrete-Time Compounding (Contd)
  • The derivative of P(?) evaluated at 0, P?(0), is
    the rate of change of the price with respect to ?
    when ? is currently 0

  • Quasi-modified duration
  • Quasi-modified duration satisfies
  • P?(0)/P(0) DQ.

Immunization Revisited
  • The earlier approach in Chapter 3, when there is
    only one interest rate, generalizes in a direct
    manner to protect against a spot rate parallel

  • Example illustrating immunization approach
  • We have a 1 M obligation payable in 5 years
    (Spot rate curve from Table 4.4, s5
  • We wish to choose an immunized bond portfolio.
  • We consider 2 bonds, each with face value 100
  • Bond B1 12-year, 6 bond with price 65.95
  • Bond B2 5-year, 10 bond with price 101.66.

  • Approach (Matching equations, Goal Programming)
  • We want to find x1 and x2, the number of units of
    bonds 1 and 2 respectively, to purchase to
    immunize our portfolio.

  • Steps
  • Compute P1 65.95, P2 101.66, PVs of bonds
    1 and 2.
  • Compute D1, D2, the quasi-modified durations of
    bonds 1 and 2.
  • Compute PV, the present value of the obligation,

  • 1 M/(1s5)5 627,903.01.
  • Compute D, the quasi-modifed duration of the
    obligation, 5/(1s5) 4.56.
  • Solve the equations and get
  • x1 2,208.17, x2 4,744.03

  • Table 4.5. Immunization Results. The overall
    portfolio is immunized against parallel shifts in
    the spot rate curve.

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  • Steps
  • dt 1/(1st)t is the discount factor for year t
  • Multiply each cash flow by dt to get contribution
    to PV
  • Total PV contributions to get PV for each bond
    (65.95, 101.66).
  • -PV?1 gives the contributions to PV?1 multiply
    each cash flow by t and by (1st)-(t1) to get
    these contributions.
  • Total the -PV?1 contributions to get -PV?1
  • Divide 466 by 65.95 to get the duration for bond
  • Similarly for bond 2.

  • Summary
  • CFS (x0, x1, x2, ..., xn)
  • n
  • P(?) ? xk 1 (sk ?)/m-k
  • k0
  • is the PV of the CFS with a shift of ? and
    compounding m times per year.

  • Summary (Contd)
  • Note PV P(0) is the PV with no shift.
  • n
  • P?(0) - ? (k/m) xk 1 sk/m-(k1)
  • k0
  • is the rate of change of P(?) with respect to ?
    when ? 0.
  • DQ -P(0)/P(0) is the quasi-modified duration
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